BW Q2 Master - It's been FUBARed for ages



The BW Q2 master is broken... Still.

I bring the issue up now, as it seems that all the other BW masters are working fine. At one point, all of them seemed to be broken, however they're working now(Or at least, the Q3/QW ones are). The Q2 one is still messed up.

It seems to give differing amounts of IPs, on each update, each time giving differant IPs. It generally never gives more than 8 at a time. This can be seen easily using http. Go here, and then press refresh a few times. Each time, you should get differant results.

I get the same results using my server tool(XQF), and using both udp and http types.

Can somoene look into this? It's annoying not having the BW master, since it tends to only cover European servers, which is handy, considering we're in Europe :)


I've reported it on the BarrysWorld report page, linking this thread. Hopefully it will get fixed soon.

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