hello all am leaving game soon dunnow why most of u kno me as a annoyin little kid witch i sitll am lolzzzz i wish u good luck and if u need eny gear il be on my merc Ahillies just come ask me for stuff bye all.
Hmmm didnt want u to leave game tbh , i know we had our differences and i still think your an annoying kid, but i guess thats part of the charm of it. I had heard u were going to Midgard from someone, maybe thats a better idea then quitting ahillies. You can start again and perhaps change your attitude a little , and u get to kill people u didnt like <like me lol> at the same time.
Well its your choice, annoying little shite that u were, if u do decide to leave Daoc, good luck in real life with whatever u pursue as a choice after u leave school
And no hard feelings eh, we were good mates when we first met
But well , choose to hate me still if u want but i guess ill let it all be now, and HALF apolagise <lol> for some of the things i said
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