Buh bye



Been on break for a while now and have decided to quit daoc cold turkey, I don't need no stinkin patch...(which is quite ironic if you think about it. DAOC being a drug and patches help sooth the nasty effects of it :p).

The game's gotten worse beyond belief. Everything revolves around RPs when you think about it in depth. Leveling 1-50 is pretty damn hard. Much harder than it used to be. Ok, well, it's not "HARD", but it's a long, slow, and boring path that pretty much all albs refuse to take unless properly equiped with a necromancer (Go Go PL!...<cough>).

The game is no longer for the casual gamer who likes to rvr, and only has real appeal for the hardcore "RP farmer".

Mythic and GOA's lack of common sense is apalling as well. Class balance means nothing to them. And while I know exactly why they have that type of reasoning, I won't go into it. Too long to type and probably none of you care anyway :p.

So with that, you have the game as it is now.

Boring. Or rather I should say, lack of appeal.
Hardcore gamer only (for the most success anyway).

And that, my friends, is where I stop this little speech and say Au Revoir. Have fun (if you can) and best of luck in all things.


(A.K.A. Trinilim, The Pink Friar. Because only real men wear pink.)

DroP DeaD

Originally posted by Trinilim
Ok, well, it's not "HARD", but it's a long, slow, and boring path that pretty much all albs refuse to take unless properly equiped with a necromancer (Go Go PL!...<cough>).

Actualy Cabbies are much more useful :) Necro is for money.




bye m8

frerd 36arms
fera 22merc
gweria 16friar
haed 12theurg
ibila 10mincer
cark 8cabby
cocan 7infil - hopefully will be my main
frerdi 6reaver

I NEED PL--- pppppplease pl meh :) p.s coim is a nelly furtardo monger :)


Knew you when i used to be in LoD - soz to see you go and wish u all the best . GL



take care mate we always use tohave a laugh late night when most peeps were offline ,,

i hope u aint gonna become a total stranger . n hope u keep visiting us on LOD forums,take care mate an good luck in whatever u may get upto



So long friend,
Good luck out there.
Hope to see you in WoW :)



cu, this game really do suck when you think about it :O


Travis.. I was there when you started Vampire.. there when you left.. came back.. left.. came back.. then left.. got you into daoc.. left came back joined euro servers left came back and now... leaving AGAIN!!:p Hope we will cross paths again in a new game.. and we can go threw the roller coster again :D gl..



Originally posted by Trinilim
Leveling 1-50 is pretty damn hard. Much harder than it used to be. Ok, well, it's not "HARD", but it's a long, slow, and boring path that pretty much all albs refuse to take unless properly equiped with a necromancer (Go Go PL!...<cough>).

Long? Slow? 1 to 50 is hardly anything these days if you know what you're doing. Can do it in 10 days /played relatively easily with random groups with a remotely group friendly character , but with a set-up group you can halve that and with PL you can halve the set-up group time. While being faster is not necessarily an improvement, you definitely can't say it would be harder than before.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you're going to waste your free time on now :p

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