BWTFCL - Unspoken Rules



Ok, i know of the BT (backtracking) unspoken rule.. but i do not know any more.

I have been told by some that snipers are a waste of time/not allowed in matches & HW guys are not allowed either.

Are there any more Unspoken rules that i should be aware of?



There are no unspoken rules, especially regarding what you have mentioned...

Backtracking is frowned upon, but there are no firm rules enforcing it, think of it as sportsmanship :)

Also you mentioned Snipers and Hwg's, once again this is not a rule, deployment tactics like this are up to you.

But dont use too many ;)



Its just that i have been in a few matches & ppl get annoyed when some players do it.


Yeah, as I say, people don't like it, but its not a rule within the league


Spawn spam is the one I dislike, its not nice this is throwing grenades especially gas grenades that spy's have on your nme's respawn door .

Sniping is never worth while in a match imo but I did do it when an enemy team built 3 sg's in the yard so I just sniped em out the way for my fellow offence, was a crap game as you can imagine .

No rules against any of it tho but I'm sure you mess about to much and word gets around .

Also try to keep global chat to a minimum in a match especially if its getting abusive, stick to team talk and leave what ever needs to be said for the match report .

A little of my advice, some may disagree with me


We once used a sniper one sd2 offy,Was vvv effective but pissed off the opposition immensely :) The way i see it Snipers no less valid than any other class and on maps like mulch_trench a good defensive sniper can be as good as anything else.
As for HWG well again no less valid than anything else and in my opinion is only annoying to play against when teams overuse it.
Backtracking also isnt against any rule im aware of,However teams who do it invariably ruin other peoples enjoyment of the game whilst at the same time lessening their own teams offensive capabilities by spending time chasing rather than concentrating on getting the nme flag....


I agree with afx totally.
No class is invalid, or they would be taken out of the game. Some people would happily see us playing with just 3 classes, and that would make the game very predictable and boring.
As for backtracking, whilst it used to hugely annoy me, any clan who has done it of late against my clan when I have been playing have invariably lost and had great difficulty capping. Its more a case of pitying the clan who has bting offy now.

Moon's point was also very valid. Keeping comments to teamtalk, allowing just your leader, or whoever is in charge during the match to talk to the opposition in a civilised way nearly always keeps games pleasant and results in few fallings out with your opponents.

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