Bump up the regain?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
As far as im aware they have bumped up the movement speed of classes, which is good stuff imo, always helps.

Now, anyone played WoW? thought so, anyone else like the fact ur health and power and stuff went back up really really fast? i thought so... it means you dont have to wait around allday when xp'in or farming or whatever.

I think they should change the recovery time on all hit/power/end so thet are like WoW. I know this will fook over some things such as FoP but they can just be changed so tehy work in combat or sumething, it would make the game far more friendly to new players and also those without a bot. They could even make these recovery things only work in PvE znes like the new speed so it dont bugger RvR or anything....

Just thought id see what others thought, i personally like PvE (some of it) but its the waiting that gets me down.

Ruvinan MadeInDenmark

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Couldnt agree more, they could make the regain like on run speed.
I mean that the improved regen only works after being out of combat for like 10 secs or so and NOT in RvR.

i HATE downtime as any others tbh hehe....


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
the whole movement thing is going in this direction so the developers will probably do something in this direction sooner or later.

realy i think they should work on hit point regen outside combat, end rises at a pretty good rate with tirelessness now, but when you take dmg its a real pain getting the hits back (provided you dont hve a bot, but then downtime isnt rly an issue)

tho i guess mcl being 5 points now will have ruined my perception of regaining power a bit ><


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
the only problem is if you make it so you can run around regaining hp/mana quickly the need for grouping is made even less (at the moment solo with bot is far more efficient than any pickup group) which kills what's left of people grouping up.

Though you might have a point saying that there's no groups anyway and everyone's solo and how we might as well make that more pleasant.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
agree with OP to 100%, Especially HPregen is ridicilously slow. Or at least give us pots with really good regenspeeds or something.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I agree with Flim, your idea will kill Healers/Shaman/Clerics etc erc. This is a bad idea, the game design is a social one, not like WoW that caters more for solo PvE'ers.

Next youll ask for self buffs instead of relying on support classes.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Agreed - the goal of the game is to group up so that the thing that you're missing - health and power - is provided by someone else in the group. Why else bother with grouping up at all?

Same thing with the silly speed increase - nice in PvE (couldn't care less), but very annoying in PvP. Ever tried to critshot a class that zooms past at topspeed? It's impossible. >_<


Loyal Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
how would it stop people grouping with clerics and stuff? clerics are good cos they have buffs and can heal u in combat. i dont see how this would have any bearing on healing/bufing classes, because with a cleric u can kill faster, and their down tme would be less aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 5, 2005
If this is a social game how come you often get more exp if you solo than if you are in a non opted group?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Agree with original poster - they should definetly up regen of health and power as its no fun sitting around for 3-5 min after every other fight waiting. Or rework alchemy to make it useful to bring regen pots with you when exping - atm it isnt since they last a very short time, take alot of inventory space (they dont stack) and cost alot for the level they are useful on (nothing for newbies etc).

As for it destroying grouping, i dont see how if it only worked out of combat - and besides it isnt like we have alot of grouping anyway. I think it would mean more new people stayed in the game if exping was more fighting and less downtime tbh (if they come from wow to try daoc they will likely fall asleep trying to exp). Grouping will still occur on harder encounters, when its needed etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
I agree with Flim, your idea will kill Healers/Shaman/Clerics etc erc. This is a bad idea, the game design is a social one, not like WoW that caters more for solo PvE'ers.

Next youll ask for self buffs instead of relying on support classes.

Not if the more peole you group with the faster it regens.



One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
I’m sure I read Mythic were planning on revamping the trade skills. So far they haven’t been shy about pinching some of WoW’s better features so maybe First Aid is on the horizon;)
Or even better the could pinch the Mages ability to make Water/Food that increases HP/Mana regen and give it to some low util class in each realm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
why can't mana rejuvinate at the same speed as end?. caster/healer no mana =usless : tank no end = no styles but still damage.

would like end to rejuvinate as fast as end would make life in pve a bit more bearable


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
scorge said:
Not if the more peole you group with the faster it regens.

Thats a good idea imo, the more ppl you group with the faster your things regen, out of combat only though ofc. Heal classes are needed in pve and rvr always it wont effect them, all it will change is a healer class blowing all his power after a fight healing ppl then having to wait and regen himself anyways, with this then at least they can save downtime and have more power for during actual fights.

How it will make healer classes less useful I dont know. As its out of combat it doesnt really change a thing, I dont know how many ppl are looking for a healer class to group with them so they can just heal them after fights :p They will always need them during fights.

Oh and yes increase the alchemy potions so that they are more worthwhile at level 50, the end pots are ok since it takes very little to regen full end but the HP and power pots are awful. With ToA bonuses now people have such improved HP and power that these pots really hardly regen anything at all. I think to double there effectiveness at least would make them more viable at this level.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
lol what twat said u wouldnt need clerics!

Airalith was saying that the base regen rate should be increased, dnt mean that your not gonna need clerics. any would mean u would solo more there will still be grps running about, basically Airalith is saying Down time sucks up the Regen rate and i total agree with him.

But on the other hand the the ablitys are spread accross the charcters to make that happen. FOr example Cleric hp regen. Sorc mana Regen, palyl end chant! Tireless!

As u can see all these aspects are in the game alrdy, but Mythic have spread em out accross the classes so that Grp'in is needed to do things.

Altho Down time sucks the classes are there to help u have no down time. altho i do agree if your solo and u cant get these classes to grp or help then ofc up teh regen rates.


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