Bye bye rugged



:( rugged stopped with daoc after a long and great time in albion he told me he was stopping

/wave best luck too you sweety and gl in real life m8


i saw him yesterday playing MAtje in DF :)

i was farming seals for guild


Bye bye rugged :(

/em sits in the corner crying.


both rugged and sollers have left the game tonight and I doubt they will be back.....most come back but don't think these 2 are :( Best of luck to two superb players and even greater friends. It's been a privelege to know ya both in game



Now look what you made me do Sollers. Had to make an account on Barry's.

It's always sad when players leave this game. Suppose a couple of albs less isn't to bad, but when it's players like you and Rugged.....
Had many good 1on1 fights with you in Odin's, Hadrian's, Sauvage.
Didn't go to well whenever you had Rugged with you :p
Never had any real 1on1 with him though. Guess we both knew i couldn't kill him and he couldn't catch me, so we just gave eachother a wave when we met.
But when i met you solo, i knew i was in for a good fight :)
To bad our last encounter in Sauvage didn't go to well, when a couple of mid stealthers decided to interfer. :(

I really appreciated that u made a char on mid before u logged for the last time, so we could have a chat. :)

Good bye to the both of you :)

2 albions that i respected.



Well said my bb`s ingame already but have to say here too,good luck in future mates,good players and good persons - sad to see you go... but RL > daoc always



Bye bye.. Too bad but hey: If you don't like the game anymore, you have to quit it, right?


snif, why do all the good players leave ? :-(


look what u guys have done now... i'm crying again :'(

I will miss u guys a lot... i...
<grabs a handkerchief and runs out the room crying>


Bye to 2 gr8 players :(

Good luck with wot ever ya do.


Bye bye Matje, Sollers and Kcinimodus

you will all be missed


i hope truly you will find the pleaseure in the game later on.

hopefully you will be back

trust me the irl thingy is overrated ;)

best of luck



Goodbye Sollers, Rugg/Matje, been a pleasure to know u and this realm will sure be more empty w/o you here. You always been helpful to me :)

Gotta hate when good ppls leave , albion running out of em unfortunately =/

Take care guys


Thx for the support guys.... Was going to make a goodbye topic, but would be a bit silly with this one alrdy going on. I would like to say goodbye to all the ppl whom i got to know, you know who you are. I made some good friends in Albion, and it really hurts to have to say goodbye to you, but it's necessary to get my RL together (must sound familiar) cause it's really crap atm.

Thx DVE for the great times, and good luck to Semper Fidelis with the new guild.
And i wish you all in Albion good luck and much fun (something i did not always have the past few weeks)... Well ok, ppl in Midgard and Hibernia as well then ;)

Matje/Rugged out.


Well... I did leave indeed

I didn't plan on making a goodbye post since I figured nobody would miss a gimpy old sorc like me. Surprisingly/Luckily.. I was wrong :)

Had a great time in daoc, it's a great game, and I met some, even greater, people. Though.. it really is time for me to organise my real-life again. It's a bloody mess after 1+ year of DAOC. Nevertheless.. wouldn't have missed this game and, more important, these friends for the world!

I spend the last few days saying goodbye to all friends I made since beta. To the ones I haven't said goodbye to, I'm sorry:) and best of luck to you all!

I'd like to wish my friends of 'Semper Fidelis' the best of luck with their guild :)

2 PS's:

1) I didn't have time to say goodbye to you Psyche. Think you were on a holiday... lucky git :p Been great knowing you mate, best of luck.. and keep on the good work on your guild :)

2) I'd like to pay my respects to some players of exca/mid and exca/hib.

First of all... Despite me hating them bloody overpowered skalds, one of them has my deepest respect. It goes out to Zoia. Never zerging, never buffed, never a twat! Let her be exemplary for all Middies out there! /Salute Zoia!! (I might even come back online to talk over one of our great 1 on 1's when I'm feeling sad)

Second of all... Talivar, Almecunia and Corialus. Though they own me 9/10, I somehow never get angry when they do :p Must be their sportive attitude.. always /bowing and /crying when they killed me. They even let me live when they outnumbered me!
/Salute Talivar, Almecunia and Corialus!! Keep on the great work!

special thanks to Ambeon, Mezzi, Morry, Aadia and Grimble for being true friends.....

Sollers out :(


Bah, thx Sollers, for making my puny incoherent post look even suckier :p But i will miss your sorc as well mate :( Gl Irl and all


Bye bye u2

Sollers made my friends list (pretty rare) even though I havent had anything to do with him for months - which means he was either a very pleasant group mate at the time or he did something friendly and unusual. Memory like a sieve - typical drunken friar - hic!



Originally posted by sollers_natus
2 PS's:
1) I didn't have time to say goodbye to you Psyche. Think you were on a holiday... lucky git :p Been great knowing you mate, best of luck.. and keep on the good work on your guild :)

Glad u remembered me :)
I hope that life will be kind to you.

(PS I can still outdamage your gimpyass sorc any day of the week ;) )

Rugged, also sad to see u go, my best wishes :)


Our last days were troubling, we( matje, sollers and me) have got to admit it. But now i read the post and i must say, it hurts, we have been through a lot.
Now it is final, there is no turning back, all i feel is sadness. The last days were hell, bah i hate to see you leave like this....


:( sad to see more good players leaving albion, you have been a very good friend to me rugged and i will miss u greatly, daoc really is loosing part of its heart with all the farmiliar faces slowly leaving, good luck to both of u, have fun and remeber life is just one big game :)


bye bye rugged:( real shame we wont be meeting in odins anymore, i always knew if i met u i would get a very challenging and great fun encounter no matter who won, i dont think i dueled u im too scared lol, but we had many 2v2 and 3v3:) i spose a few times we outnumbered u when u were solo, but u would always come back with a cleric or mage and give us another great fight, anyway u probably h8 me as a little luri stealther lol but i have respect for u, more than i had for any enemy. good luck in whatever u do:)

Dangleberryfinn the nightshade


The game will be a lesser place now we lose 2 good ppl :(
GL in RL,was always fun fighting u both.
Hope to see u in the next game :)


OMG no matje u cant leave :((((((
I was just lvling an other char in order to duel u and some other people :)
I can only say u good luck what ever u do and u are a great man :)

Echekiel merc 50 (retired)
Gatsu pala 33 (retired)

Akhiros pala 36 (doing a break)


Damn Matje/Rugged and Sollie

I'm glad that I know you irl, but still I feel very sorry for the fact that you guys have to leave this game to get your real life up and running again. It was always a pleasure to be able to ask you guys anything with my n00bieness.... Guess I will have to find someone else now to take my annoying and dumb questions to :)

I sure hope for the both of you that you get your lifes back on track again.. and wish you the best with it, and maybe we will see eachother in another game someday (yes that has been said by a lot of ppl before, but I want to say it too :p)

/salute Matje/Rugged
/salute Sollers/Zeuz

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