bye bye DAoC



Well ppl thats it for me since NWN gone gold and I have preordered it I was thinking of quitting DAoC. It's a damn shame that this beautiful game is so hold back by GOA (patchessssssss).

Honestly I have not felt like playing DAoC for over a week now because it's so booooooring, nothing happens 200-300 players online, been lvl 50 in 2 months now then I decided to start a skald, lvl'd her to 33 but bah sooo boooring. Nothing new everything is the same ol'. And am so damn angry that GOA can't put sertain things through their head like the patches patches and patches, 99% of this game is about that. The server need to be updated. And I must say that GOA is lucky to still have so many accounts still active. Mine is being disabled soon and I think many more will be in a short while since so many attracted games is coming now.

Ones again I think DAoC is a kickass game especially the idé, I love it/would love it with RvR, DF, claiming keep's etc..etc.. well thats what everybody loves but when updates that you know expanding dungeons and RvR, bug fixes etc.. etc.. is put on the side because what I heard ppl at GOA is playing CounterStrike :puke: more than doing there job I'd say you wont simply have my money. And again IT'S A SHAME it have to be like this :mad:

Well enough said....:sleeping:


ok well all i can say is , even though your middie :p

goodluck in future with other games and NWN

:D :D :D :D :D
couple of smiles for ya :))


Aye good luck to you mate, hope you find what you seek.

I'll just carry on hoping that this packetloss that keels myself and groups I'm in disappears :p



Ehh. What can I say. This is a sad day for me :( My husband is leaving me :(

I had a wish dream that we would get married in-game, but now Its to late and I am sorry about that. I have your surname, so I cant and will not forget you.

It was fun playing with you and I hate to see you leave.

I wish you good luck in NWN, take care and maybe I will see you again some day.

Bye bye my love :wub:


Am so sorry

Since Arnora forced me to play along I have countinue to pay these damn money. Arnora may be the love of my life and she don't want me to leave DAoC.

Sometime womens make hard things easy...;)

old.Faye Arwen

It's a damn shame to see you leave Cero, but I dont blame you. Your reasons is 100% agreeable, no doubt about that.

So take care and see you in SWG,WOW? ;D


You owe my alt some buffs before you leave... so don't go just yet... :)


I will be leaving in a month or two for pretty much the same reasons as you Cero, it just feels like I have seen and done pretty much everything the game has to offer atm. I was looking forward to Darkness Falls but my subscription will probably run out before it is patched and I couldn't spend any more money on this game as it is. Anyway good luck to you Cero and I may see you on a public NWN server ;)


Keep seeing more and more of these posts all the time. I think the European population is starting to majorly dwindle to nothing.


Don't worry SFXman, the people that burned as fast as possible to get to lvl 50 and do everything as quick as possible are going.

They've had their fun, and seen/done it all so it's not surprising.

Us tortoises will still be here for a while though :)

Fingoniel stops to smell the roses... (and eat the lettuce too)


goodbye post #1238702791

cant ppl say bye to their guild and friends ingame?

These kind of post only destroys the mood for us ppl who still enjoy daoc.. or atleast for me.


Er , go back and count how many people have posted here that they are leaving, hardly amounts to a mass evacuation, it may have it's faults, but I have NEVER in 15 yrs of gaming put so much time in to a computer game as this, (except maybe Zelda64, Mario64, WonderBoy III dragons trap..oh yeah and Ghouls'n'Ghosts).
Well apart from them(Oh and Waverace) this game has kept me hooked(Musn't forget Banjo-Kazooie) like no other.


yeah i love the game and i gonna have some lv50s on every realm before going hehe.


Originally posted by Velo
goodbye post #1238702791

cant ppl say bye to their guild and friends ingame?

These kind of post only destroys the mood for us ppl who still enjoy daoc.. or atleast for me.

These posts have the opposite effect on me. I'm glad to see people who don't want to play, announce that they are leaving. Once they have all left, the game will belong to those of us who really enjoy playing DAoC for all the right reasons.:)

old.Faye Arwen

not all ppl enjoy the game for the "right reason" what is it anyway? :) but I guess thats a totally different thread


I think the right reason is to SLAY ALL THOSE FROGS MUAHUHAUHA!

oh hang on it's to have fun.. yeh thats it.


Originally posted by fingoniel
Don't worry SFXman, the people that burned as fast as possible to get to lvl 50 and do everything as quick as possible are going.

They've had their fun, and seen/done it all so it's not surprising.

Us tortoises will still be here for a while though :)

Fingoniel stops to smell the roses... (and eat the lettuce too)
Yup, I really see no point in wasting all that time playing DAoC to quickly power-level to 50. Dumb if you ask me :(
That's how it gets so boring, because you do nothing else...


I dont even know half the people that leave, but i still thin its sad.. All the lamers who come here talking crap and telling them to say bye in game etc.. should jsut bugger off, you dont HAVE to read the thread, if you dont like it, dont read it.


I don't even know half the people who come here slagging off the people who tell the people that come here saying they are leaving to say bye in the game etc.., but I think they are sad.. All the lamers who come here talking crap and telling them to not read the thread should just bugger off. If they don't like it, don't read it...

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