Building a BG1 Skald



Need lowbie twink items, AF50ish chain, weapons (currently 2handed hammer) any other odds and ends u may have cluttering up your vault :)

Dont have any money on this server/realm yet as I havent sorted a money transfer. Any items recieved can be paid for on alb/excal or I can supply lowbie twink items in exchange there. If interested plz contact: Vendolina lvl21 Skald. Fort Veldon/Vendo Caverns atm. Thnx.


I can't supply you with the items but I can tell you what I used - most of them you can get at level 24.

Get stats at (set language at - and feel free to ask me ingame as well.

Weapon: Njessi. No choice there. Quest 'Silent Death' from Bork in Huginfell.

Hauberk: Askafroa (level 33 OTD)

Leggings: Askrafroa (it's two items)

Helmet: I quite liked the Barbed Crescent Crown. Quest 'Tale of
Two Trolls' from Darrius in Atla. The alternative is 'Cerus', a level 32 OTD.

Sleeves: Wyrm Sleeves. Best you'll get. From a level 30 quest.

Gauntlets: Brimstone Gauntlets. Level 24 OTD from Brimstone in Muspelheim.

Boots: I used crafted... no 100% quality quest stuff available.

Of these you can't get the Wyrm Sleeves, Askafroa or Cerus (if wanted) at 24, so you'll need to get those from someone. And no, I'm not giving away my set.

Then fill up with some jewelry to cap stats (I'm sure you can buy some diamond seals here with alb/exc gold) and you'll be ready to make people fear your name.

My skald wore the above in Thidranki, and I hope a few people out there still remember her:


Item wise, you need to kill Salix, a relatively rare weeping willow spawn near gna faste

LvL 14 jwlery peice, +9 con.
Still using skalds medallion, havent come across anything better.
Mora's drop a bracer that adds +3 to charisma, get 2 of those.

See if you can dig out a lvl 25 epic skald hauberk, AF50 100% qual... someone must have one somewhere :)

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