BW CTF servers



So where are you all then?

The BW Q3 CTF server used to be full at all times of the day or night...and all weekend! Now it's deserted most of the time.

I do my usual thing, and act as a 'seed' to attract other players, but it don't work any more :(

Are you all fed up with Q3?


hi m8 - the ctf server are just 2 hard
well it's like this
barrysworld have the hardest players
and attract the hardest player in the eu.
i can sometime kick, but on a barrysworld
server, well, lets say i am shit.
not that other server are less hard it's
just the quality of the players on barrysworld . lets say hardcore just to
start it.........

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 15 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 15 July 2000).]


I have to admit that wasn't one of the reasons I thought of!

Interesting comments though, and something I've heard before.

It's true that the BW server attracts some of the best players around, and it's sometimes hard to contribute as much as one wants to. It's also true that playing against better opponents really helps develop ones' game.

I know only too well what it's like to be snmashed around the map! One of the worst (and best) aspects of acting as a 'seed' on a server, is you never know who's going to show. I can remember a few months back, when the second player to join seemed to always be a clan .E In that situation, you just know you aint going to smack that particular bitch around (sometimes I think it would be less painful if I carried my flag to their base for them :)) :)

Having said that, I sincerely believe that playing with, and against, players of that calibre has improved my game. I'm never going to be a top ranking player, but I'm perfectly happy playing at the level I do. I try and contribute to my team as best I can, and that doesn't have to mean getting loads of caps.

Come on in'll be surprised (if you stick at it) how much fun it is.

...later.... Ah, saw you on there tonight. Wasn't that bad was it? :)

Mind you, that 250 ping of yours was a bummer!

[This message has been edited by SoWat (edited 16 July 2000).]


yes i agree with you
edit bit from here
ctf is almost the place for new player ( unless team damage is on )as their are loads of rolls to fill.
250 ping is a pain, but what gives me even
more pain, is when my hard drive starts doing an auto defrag or something and my fps drop to about 10 i do try and hide this fact when it happens.
The hard disk thing, think i have cracked it.
have turned off
aedebug and
scanregistry /auto
was that a good idea or .......

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 16 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 16 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 16 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 16 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 16 July 2000).]

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