BWRTCW League Admin Vacancies


Gangster No:1

We are currently accepting admin applications for the BW RTCW League again.

Are you:

1. Reliable (i.e. have no life and are willing to give up 3 hours a week for little or no reward)

2. Resilient (able to take shit from idiots and stay calm)

3. A good person (able to have a laff in irc)

4. 16 or over (age limit dropped due to the fine example set by Chak and Cage - the only teenagers I have time for )

If you can answer yes to all of the above then experience doesnt matter as we offer full on the job training and all the tools you need to do it properly.

Please mail me at if you wish to be considered.


I've done it before for tfc servers, so I've grown this wonderful thick skin.

Is there an rcon bot for this game? Some tool that you can operate from with irc? I asked this some time ago, but nothing seemed to come of it...

I'll go on the list - mind you, there seem to be a fair few people with their heads screwed on :)


I would be interested, however there are 2 reasons why i won't enquire:
1 - I don't play Wolfie too much.
2 - I'm not that into spectating games. I don't mind stuff like TFC/Q3F, however stuff like Wolfie just isn't a specatable material.

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