
  • Thread starter old.BobTheAngryFlow
  • Start date


Ok, 4th problem with had with BWTFCL screwing up. I'm sorry, but I've really had enough of all the crap which is being pulled. Our clan match set up for 2 days time is cancelled the other clan has left BWTFCL (I don't know if it was volunatry) and now my clan leader has been told to re-arrange a match with another clan within 7 days. So we have ONE day until the weekend and if we can't get anything arranged we miss the weekend which is the best time to play matches.

Apart from being added and removed from BWTFCL over and over...

Removed from BWTFCL - no reason given

We were told we had to have a Q bot in an mIRC channel - this was never mentioned anywhere on the BWTFCL website

We were told we couldn't play a match before 1st October, then told that BWTFCL had now changed their minds...

And now THIS !!


I'm sorry, but this is pathetic, we can't even get an answer out of the chief admins so far and the whole clan is INCREDIBLY irate about all of this.



Last time I read the rules u are allowed to arrange a game 4 days either side of the assigned week.
So that gives u this weekend and the following to arrange the game not to hard iz it?

U can't really blame the BWTFCL for a clan dropping out just be glad they've bin replaced and u will have all your group games.

If u have probs arrangin your game contact your group admin thats what hes there for.

Tbh I can't see why peeps get so pissed off because they need to have a Q in there Mirc channel.
It was mentioned on the news page that it was now required
(I'm not 100% sure but im 99% sure :) ) So its there fault for not readin the news regular and acting on it.


Hey its Bobtheangryflower, didnt you used to be in 12M ?

I remember having a chat to you on a public 1 day when we both quit our clans was kinda funny :)


now my clan leader has been told to re-arrange a match with another clan within 7 days. So we have ONE day until the weekend and if we can't get anything arranged we miss the weekend which is the best time to play matches.

Season dont start till mon 1st. and a week is mon - sun ...


Nopers, I'm not THAT Bob The Angry Flower, sorry :) I wasn't aware there was another of me about. We both obviously are big fans though :) (no I'm not Steve Notley)


Our clan match set up for 2 days time is cancelled the other clan has left BWTFCL (I don't know if it was volunatry)

So go find a league where no clans ever leave? While it will have been because the clan dropped if it wasn't voluntary they'd be a bloody good reason.

and now my clan leader has been told to re-arrange a match with another clan within 7 days. So we have ONE day until the weekend and if we can't get anything arranged we miss the weekend which is the best time to play matches.

yes there is a schedule to keep to, and that gives u til a week on thursday to play, which gives you next weekend - next weekend is certainly preferable altho u cud theoretically play this weekend. But again, the clan left and that can't be blamed on us, the fact is you still have next weekend to play the game in.

Apart from being added and removed from BWTFCL over and over...

Removed from BWTFCL - no reason given

We were told we had to have a Q bot in an mIRC channel - this was never mentioned anywhere on the BWTFCL website

It was repeatedly mentioned that you needed an IRC room in the news, and an empty IRC room is as good as not having an IRC room - if you haven't got some form of bot to the extent that the room is sometimes empty then that again isn't our fault as how the hell are we expected to wait in IRC rooms 24/7 to see if you ever actually bother to use it? The fact is other clans won't do this and thus us waiting around wud defeat the object.

We were told we couldn't play a match before 1st October, then told that BWTFCL had now changed their minds...

I have never spoken on this subject, the rules state u can play 4 days either side so feel free to, you were obviously misinformed by one admin rather than the league changing its status on teh situation as a whole

Anyway, apologies that you've had problems but I think perhaps on some of them you're expecting a bit much


sorry me diplomaticy isnt very good i'm kinda a down to earth guy,

Ok, 4th problem with had with BWTFCL screwing up. I'm sorry, but I've really had enough of all the crap which is being pulled. Our clan match set up for 2 days time is cancelled the other clan has left BWTFCL (I don't know if it was volunatry) and now my clan leader has been told to re-arrange a match with another clan within 7 days.

What you want us to do ? tell them that they arent allowed to leave the league and if they do they will get a slap? If you've played TFC for any amount of time you'll know that clans come and go all the time, thats life.

We were told we had to have a Q bot in an mIRC channel - this was never mentioned anywhere on the BWTFCL website

Dont read the webby much then i see?

There are 9 places remaining (151 confirmed, -Bd- were yet to sign up), I've just cleared the waiting list of all clans without an IRC room - it is a rule that you must have one as it is the way we communicate with you as well as other clans arranging games and more. If you want a chance to get in you're not too late - the best 9 clans signed (or resigned) up by Thursday 9pm will get added - although they too obviously need an IRC room, a website and 10 or more active members.

News taken from webby 11th september^^^^^^^^^

We're just about done on deciding which clans will compete at the start of season 5, apologies to those that didn't get picked, the main reason clans weren't allowed in was the lack of IRC rooms which we specifically say clans must have - its the main way we and other clans have of contacting you.

News taken from webby 10th september^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Btw what clan are you??


1st... We were V annoyed.. so ignore it.

Also, the news item (about Q bot) was not added until AFTER I asked VUZ to clear up the reason why we were removed. So that doesnt count!!

I know clans leave.. it happens.. but it is very annoying after spending 3 days (just before they left) arranging the match... I was bouncing around from them .. to admins.. & back again. I spent a lot of time over this match.

I expect a lot ... cos I give a lot. We have done a lot of hard work to get as far as we have... It is just very annoying having all the probs we have had along the way.

Sorry.. but we were very annoyed at the time.


Personally i think people should be happy to just be in the BWTFCL :p

It's surely one of the most prestigious TFC leagues surely, and is damn well organized no matter what people say.

The waiting list for the BWTFCL was massive last time i looked, i suppose if a team dont like it there are others who would happily take their place....


Also I think tight rules on what a clan needs to be let in the league is good as so many weaker clans droped out last season or couldnt make the numbers for matches, so these rules about active irc channels etc are here to help us to get a better game and keep a well structured league .

old.Mr War

of course, isnt the most annoyin thing going to play an arranged match and findin the other clan has only 4 players!!! happened to me before. bl0wage

i 0wn vuz

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