BW Unmetered Offer



I think BW should not pursue this.

Others have tried and failed.

Concentrate on improving and adding servers.

In 2 years time a greater proportion of BW members will have DSL/CM anyway so the offer will become superflous.

My opinion.


much as I'd like to have a 24/7 dialup of BW's quality, the estimated £35/month is far out of my reach, as it stands now I have a skank BTi account (that no longer works), a RHA one, and an x-stream one, tis piss hard to connect to all of em :/

As I've said on IRC, most users within the UK likely to use the dialup will be at work or school during the day, meaning the dialup will be sitting idle, as they'll all be on phat connects innit. personally I think persuing an offpeak only one would be much more effective, as most people use bw to play league games etc, which are never during the day. In all my wisdom (read: none) I'd assume it would cost less too, meaning it wouldn't just be ISDNers using it (as lets face it, the only reason any of us are on modem anymore is because we're too skint to fork for ISDN) and stuff.


old.[GA] Shovel

Kez has a point there...

When we consider the fact that people are either at school/college/working (with the notable exception of Kryten, who seems to be permenantly on), people are not going to get good value from an all day offer. (When you consider that we are cheapasses at heart - sorry ;)).

Those at school/college also have to battle the evil money hoarding monsters called parents, who I wouldnt really be able to convince to spend £35 quid/month over the current ntlworld scheme.
However, a free evening service, or at the very least, limited hours which were to exclude the peak working hours would surely prove more effective and cost attractive to all.

Orrrrr, you could do both? ;)


Ben m8, you smell like shit.

I for one would (if I could afford it, which at present I can't) jump at BW 24/7 0800 access, only problem I see is for those makin a choice, BW 24/7 or ISDN, I would personally choose ISDN as my modem is crap, although I do need a permanent connection to the net, 4 hour cutoffs = better than 2 but they would still do my nut.


Too much money, but off-peak 0800 would rock me



Well £35 is far to expensive, especialy for those using ISDN, BT Homehighway is costing £40 a month alone, ontop another £35 for the barrysworld ... come on its ridiculous, we'd then be paying £75 for a 4 hour cutt off connect on ISDN, and there are ppl out there with huge bandwidth, 24/7 access, no extra cost on Cable & ADSL.. its a joke !!!

I can connect first time, to BT Internet without a problem, and my ping is always 50-70, so im not bothered to be honest :D


Nice idea. BT's internal charging mechanism, since changed i think, is what took down most of the 0800 ISPs, but the main issues from my perspective are:

Most usage will be (gamer's) peak time (22:00-22:00 i think), notably during league matches. 35UKP (on a Unix terminal ATM and it doesn't have a pound sign key..) is not much for those who would use metered access instead, but it will annoy people if its always engaged before that critical game.

The 4-hour timeout won't do any real good as anyone who spends hours online will be able to rig up and autoredialler.

CableModems (assuming they are gettable, which is a very big IF even if your in a serviced area) cost the same.


The monthly cost of my online activities work out so...

£39.95 for BT Home Highway (£13 free calls included).
£9.99 a month for BTInternet (paid a year in advance).
£6.95 subscription to Clara's penny a minute service.
£30 worth of top ups for said service (approx).

So all-in-all about £87 a month at the moment (Cix also get £18 a month for their conferencing service).

If I went for the Barrysworld offer, I would ditch:
£6.95 + £30 + £9.95(when BT contract ends in January)
Total £46.90
minus BW £35
= saving of about 12 quid.

The Home Highway would stay. It's not as expensive as it sounds, as I have my normal telephone line connected to it too. Therefore I only use one channel for connectivity.

Bottom line is at the *moment* I would save a bit of money by joining this scheme. Added to that, my BW connection has always been better than any of my others, which is worth a few quid in itself. I expect my peak time usage would increase (I would just leave it on). I'm not sure about cutoffs at all. If I'm not at home, I turn off my PC anyway. If I'm at home, I just redial...I just don't see the point of it :) The contention ratio is rather worrying also. I have no idea how this will work in practice, and I'm not keen on finding out the hard way.

This kind of offer is valid at the moment but the, painfully slow, introduction of ADSL will supersede it eventually (at which time I would jump ship).

As a side note, I'm glad that Barrysworld has gone for a realistic figure for providing unmetered access. As far as I can see, all of the £9.99 a month outfits have bitten the dust, or have drastically revised what they regard as 24/7 access. The £35 a month should ensure that BW is able to provide us with a decent service, whilst at the same time not cutting their corporate throats.

[Edited by SoWat on 23-11-00 at 12:08]


I think the service will still be popular. I wouldn't get it since I currently use RHA during the day and use Freeserve Evenings and Weekends free, FS is fine for gaming and I only real play games in the evening.


BT is fine for me on ISDN as well, which is pricy enough considering line rental as well. Really, this offer is only suitable for modemers, unless you are stupidly rich (in which case you'd have a whole leased line to yourself ;) )

Tis good that BW are offering one though, although evenings, ala BT, would be a lot better (then again i get good enough pings from where i am)

If it was implemented though, you'd need a "decent" cut off thingy-bobby. BT's never cuts me off - i can log on at 9am saturday and still be on 10pm sunday.....which is cool on ISDN cos i still have another phone line to use ;o)

A decent ADSL package would be better - 20;1 ratio or lower ;) - 50 squid a month - llluuuuuurrvvvvllllllyyy


£40 a month for ISDN is proving too much for me.Sorry if you don't agree, but all that dosh in return for a better ping and faster downloads doesn't appeal when I get my phone bill.I'm on Free eves and w/end with Freeserve but that's a waste of money too (get a connection if you can!!)

Gonna ditch the lot and go back to 56k and ntlworld :)

old.D R E ad


Sorry, but your £35 just aint going to be very popular. Ok, so it might appeal to the hardcore BW user who can't get adsl in thier area, but thats about it. Most people who can afford £35 can probably stretch to the extra £5 for adsl or isdn. Its just totally unrealistic.
I agree with the people who say just to do off-peak if you can offer it at a reasonable price. I think BW is far better than Wireplay, but if a company with such a large user base can't offer an unmetered service yet - how can BW afford to do it?

Keep up the good work fellas,



I agree with the people who say just to do off-peak if you can offer it at a reasonable price
The offer under consideration costs the same (to us) regardless of when it's used, so a cheaper off-peak alternative doesn't exist. Peak/Off peak, under this scheme it's the same.

And as others say, it's a slightly more realistic price than some of the other offers around. And it has the following going for it: (1) it's unlikely to collapse due to overuse (low, listed user:modem contention of 4:1), (2) the cost covers the service wholly - BarrysWorld is not subsidising the unmetered service hoping to make up the difference in other areas (like Freeserve, Red Hot Ant, 24-7, IGClick and so on)

I mean seriously - with the cost of telecommunications in this country, do you really expect to be able to have unrestricted access to the Internet via a dialup connection when BT's charges are 100% fixed, unvariable and not open to negotiation? Regardless of how large the telco is, if they have to use BT's infrastructure, then there is a minumum usage charge attached, and ultra-low charges for unmetered have to be balanced elsewhere. Anyone noticed the raft of 'abusive users' removed from some services? They're going under because they're not making enough additional revenue from these 'abusive' customers to cover the cost of subsidising their 'unmetered' access. TANSTAAFL.


PS: There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch...

[Edited by cro on 30-11-00 at 23:37]


erm you guys might wanna check out they're doing it for free as beta til 31st december then £25/month. i've signed up for the beta but we'll see if its any good. would still rather have a barrysworld 24/7


Ya Drc_Lock : except, its shitter then a field full of cows with the shits.
Everyone I know that has used it went back to BT funnily enough, more spikes then a punk convention..

Im all up for it. Realistic figure, class performance, always on... sorted.

old.D R E ad

Free lunch?

cro : I don't expect a free lunch, but I do expect a reasonably priced one. But I know it's BT's fault and you can only offer what you can afford. I don't understand how one of the worlds leading telecommunications companies can be so damn backward when it comes to internet access. I guess it just comes down to pure greed at the end of the day - simple as that.
So if by charging £35/month you can run the service regardless of the up-take, then go for it. All i'm saying is don't expect a high one (which i'm sure your not).

All the best,


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