BW Admin



Just having a read through some bumf about BWAdmin and noticed that they do bug/cheat fixes.

What bug/cheat fixes does the BWAdmin T2 mod fix - and if they are honest bugs/cheats - why doesn't Dynamix fix 'em?


well a script can be released wivout dynamix having to do all the testing on a patch which takes time so scripts can fix stuff short term whiilst dynamix release a patch....


I'm not trying to flame the BWadmin mod or anyone who helped make it as I am sure it has its purposes (although to be honest I am yet to find any of them) but what I dislike about the BWadmin is all the bugs it has.

I'm sure atleast some of these are todo with the Tribes 2 and not BWAdmin and its just pure coincerdence I have only seen them on the barrysworld server but still it seems like almost everytime I play on a barrysworld server that either I experience or someone else is complaining about some sort of strange server side bug.

E.g. weird names (i.e. %1 changed name to %2, %1 changed team to %2) or underwater sound while near flag or a permanent "you are observing so&so" after looking at a command screen and several others I can't remember at the moment.

From a players prespective however there appears to be no advantages to BWadmin for public matches atleast. BWadmin was a great mod for Tribes 1 and its great to see many of the features it invented implemented into tribes 2 but with the base Tribes 2 admin set being as good as it is I wonder what the point of having the BWAdmin on the Tribes 2 servers really is since all it seems to do is make the servers buggy.


I havn't seen the weird names in ages, I think that was a tribes2 bug? and if you do see bugs why dont you send an email to the authors :p


Originally posted by Mote\/
with the base Tribes 2 admin set being as good as it is

LOL :) i would suggest you try to admin a league game with base T2 . then try it with an Admin mod.

You will soon see Dynamix mistakes


Best BW admin was the Q2 jobbie from a couple of years ago, nine out of ten players got kicked when joining the servers. Major bug;) Either that, or there was a lot of lamer ratbot users:D


I agree that for league matches and other tournament games that BWAdmin could be a lot better, the post above was purely in regards to general pub servers for which apart from the bugs which although I also rarely see these days, I often hear on servers others complaining about them.

Tribes 2 base has does have its bugs, and it would be great if BWAdmin could implement quick fix's for things like shrike kills not counting etc.

I really don't mean to sound harsh towards the authors of BWAdmin or anything, and although its great for the servers that host organised matches & praccies etc. I simply don't see the point of having it on the standard public servers is if all it does is cause rare but still annoying bugs.


I saw the name bug last night. Also I joined BW and all the triangles where red, as where both the flags. My first spawn I started blowing away teammates in the spawn area, until I saw a "enemy" repairing our generator i was like WTF? I also thought it was quite strange that these enemies didnt try to kill me :D (allthough after some time they did heh)

I shut down the game and joined again and all was ok (except for the name bug)

If it has anything to do with BW admin I do not know, but something you might want to know :)


There are several advantages of having bwadmin on public servers, the main one being the number of admins.

Normally, you need to use an admin password, which you have to give out. This password then gets spread out either deliberately or accidentally and you soon have server takeovers, etc.

With BWadmin mod you can make people admins when they join based on their unique won id, so you can have plenty of admins without risking them having a password to accidentally give out.



BWAdmin form T1 had lots of other enhancments that hopefully will be implemented in later versions of the T2 version :

  • Enhanced Observer Mode allowing you to move the camera in and out, go into the player's eyes and quick observe any player by selecting their name on the Tabscreen. (This is the lobby in T2) If you want to get the old Tabscreen back from Tribe1 Crunchy has a script which does just that :) ** Shameless Plug #1 **
  • Mulit-level admin, with a server side admin list for giving different people different admin rights. Personally on the server I ran in T1 I found this VERY useful, also once I told the admin of my old clan's server how to use it he was mucho happy as well.
  • Anti-Tk measures built into BWA. I found it was more entertaining as an admin to throw a constant TKer into purgatory that it was to kick him. After his 3rd consecutive trip into purg he dropped of his own accord :)
  • RefAdmin player to player chat. This allowed someone with RefAdmin priv level to directly message a player. I found this useful for warning a player directly without embarrasing that player. Normally worked okay. Was also a way for admins to discuss stuff.

I've only listed the stuff I personally found useful from the T1 version that I HOPE will make it into later versions of the T2 one. Some the creators have already stated on the site will be implimented. There were other options available in BWAT1 if they get T2 version to the T1's version level of options then it will be fantastic and even normal players will get more out of it that just base T2.

And I must say as a server admin that the T2 base admin options are pathetic is comparison to BWAdmin. Once the mod is fully optioned out other server admins would be silly to stick to base T2. Personally I would never go back unless a huge security leak slips into BWA for T2, which going from their record with T1, just won't happen.



When are you guys releasing BWA version 1.01 that is running on the BW servers to the public ?

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