BW Server Liasons and Admins



Have just read the list of admins and liasons for the BW public servers. Just out of interest, how were the people chosen to do the jobs. I was just wondering what the logic was behind the Q2 FFA/DM servers. Specifically: 'employing' someone as "Chief Liason" who has said many times in the past "Q2 DM is shit" "I hate Q2" "I'm quitting Q2" etc etc, and afaik doesn't actually play anymore; and someone as "Admin" who has admitted himself many times that he has kicked people from servers for unfair reasons, managed to get his DM clan banned from UKCCL for something akin to 'unreasonable behaviour', and also very rarely plays the game.

Was any concern given to people who would actually be representative of the people that use the servers? Or did the people who got their tongues the brownest in #barrysworld get the jobs?

(ok the last sentence was a cheap jibe, but it's a valid question)


The Gaming Liaisons are often individuals highly active within their chosen communities, hence why they were appointed.
Your points are very valid. What I could suggest is you contact the 'Head Liaison' with your concerns. Im sure they will see your thread and respond :)



Errr... the "Head Liason" hates the game he's head liason of. Whatever half-assed definition of "very active" you're using, I don't think that qualifies.

Otherwise I'd be Prime Minister of Israel right about now.

ps: I really don't personally care that much, as I probably play Q2 about as much as Seccy and/or Kryten myself. It just seems sad that, for a "business", BW's appointment/selection of staff seems to rather immaturely revolve around those people who flock to an irc channel, rather than people suited/competent for the job.

[Edited by Stu- on 23-11-00 at 15:13]


Aye, not like I have anything else to do is it. Think I'll read the FT.


Stu by all means make some suggestions with regards to Q2 Liaisons, it seems you had someone in mind.
The reason the Liaisons are in #barrysworld are so they are accessible.




I'm the AQ2 liaison and the reason I was selected was that I was a server admin who took over the role unofficially when the original liaison left for University. I don't think I have a brown tongue *checks mirror*, and I spent no time in #barrysworld until I was made the liaison - now I'm there whenever I'm on line so I can be of assistance when needed.

I do however think the whole server admin thing could do with a bit of a shake up - last night at about 11pm it was very difficult for someone to get a CS admin to sort out accusations of a bot user (Athena spent some time tracking one down).

It seems to me that some of the admins actively play more than just the one game they represent. I play AQ2 and CS in BW leagues and am regularly on servers during the day.

Surely if we are trusted with rcon on one server, we are acceptable to be trusted with rcon on the others? Would it perhaps be worth making a general list of all the admins and allowing them to say what games they have on their hard drive and that they are willing to support?

Then using those nice little icons that have been made for the recruitment thingy, listing admins with the games they support so that they can be found in #barrysworld. It would make the whole thing far more workable surely?



kerry: I really don't have anyone in mind, like I said I rarely play Q2 any more (and when I do it isnt on BW servers due to the piss poor performance at the moment), so I have no idea who is 'active' in the BW scene. However there is a tiny flaw in you suggesting I raise an issue regarding a particular "representative" with that very representative. It would be akin to me walking into Peter Ellwood's office and saying "Peter, I think you're doing a crap job as CEO" and expecting him to actually go "you know, you're right, I'll tender my resignation immediately". I was actually asking for some kind of response/comment from those people who had chosen the liasons/admins (that's kind of how a management structure works, you might find one of those useful for running a business).

davross: my comments were in no way reflecting on yourself, as I have absolutely no experience of AQ2. I will assume, without knowledge to the contrary, that you do a great job. Certainly, the choices in the other 'domains' I actually use sometimes seem to be sensible. eg I can see why Mojo and Fixer have been chosen for RA2, Mojo seemingly being permanently connected to the BW RA2 server and a 'prominent' member of the community, and Fix being a long standing admin in the league.


hmm, well in TFC all the admins play TFC loads, and play on the BW TFC regularly, although I might suggest some of them sit in #barrysworld more for when problems arise within the servers and people come looking for help


Well I am no longer active in QuakeWorld when it comes to playing. But I am know a fuck of alot about QW and the people and also took over KTeams development. Have helped out with BW server configs in past for both QW and Q3. So I guess im more qualified than most. Who cares if I no longer play QW I can still help push it forward for those that do play. E.G. KTeams 2.21 anyone?

The last sentence, as ever, was a cheap bullshit jibe I presume typed to try to make people annoyed. Or in my case make them think even less about the rest of the point you attempted to make.


Right, this thread has just been bought to my attention. I will not sink as low as Stu in my reply, as I have had a lot of growing up to do, and I have done it.
This just feels like another excuse to lay into me Stu to be honest, it bothers me not.
So, why am I q2 public admin?

After all the contraversy that went on regarding my abuse of such privelages, and after I decided to stop playing Quake 2....

I decided to stop, because the community was not a particularly nice one to be a part of. I have the utmost respect for fellow admins like Fixer and Mojo, as I also admin alongsider them in leagues.
I am still Quake 2 admin because I still have it installed, I have a fairy good idea of who is who, I'm certainly popular (partly for bad reasons and a bit of a crap reputation maybe), people know who I am, and where they stand with me.

I respect your decision to question my feasability as an admin, but on a public message board? Beggars logic really.

I admin because I enjoy it, not the power trip that I could say something about Stu in, which I will not. I admin in leagues and the public server because I'm fair, in the leagues people actually do like me adminning their games. If barrysworld have a problem with this, they are free to discuss this matter with me whenever they wish. I have personally told them that I won't be playing Quake 2 as much as I used to. I have never said "Quake 2 is shit". The only thing "shit" about it, is the community, and that is in my own opinion, not the opinion of barrysworld, or anyone else.
If you have a problem, Stu, take it to me or the head Barrysworld staff directly.

There was a time that I would look up to you, Stu, respect you even. But now, I will just treat you as you treat me.
I no longer resort to name calling, idle threats or anything suchlike, so I will lay this matter to rest, and will speak to you personally and also to the appropriate people at barrysworld to gather their opinions.



As ever this is just my opinion etc......

Liasions is one of those things that if you dont ask you dont get, so one could view it as brownnosing or whatever in order to get the job. Now it is upto you the community to stand up to us (read BarrysWorld) and say where things are wrong, just like Stu has done now. But while this may be true, we also require a solution. I came from a gaming background, since I started work at BW I have lost contact with the community in which I came from. I personally dont pretend to know whats happening with the online scene, and to a certain extent I dont know whats best for the group (quakeworld) in which I am in charge of. Regretfully I might add.

In the case of Kryten and to a certain extent Seccy, they have been ostracized from the community which they serve. The Quake2 community is very close and cliquey, and if ur face doesnt fit etc. But the point is here the community doesnt have to like someone for whatever reason. I personally thing that you (stu) would make an excellent admin because a) you know the scene b) your not 14 years old c) and you are not likely to suck up etc. Manta in that respect is very good cos he just 'tells it like it is'.


"This just feels like another excuse to lay into me Stu to be honest, it bothers me not."

I haven't laid into you, I merely stated reasons why I thought you were a poor choice of server admin. There wasn't any name calling, and my "evidence" was all from your own personal admittance.

"I decided to stop, because the community was not a particularly nice one to be a part of."

Hence my point. If you don't like the community fair enough, but for you to be Barrysworld's representative to the community is therefore a bit of a strange decision.

"I respect your decision to question my feasability as an admin, but on a public message board? Beggars logic really."

How so? This is Barrysworld's messageboard isn't it? And, like I said in one of my posts, I actually was looking for a response from those people who had made the decisions.

"I admin because I enjoy it, not the power trip that I could say something about Stu in, which I will not."

If you have the guts to say something Nick, say it. If you don't, don't even allude to it, it looks weak and feeble. But then you never actually could say anything to my face, and preferred to wait until I'd left.

"I have never said "Quake 2 is shit"."

That didn't refer to you.

"The only thing "shit" about it, is the community, and that is in my own opinion, not the opinion of barrysworld, or anyone else."

This is my very point. You are allowed to have your own personal opinions, of course you are. But to the masses, people "on the coalface" ie people like you, Bif, davross, etc, you are Barrysworld. So for the public face of Barrysworld in a particular arena to have a dislike for the community in that arena, and to rarely even be part of it, is a bit strange to me.

"If you have a problem, Stu, take it to me or the head Barrysworld staff directly."

I thought that's what I was doing? It's an issue relating to the community that Barrysworld is a figurehead of. This is Barrysworld's community messageboard. If I had made the point directly to someone like Ben you would no doubt have turned round and said "if you've got a problem bring it out in the open". Added to which it is not a personal problem (like I said I rarely play any more).

"There was a time that I would look up to you, Stu, respect you even. But now, I will just treat you as you treat me."

If you have any issues with anything that I do, and present those problems to me in a mature and sensible manner, I will of course address them...

"I no longer resort to name calling, idle threats or anything suchlike"

...however that has actually been the way you have dealt with things in the past, in fact I quote from about 10 days ago in #barrysworld:

*** Parts: Stu (
<Kryten-> oh look it's "the gay"
<Kryten-> or at least it was

Now onto lecty's comments:

"But while this may be true, we also require a solution."

Fair point. I'd suggest the solution is to find people who actually represent the Q2 FFA/DM scene.

"In the case of Kryten and to a certain extent Seccy, they have been ostracized from the community which they serve. The Quake2 community is very close and cliquey, and if ur face doesnt fit etc."

I don't believe that is true at all. Both Kryten and Seccy were "regulars" amongst the Q2 community, and respected people. Both chose to leave of their own volition (Seccy because he got bored of the game, and Kryten because he got bored of the community). They were not 'forced' out. The Q2 community is cliquey, granted, but there are certainly enough 'cliques' that don't agree with my way of thinking to suggest that I (or anyone else for that matter) could force someone else out of the 'scene'.

"I personally thing that you (stu) would make an excellent admin because a) you know the scene b) your not 14 years old c) and you are not likely to suck up etc."

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I wouldn't want the job, as I don't really play any more. In my heyday as it were, I was probably the equivalent of the RA2 "Liason" (ie lots of the decisions on the running of the server, maps, rules, etc were influenced by me and a couple of other people), but I'm not a part of it any more so I couldn't honestly say I could represent what the community wanted.


About time I actually made my .sig compatible with the new messageboard n'est pas? (or, in this case, not bother to use it at all)


   / |||| \
  (  ò  ó  )
   \ („)  /   Mr T Says:
   (  =  )     @->->


(that's kind of how a management structure works, you might find one of those useful for running a business).

ooohh, feel the scorn ¦]


In my experience it seems that ppl who wanna be admins/liaisons go about asking by telling ppl that the current admin/liaison is crap at their job.


Originally posted by Diablo
In my experience it seems that ppl who wanna be admins/liaisons go about asking by telling ppl that the current admin/liaison is crap at their job.

Which is why I said I didn't want the job, obviously

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