Have just read the list of admins and liasons for the BW public servers. Just out of interest, how were the people chosen to do the jobs. I was just wondering what the logic was behind the Q2 FFA/DM servers. Specifically: 'employing' someone as "Chief Liason" who has said many times in the past "Q2 DM is shit" "I hate Q2" "I'm quitting Q2" etc etc, and afaik doesn't actually play anymore; and someone as "Admin" who has admitted himself many times that he has kicked people from servers for unfair reasons, managed to get his DM clan banned from UKCCL for something akin to 'unreasonable behaviour', and also very rarely plays the game.
Was any concern given to people who would actually be representative of the people that use the servers? Or did the people who got their tongues the brownest in #barrysworld get the jobs?
(ok the last sentence was a cheap jibe, but it's a valid question)
Was any concern given to people who would actually be representative of the people that use the servers? Or did the people who got their tongues the brownest in #barrysworld get the jobs?
(ok the last sentence was a cheap jibe, but it's a valid question)