
First question, why oh why doesnt GOA make there email address public. Is it a secret? All I wanted to know was where to buy a copy from. I tried to buy from Amazon as they recommend, unfortunately I found them to be lying bastards. "Yes sir we have 89 copies instock your order will be depatched today" Upon chasing said order "Well actually we wont have it for 2 weeks" DOH!!!!!!

Second question (Hoping that GOA read this :p) Why the hell is it so difficult to buy this game surely if they want more subcription payers they should make sure the game is available through retail shops like "Game" or (Dare I utter there name here) "PC World"

Maybe GOA should take a look at their Marketing dept and give them a bloody good kick up the arse. They obviously havent grasped the fact that if you cant buy there product you buy a competitors, there are plenty out there...............................

Madonion Slicer

If your in the UK, order from, cheaper and free delivery and very good.

And yes GoA/Mythic did not do a very good job when it come to publishing in the UK, orthough i here it is advertised in Europe.

I bought this game on the off chance, last Feb i got my ADSL installed and went down to the local game shop looking for an online game to test my ADSL on and came home with the only copy of DAOC they had.

Never heard of it before then, only bought it because it said ONLINE ONLY, and the genre look to my taste.

Here i am 11 Months later and still loving it.


I think GOA have a deal with GAME or something (I might be wrong).

You're right though, the advertsing has been a complete sham in Britain. They've managed to get this player base in Britain through word of mouth.

There are hardly any copies in the shops (Those that find them are lucky), I wen't to the Trafford center last week and found none and that's like the shopping capital of the NorthWest.

This game could have been enormous, it really has that potential, unfortunatly companies like GOA don't want to spend any money at all but want bigger profits.

I think someone forgot to tell GOA's managment dept that you actually have to spend money to make money.


my last resort was to try HMV - they had loads!


There have been a lot of complaints about this, but to no avail. Game never know what / when / how / why they are going to have stock, I know the manager of our local one, she says that a few ppl have asked for a copy, but she has been unable to get them from their suppliers for some reason.

I too found my way here by word of mouth, but the game in euro needs new blood, especially in the UK.

Copies of the SI expansion pack for sale in shops are gonna look a lil dumb if you cant buy the original game.


Heh I had DAOC on order from play from 1st December 2002, they gave me many different stories. Despatched, Awaiting delivery form Publisher, First class post takes 10 days ????. Finally i managed on the 16th December to get them to admit they didt have the game or have any idea when stocks were due. Nuff said about :p

Madonion Slicer

Must be bad luck i been ordering Game/CD/DVD for just over a year and never had a problem, each to their own i guess.


Oh yeah one completely off topic thing. Many many thanks to young Mr Stormm for helping me with my level 43 Paladin epic yesterday, especialy for being patient enough to wait for me to make my way back to Barrows from Humberton after i had to release. (Only way to escape Physco Avenger who killed me everytime i was rezzed :p )


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
Must be bad luck i been ordering Game/CD/DVD for just over a year and never had a problem, each to their own i guess.
We are refering to one game in particular, as a general thing about GOA and not a flame of any supplier.


Dont get me wrong im not blaming or Amazon, although my comments do seem to be that way inclined so big apologies to them. Im just ranting at GOA in the hope they do read these boards and my thread. If they dont do something about they will have a serious problem on there hands.

Madonion Slicer

Lets hope they do a better job with SI, and get some copies of DAOC in, maybe they do bundle packs.

I suggest they send their marketing team on a course in the new year as they need to learn how to market a product.


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
Lets hope they do a better job with SI, and get some copies of DAOC in, maybe they do bundle packs.

God I hope they dont... you just know they would only have the pack.. and not the game or SI in a single form, and who wants to buy a game that they already have.



I suggest strongly we all put links to and on our webbies, prodding ppl into their direction, maybe ill make a pop up on mine too :)

Of course we could all e-spam Game, Amazon and Play as well as GOA with "advertise this frikken game in the UK" type stuff.

old.Trine Aquavit

The lack of exposure and availability of DAOC (and MMORPGs in general) in the UK is really peculiar. I work in Woking, Surrey, which has 2 GAME stores, plus a few others that stock games (e.g. Virgin). I work in the town centre, which means I'll generally pop into one or other of the GAME stores at least once a week during my lunch break.

In the past year or so I've witnessed the release of a number of MMORPGs:


About a dozen copies available on release (initially in the 'New Release' section). All sold out in the first couple of weeks, bar a single copy which hung around for a couple of months. I haven't seen a copy since


Wasn't even aware it had gone retail until I heard about people playing it on these forums. Found a couple of copies hidden on one of the shelves fo one of the stores (hard to spot cos the cover looks suspiciously like Half-life). I'm almost certain that the game never made it onto the 'New Release' shelves.

Asheron's Call 2:

You'd think that Microsoft would have better luck on the retail front, but AC2 had the worst retail release yet. Like Neocron, there was a couple of copies hidden away on the shelves of one of the stores. No sign of advertising. No sign of it on the 'New Release' shelves.

Now, the contrast:

This past weekend I was in New York and happened to pop into a 'Computer USA' store (kind of like PC World). What did I see?

One entire row of shelves devoted to MMORPGs (approx 5 shelf units):

DAOC: One entire shelf with copies of DAOC and SI (approx 30-50 copies of each)

EQ: 3 full shelves of EQ with the new Gold Edition of EQ and the Planes of Power Expansion. There were even EQ action figures on sale!

One shelf full of other MMORPGs and simiular games (e.g. Earth and Beyond, etc.), though AC2 was curiously absent.

Now, the CompUSA store did have more space dedicated to PC games, but not much more. The difference in profile & attitude to MMORPGs was astounding.


We must have ppl reading these forums from GOA (I know at least 1 who does ;) ), Game, Play or amazon, i find it hard to beleive someone can give us some kind of official stance on this!

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