BW XP SERVERS (specialties etc)



rite this is the last time im gonna bother with trying to do this.....

us EF'ers need some XP servers from BW !!!!!!

we aint asking for much considering the XP has been out a few months, BW has about 9 servers that never get used, and virtually all of the EF peeps use the XP anyways......

we want/need specialties, assimilation, and maybe the odd action hero???

BW has lots of CTF servers, that... granted, get used all the time, there np there.....

but they have 4 TDM servers, and 4 FFA servers... that quite frankly are a waste of space !!!!!!! they dont get used, no1 goes on them, and even if they did they wouldnt be able to get off the god forsaken dn3 map cos voting aint allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the least BW could do to help EF survive is to change 2 tdm's to specialties CTF, and 2 FFA to assimilation, this way u wud get way more peeps playing on ure servers..... not have servers that aent being used.... AND at last make everyone happy :)

comon, uve been saying that u were looking into this problem, but really, in about a month we aint heard squat.... now u can see where im coming from.... yeah sure some CTF every now and then is cool, but a little change is in order, as im having to play the SAME EF maps over and over again, the same since last year..... :(

if u get specialties and assim servers, u can then use the new maps! and no1 will get bored, no1 will moan like me ;) and no1 will be playing the same maps over and over....

SO comon plz do soemthing, any1 who agrees with this plz reply and let ure feelings known ;)



now im not one to upset the apple cart (or any other one for that matter) but i have to agree with dread on this

other gametypes do need to be supported and quickly
the ef community has started to decline in numbers and shortly wil end up in free fall if something isnt done soon

and as far as im concerned that would be a great shame :mad:

ef is a great game and it shouldnt be allowed to die


here here m8, exactly my point :)

this game rules, and u peeps at BW can help it to keep on going



I have to agree with dread. It has been a long time since u said u would get some XP servers up and u havent. U have 7 CTF servers and 1 custom maps CTF server, come on u dont need all of them and the cutoms 1 is a total waste of time. We really need some decent reliable XP server and preferibly with voteing turned ON, new maps are also a must. People get board playing the same old maps in a boring cycle all the time. So please get us some XP servers.


also... just to add to it ;) ..........

we need them goddam TDM and FFA servers to be used.... at least convert 2 of each to XP servers... as no1 goes on them anyways.... with or without XP, so whats the point in them???

we need at least the following, sorry to be demanding but no1's listening to us, or giving us anything decent we need... for those who have the XP

specialties CTF x 2
assimilation x 2
action hero ?

specialties TDM or FFA

maybe 1 elimination...........

this wud be 7 servers in total for the XP, have more normal CTF ones than that.... if u converted 2 of the CTF to sepcialties CTF, then u wud be pulling the punters ;)

assim, can replace 2 TDM servers.....

action hero for FFA, and elimination....

the other specialties for something else... this isnt much sacrifice considering u dont get most servers used and u wud if u changed?!?!!


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