This is -=ShoguN=- of 404 here, disguised as Dr_Gonzo.
The reasons for this will become clear as my retarded ramblings hint that I have forgotten my username and password.
You may remember me from such infomercials as 'Out and proud' and 'If its green I know where you've been'.
My own opinion is drop mexx Im not keen on it, ditto cpm4.
Maybe add dm12tmp? Oh and I don't know if this is already on BW servs or not (My Quake crashes if I check) but is it possible to enable alt_lightning and plasma, because I can't actually SEE what Im doing otherwise, I'd be muchos obligo.
Qie estas la viro? Bigfoot estas la viro!
*Disclaimer: Gonzo just leant me this account, no wait he didnt. I |-|4><0r3|> it with my l33t skills, because I have the ghosts of deaD hax0rs flying thro my f1nger5.
Just to disagree with meh esteemed clan leader for a moment, I personally think that CPM4 is a top map and should be kept. The placing of the items in dm12tmp is just horrible, and the BFG in the original is also horrible, so I wouldn't be particularly happy with that being added.
CPM13 seemed interesting and could deserve a shot as a main map. I'm not sure what it would be at the expense of, though my feelings would tend towards dropping mexx1.
I reckon you should give dm12tmp a try, we (Mr) have played it quite a bit recently and the majority of us like it. I think dm8 should go as I can't stand it
As for a 2nd map, there were discussions on the new U.S leagues which are starting up about a map called qfraggel2 (cpm14). Although I haven't played it, I've spend 10-15 mins looking round it and it looks really good. 1 end of the level is an RA, with rg quite close, other side is an rl with a nearby YA and theres a hidden mh also. I realise it sounds a bit like dm7, but it isn't - has a BS instead of quad, and is multi-levelled. I've been wrong about maps before though, so maybe others should look at it and say what they think.
Another map is mrcq3dm5 (cpm13), which has 2 power-ups like dm14, not really looked at it much though - although it seems big. As for the 2nd map to ditch, I vote q3mexx1
btw I think cpm4 and dm14tmp should definately be in. From Biff's news update on the league site, i think he implies dm7 or dm6 will be removed, which wouldn't bother me too much tbh, although i think dm8 and mexx are the maps i find less fun to play.
Obviously, everyone is going to work to their own agenda in "nominating" maps to replace... "My clan is sh*t on Map X - drop it".
Just vote on it (althought, it's ALREADY looking like most people dislike dm8tmp and mexx most)... Or have the admins vote on it.
As for maps to come in, CPM9 might not be a great idea - I wasn't particularly impressed with how it played in the WPDML (and we won our games on it)... CPM13, dm12tmp and fraggel are all good maps that would be interesting additions to the rotation.
Personal (biased) thoughts? Lose mexx and replace it with dm12tmp; lose an "old skool" map (dm7tmp?) and replace it with fresh blood (CPM13, for example).
It takes a bit of time for maps to be really appreciated (after people figure out tactics and tricks for them) - so peeps should just be prepared to accept a few new faces... If any map fails tragically this season, hey, we can always get rid of it in 9 weeks! =)
Dm8 and mexx1 r pants maps and shud definitely be removed from the map pool
the best map to add i would say is cpm9 , i remember that from wpdml or clanwars or sommat and it was class , and cpm4 should definitely stay cos it kills off all them rg whores
You should just use dm14tmp , dm6tmp , dm7 and cpm4 , cos most people love those
Q3MEXX1 is dire. It's a ping map, more so than any other in the league, and so very often degenerates into FFA. Room for tactics is slim thanks to it's overly simple layout. Every season people have proposed dropping it... can this please be the time we get lucky? The normal defence for mexx is that it leads to 'close exciting games'. Read for this, teams who normally get owned due to their lack of teamplay can get away with it on this map because it's ffa.
Q3DM8tmp. I don't mind this map, but I can see why after a year or so of competitive play on it people are getting bored of it. The same could also be said of DM7 though... but the tactics of teams on DM7 tend to be so refined that it still makes for excellent team games.
DM12tmp - hmm. I like it, but I know that when we played it in wpdml alot of people had FPS problems. DM12 is the largest map in Q3 and those with lower spec machines suffer in the main arena.
dm6 should definitely be kept no matter what.
i don't think theres any need to remove dm7.
dm8 should be removed imo
cpm should definitely be kept, i like mexx, but i can see why a lot of people want it out
One of my favourite tdm maps is dm11. i only played it a few times in CWDML and WPCUP matches and in friendlies, but all the games there were good fun, but i haven't seen many people nominate this map, so its probably out of the question
Main problem with q3mexx is the major distance and overall size of rooms and lengths of paths. I don't see how anyone can render any form of team co-ordination.
You would really be kidding yourself keeping this map.
To be honest, there are slightly too many maps in the pool as it is, so we get situations whereby clans beat other clans because of the odd maps they had to play.
As I said last season, q2dm12tmp should definately be added, it has a style of play no other maps since it was mad have matched -- whereby both ends of the maps are matched directly for armour and weapons, and only divided by powerups.
Q3DM8, as playable as it is, its still not really a good map, it lacks depth as its so hard to get from one side to another in under a minute. I feel it should be dropped too.
Also, it would be comedy, if dm6tmp and dm7 were dumped from the league, these maps are classic.
my problem isnt that i dislike dm12tmp so much , its that dm12tmp doesnt like my computer
A lot of people(no matter what ya say) still have lower spec pc's and wouldnt get a decent fps to make it even slightly enjoyable.
Mexx1 is the same , the fps for us lower spec people is dire.
I dont like dm8 because its too tightly fought. like in small corridors and things , railgun is a bit useless on it imo cos theres no open space to use it except at PG/RA.
Elij is simply a mad hpb trying to annoy me! Elijah u mad man
just make the map pool 4 maps? that way no one can say 'oh u only beat us because that map is a rubbish one that we dont even practice (e.g mexx1)'
pool should just be dm14tmp , dm6tmp , dm7 and CPm4
dm7 because it is a classic and has good teamplay as every1 knows.
dm6tmp because well , its good for railgun whores like me and because most seem to enjoy it (also classic).
CPM4 because this shows your not just railgun whores and can also use other guns
and finally Dm14tmp cos this adds the extra fun of that good old battle suit and a quad together .
I think dm14 and cpm4 have to stay no matter what, really good tp maps
I would like to see dm12tmp in there as well, if you haven't played this don't be put off thinking it will play like regular dm12, it's a good teamplay map
dm6 and 7 are played to death, I really wouldn't mind if 1 was dropped
as for those to drop, mexx and dm8 if any have to go, mexx I have worse fps problems then dm12 easily, and the game is slowed down so easily on mexx because of the distances that need covering, keeping real pressure on is a pain,
I quite enjoy dm8 but others don't so if it comes to it I wouldn't mind seeingthat 1 go just to save the moaning (getting praccys on dm8 say a week before a league game is hard! cos no one likes to play on it)
just had a run around cm13 and 14 with some clan m8s and I think there both pretty good
I prefer 14 over 13 as it isn't so huge and will be easier to learn properly, 14 also seems to lack weapons
I would quite like to see cpm14 appear its got a few major areas and enough weapons spread around to keep it from gettting totally locked down by a team, the ra area is interesting cos theres alot of ways to get in, and only the rg there to defend with
cpm13 and cpm14 have been played in the us a lot more and i've watched demos from cpm14. sorry guys... but cpm14 is not a good 4on4 map. too small, too easy to get everywhere and no real focus since it's hard to control any area of the map because of the multiple entrances all over the map.
the main argument here against cpm13 seems to be that it's too big. ur wrong... it's not too big. it takes maximum 10 seconds to strafejump from one end of the map to the other. it's just divided up into many areas that u need 2 learn the where-abouts of.
also... go to and read comment #55 and #56 to read the thoughts of one of the creators of cpm13 and also one of the creators to dm6tmp and dm14tmp (ring a bell?), ie one of the Abuse ppl.
i'm not too keen on dm12tmp since cpm4 imo is a much better map and adresses the same sort of play (no railgun). plus the map is flawed in layout and structure.
i'd very much like to dump dm7 and mexx1. dm7 because it's wait-at-ra-and-go-to-quad-strategy all the time. sure enuff u have varied strategies and with teams like V who's very agressive it doesn't exactly get boring... or wait... IT DOES!!! cause the opponent will camp rl and ya and won't move his butt till quad is about to respawn. boring to watch and play. mexx1 is flawed in its layout as well imo. it's a cutoff part from a ctf map ffs!! and there's not much variety in it as well.
and then there's cpm9... this map is seriously flawed. it's better to camp rl + ya/shards on that map than ra + rail!
IF we were to replace maps such as mexx1 i'd first go for cpm13 because it adresses a new sort of gameplay (u actually have to come up with strategies instead of just outaiming ur opponents and mg-cessing them) and as second choice dm12tmp. i wouldn't want 2 c cpm14 become a map in the rotation simply because it's too small and to easy to go around. of course... rather cpm14 than dm7... i'm THAT much of a hater of dm7. boring map!
Just to back you up on this... I think cpm13 has a LOT of potential. It is, actually, intimidatingly big at first glance and it has a pretty complex layout - but it's not like it is impossible to learn a new map!
CPM14 I really like the look of, I have to admit. Haven't watched any demos on this map and only had "friendly" knock-abouts so maybe I haven't quite had the chance to see its flaws yet. But it is certainly a significantly less "scary" map than CPM13 - I'd guess most people would learn their way around in a few minutes (which, I suppose, is an important factor in introducing a new map - we don't want HOPELESS games where everyone is wandering blindly around lost! And, tbh, I CAN see that happening for the first few weeks of CPM13 ). I think it WOULD be possible to control areas on CPM14 but, as mentioned by [Mr]Dust, it wouldn't be THAT easy! Also, the idea of a map where the ONLY powerup is BS is kinda interesting, I think.
CPM9 rant: not only is camping the RL/YA a stronger position than camping RA/RG, but there is SILLY amounts of armour on this map... Shards EVERYWHERE (haven't counted the armour, but I'm guessing it's in the region of 300-350+ IN ADDITION to a MH!)... It makes it a viable tactic to have a couple locking-down RL/YA and the other 2 just hoovering shards and, basically, FFA'ing It's NOT a sophisticated map and QUICKLY gets boring... I hope WPDML drops this map for next season (hey! maybe use CPM13/14 Sar? Maybe whichever one isn't put into the BW map rotation?).
Finally, I'd just like to suggest that there are no tactically flawed MAPS, it's just that teams have flawed TACTICS for certain maps (hell, I know WE certainly have flawed tactics - that's why we get 0wn3d!)... I really have no hatred for any map - I just think it'd be good for everyone if a bit of fresh blood were transfused into the TDM map-pool. I applaud Sar/WPDML for having the courage last season to toss in some new TDM maps; GG to savage for chucking in DM12tmp, too! I hope BW can also throw some new, interesting maps into the mix - as I said before, if we HATE a certain map after playing it for a season, it doesn't have to stay in the rotation, does it?
When i was looking at cpm14 my main worry was that it was a bit too small. I watched a demo on it and it didnt seem to play that well (although it seems much better than a map like cpm9)
I didn't say cpm13 was big, I said it seemed big. To anyone first taking a look round this map, you will be continually getting lost. Me and some clanmates have had a couple of 20/25 minute looks at cpm13 and after a while, you begin to piece each part of the map together in you're head and I think it should be given a chance. I think a clan is going to have to work really hard if they want to control a map like cpm13. The weapons are quite scarce, 3 YA's, 1 RA and a mh. Ra --> mh isn't too far and the tele at mh leads to a YA/RL area which I can see being an area that needs to be controlled.
The main difference with this map, is that the Quad spawns every 90 seconds and the Battle Suit spawns every 3 minutes. This makes this map unique and I believe that clans who praccy this map alot will be rewarded with good results (There is no way you are going to win with 4 guys at RA)
and that's exactly why i want it in the rotation... no longer can u control a map through mob-strategy. u have to pick what areas you want to hold. and the 90 sec quad is from promode which of course owns ;]. lots of more action and no more a huge campfest of ra. and with the armour around the bs becomes a REALLY strong contender which rivals and surpasses the quad because of the tight quarters. the top-teams who play it 'safely' normally camp their respective areas and then goes to the pu and there's a 15-20 sec period of action. the quad runs around if he/she survives and then it goes back to normal. a 90 sec quad FORCES teams like that to play more aggressively if they want to keep their lead. and it makes up for more interesting strategies.
ohh common pls dont put mexx1 and cpm9 in there, those are incredibly anoying maps. cpm9 is just stupid(armor everywhere) and what is with the fps, my framerate never drops bellow 80 in big fights, in cpm9 it drops bellow 50 in some wierd areas by just standing in 1 place alone. I think we all agree on droping these 2. I dont see any problem in staying with the usual q3dm14tmp, q3dm7, q3dm6tmp and cpm4, but i guess q3dm12tmp isnt that bad..
Maps maps maps... imo the best maps for TDM are those that have good scope for being controlled. This can often mean that games are one sided, but it's the price you pay for making clans be good at their teamplay, rather than just better fraggers than their opposition. With this in mind;
DM6tmp - popular, but not particularly suited to teamplay. Makes for very FFAish games. The map is controllable, but is also easy to lose control of. Bizarre RA area to hold onto. Quad area is good tho. Not that great for TDM.
DM7 - old and boring, but has everything a TDM map should have. A good open RA area, holdable but attackable. Same with quad. Nice little RL+YA area for the clan not in control. A solid TDM map that it would be heresy to remove.
DM8 - wonky and unbalanced, looks like a good TDM map but plays poorly. RA in water? Quad platform via jump pad? Evil evil map where it's tough to cover everything and take control. Get rid.
DM12tmp - Wierd map. Kind of big with lots of useless little bits. No RA makes the armour tough to keep tabs on. RL+Quad area the only area to really hold. Plays quite well tho and tends to make for balanced games. Undecided.
DM14tmp - TDM paradise. Cool RA+RL+BS area to hold onto, balanced out by Quad+YA+LG+RL area. Controllable if you know what you're doing, recoverable if yo uknwo what you're doing. Makes for some interesting Quad tactics too - a map where you can ignore the quad and get away with it. Keep.
CPM4 - Nice TDM map with good RA+RL control area. Cool quad positioning makes for fun games. Plenty of armour and weaps for the clan not in control. Controllable if you get it right. Recoverable if the other clan don't. Plus excellent amount of tricks on the map give advantage to those who study it well. Keep.
CPM9 - Have looked at this one a bit and it looks like an interesting if complicated map. Must confess that I haven't really played it tho so would trust those who say from experiance that it doesn't make for good games.
CPM13 - /me goes to download
MEXX1 - Strange map. Looks like a perfect TDM map, but seems to make for very close games. Strangely hard to control. Imo the lack of positional advantage for the clan at RA (no high ground ala DM7) make this map far less controllable than it should be. I can't help but like it but I'm not sure that it's the best TDM map out there.
JapanDM - TDM version of Japanesse Castles used in CTF leagues. Been a while since I've looked at it, but I do remember running round it and thinking it might make a half decent TDM map. Haven't heard anybody else mention it.
CharonQ2DM1v2 - Wuhahaha! Worth 5 minutes consideration? =] /me goes to see if it supports TDM
Too summarise then, I reckon drop DM6 and DM8 for a couple of new, better TDM maps. DM12tmp is worth looking at, but there might be better alternatives...
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