Buying/Selling Seals



I'm using this pricing system...

2G per emerald
5G per Saph
10G per Diamond

Think it's fair? It's pretty much the best source of income for me at the mo.


Well one way to calculate what a seal is worth is what its worth to a crafter if they /salvage the items purchased with them.

Doing that an emerald is worth a fraction over 1g, a diamond around 16g (and I cant remember the value of sapphire - sorry)

Remember this takes ALOT of time to recover the full value - its not just a 2 minute task. If a crafter was buying seals to do this I expect theyd pay around half this amount at most.

In reality theyre worth whatever people are willing to pay - Ive sold stacks of diamonds for far less than 10g each (I needed gold - they needed seals), and given away large numbers too (why keep items I dont need? I rarely do)

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