buppa dies at mid tk to grey



hehehe buppa u tin can mezzin n killin greys at mid tk:(
in emain. shit it when i turned up though didnt ya:twak:
sent u right back to ur bind point lol
hehehe u muppet u that bad u lose to greys
thanks for the realm points much appreciated:clap:
buppa was killed by ulrak
zatos was killed by ulrak


your post didnt make much sense but ..... if i can undertsabd it a bit u said u was gray to him and him purp to you ? btw it is very possible u were green to him even though u were purp to him . when i was lvl 33 on my old min i was green to a lvl 43 , he was prup to me . ok 10 lvl difference but non the less it doesnt automaticly make u gray if he is purp


green/ grey not much difference ulrak lvl up some more so
he cons higher to you and come show u how to do it :D
i admit to gankin the odd grey and green but not camp them
prefer my kills to mean summat as in grey or green kickin ur asses :p u might not c me for a while might just stay away till i lvl 50 then i come look for u all and i do mean all and c how u like it lol
albs and hibs r weak :whip: middies r best
ulrak the original stormcaller
nox guild


Lol ...

Bla bla bla ... :eek:

Sure m8, take the ego back to mid ... level up to 50 .... come back when it has grown a bit and come see that 'even Ulrak the great' can be slain by us weak albs and hibs :)


ok so i cant stay away from emain (dumb troll lvl up not RvR):D
so i'll prolly be seein u as i die at mfg 1 for the millionth time
giz a wave if im still breathing and i'll chase ya for a while:D
cos u all good at runnin hehehehehe and to who ever got me last nite lol well have u ever tried to hide a troll behind a tree it aint easy :D

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