bw q2 duels 1,2 &3


old.Mr NiCe^

hi can someone please change the bw q2 duel servers 1,2 &3 to DM1 please as a default would be nice as no-one wants to play DM7:D :uhoh:


i've emailed admins about this before and heard nothing about it.

all they gotta do is change the config that the servers are using..
not hard

could someone get on it please ?


There IS something being done.

I made the configs and things to upgrade the servers to battleground a few weeks ago and handed them over. The matter isnt in the admins hands anymore, or mine.

I did first request changes with the servers, I do listen to what people say. Then I had the idea of just totally upgrading them so that is what is happening, soon... hopefully.

The staff have to take my config, edit databases and make perl scripts to rebuild them every 6am or something. To be totally honest I dont think q2 is that high on the priority schedule but I'm told they are being looked at and its in the pipeline. I have no access to the files or to do this myself, and to be honest I dont know the system so I probably couldnt do it.

Guess its just a waiting game, because I do know, no one wants to duel on dm7 etc. I personally can't wait for this upgrade because I belive the servers will be packed once people learn they are about. A good bg server is hard to find these days.


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