Bye for now


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 5, 2004
It is time to say goodbye.

Its been almost 2 years, 6 lvl 50s, lots of raids, realmpoints and masterlevels, lots of joy and anger, friends and enemys, good and bad experiences and now I feel its time to move on to something new.

The reason for this is mainly ToA. Not the usual complaints about not being able to get all artifacts and masterlevels, after all, I have completed ML10 and have all items I need and im not exactly what u would call a casual player, no what made me loose all interest in this game was to see how people and even guilds I thought I knew and respected turned into complete different people that are willing to do anything, even steal and hurt innocent people, just to get this or that item not caring about other peoples feelings simply because ToA made it possible to do so. (Oh well, to see friends sad because they had a hard time get the ML's and Artifacts and scrolls and so on didnt make it better either.)

But now, I dont wanna start another thread about greed, claiming items, stealing, excluding less wanted classes from groups and so on, I just wanna say goodbye and thanks to all that made my time in DAoC something worth to remember (and yes, even those that flamed me, those I argued with and those I flamed made it worth to remember, maybe by teaching me more about how people can behave).

Now I cant make a list of you, I will certainly forgot someone that has been important, even people that I dont know but say, has been in one of my raids or something and been nice and friendly. People I've met for 5 mins of dueling in Aegir late at night that gave me a laugh and a goodtime. People that have given me something I needed, rezzed me, talked to me and tried to entertain me while I was dying of boredom in Malmo when my first char was about to ding 50, told me the way to Raumarik and didnt wanna kill me when I constantly got lost and had to ask again and again. People and moments like that, things worth to remember even tho I cant remember each and everyone of you. After all, if you are someone that I consider friend u know that and for you guys that has been nice and friendly to me, if I missed to say thx back then I do it now :)

It's a few weeks til my account expires and this time I wont renew it, but I might log in a few times before shutdown. Also I will most probably be back to check in NF (and if the rumours are true, be nothing more than a dusteating meatshield ; ) and maybe Catacombs but until that - gl hf cya :)

Iri the Savage
Iricin the Shaman
Newen the Skald
Apoptygma the Warrior
Khrin the Huntress
Khra the Berserker


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Sad to see you go Khrin, I suck a goodbyes so i'll just say:

Later. :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004

You are mostly responsible for getting a lot of midgard people (including myself) over the last 2 months to ML6 - and for that - I am truly grateful.

Don't let the bastards grind you down and all that - if you don't enjoy the game anymore - then there are other things to do in real life or other games to play.......but if you find that after a few weeks / months that you have a few hours to kill - come back and play - as it would be a waste of all those artifacts and master levels that you have :)

Take care man

Oli - Illu / Illusb


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thats just too bad mate :(
Take care and hang in there, i would personally wait for NF to see if that brings some fun back in the game. Enjoyed all of your raids as far as i attended em



Ralgedi Smurf

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Cya in NF i hope, you where allways glad to help people when needed, take care until next time you decide to visit us :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
You led alot of good raids. Shame to see you go, because the midgard community need people like you. Hope to see you back soon, but if you arent enjoying yourself you are of course making the right decision. /salute


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
:( i will miss you hun, miss you and our talks so much :(
but have fun in Rl and take good care of that Puritan of yours.

see you laters hun :)
<warm hug>



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 25, 2004
:( Really sorry to see you leave, my sexy huntress partner. Now what am i gonna use stealth for if not to sneak up on you and peek at your pink panties? :eek7:

Can´t thank you enough for all the help i have received during my time as a shoulder bearded and limping bow user. I would not be as sexy looking without the time and effort you put into helping a poor and lonely hunter like myself.

I wish you the best IRL and will cross my fingers for the return of the Queen in NF.


Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

I was on your ML5 and ML6 raid and it all went very smooth and you were fair and waited for people all the time. Too bad you isn't leading the next ML7 raid.. was looking forward to it :(

I hope you change your mind and come back ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
As you say, TOA have had a very bad impact on daoc, the community, and the game concept, seem to have faultered after TOA, i really hope Mythic have seen this and restore some ballance to the game again, coz where it is headed now it surely wont last long.
hope you have a good time in rl-life untill you'r return, "if u return"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003

Sad to see u go Khrin, I just hope u change your mind when NF opens in Europe. GL and hope to see u soon again.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Bye bye Khrin
It is always sad to see how the greed and superficial behaviour of some ppl affects our whole realm. How nice persons, like you Khrin, are made to feel sooo bad that their only way is to /leave Midgard.

I sure hope to see you again when NF comes out, we are going to need BG leaders like you!

/hugs and /kisses
and see you back soon!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
You can´t leave me now Iri.

I understand how you feel about the peoples greed and behaviour in TOA, and seriously i gotta agree.
Its just a game, although you spent alot of time with it, but some just wanna sneak around that and cheat :(

Im gonna miss you Iri, we had such good times together, everything from dueling at lvl 24, questing and raiding :)
I really hope you drop by again in NF.

Good luck with whatever you are going to do. I guess even Puritan has quitted for the time being. Wish him luck too :)

Best regards from your gimpy warrior friend :)

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