Sir Frizz
What happened? I couldn't access the forums for about 3 - 4 hours. I'm currently the only one here atm aswell. Ted, what have you done now eh?
Originally posted by FatBusinessman
No, you're all wrong. It's obviously because it was my birthday yesterday
Originally posted by DBs
The forums are in the process of migrating to a new server which should be able to handle the load.
Originally posted by Testin da Cable
DBs, there used to be a little something stopping me from being able to ping the linweb boxen. Has that been turned off?
PING forums.barrysworld.com ( 56 data bytes
--- forums.barrysworld.com ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
Originally posted by DBs
to check attempt to ping forums.barrysworld.com and it should come back with if you are using the new server.
The ping will time out. If the ip is not that above you can do this to attempt to force your windows machine to reload its dns :
Originally posted by Twathead
ICMP is dropped after I believe.