BWTFCL Season 4 (not about bunny hopping)



Here's the basic outlines for some suggestions for the next season's league. Most of them are to remove some of the troubles experienced in the current season.

1. Matches are 8 vs 8 for all divisions.

2. Games are 35 minutes being 5 minutes pre-match and 30 minutes playing time.

3. Matches start at the scheduled time. A side must have at least 7 players or they forfeit the match. The other side is under no obligation to play one less or idle a player.

[If the servers have one and a half hour time slots then that leaves 15-20 minutes after a previous match for players to test their connections – not as usually happens when the match is supposed to start. Another idea is to a have a neutral map, similar to the QW UKCTFL locker map. Maybe some map person could make one with four empty rooms, one for each team, with the Barrysworld logo in each. This is loaded before the first map to be played while teams are being sorted.]

4. A match should be played the week it is scheduled. If a match is missed then it has to played on the next available time slot the following week. If a clan has tried to arrange the match and their opponents have failed to answer, they get the choice of which day. Miss the slot and you forfeit the match.


Having @ least 7 for a game is slightly harsh not so much for the Higher Division Clans but for the Lower Divisions whoc sometimes have trouble gettin a full team.
6 would be a better number I feel


The current season for the lower divisions usually had some "discussion" on match night as to the number of players per side to be played (even if the number was already been previously agreed) and had a lot of drop outs at the beginning by clans who entered but didn't have the players.
Forcing an 8 vs 8 format should avoid all this (though a side could start with 7). After all, this is supposed to be a serious league and any clan should be expected to have 8 players and at least 2 subs on the night. If they can't do this then they shouldn't be playing.


It is a bit harsh

I mean, for division 3, surely it is a bit harsh, the 8 v 8 thing...

Many of the clans in the lower divisions are there for a reason :p And in most cases it would be hard for them to organise 8 every match.

I dont suppose you'd.......reconsider?


The 8 vs 8 format is certain, how many players the game has to have to 'go ahead' is less certain.... I would say a clan should have the 'option' to clame a default or play if the other clan has 6 or under, and if both clans have 6 or under the game is either rearranged (IF there is enough time to play it before deadlines) or both clans get 0 points....

perhaps, ta Tui for starting this thread abiet no bhing :)


Clans are given a lot of flexibility in that they can arrange a match any day during a game week. I think the current season's rules also allows changing 24 hours before the match is scheduled. Assuming 8 vs 8, then aside from server or network problems, there shouldn't be any reason for a side not to field 8 players. If you want to be strict, any side that has less than 8 has a default win awarded against them, after the other side's WON ids are noted. If both sides have less then it's zero points to each. This is probably too harsh, which is why I suggested that a match start with 7. This allows the 8th player to join during the match.

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