Bugs introduced with 1.52



I have noticed 2 things that seem outtawack. (this might be a Prydwen only bug)

1. When using /release (from emain), you sometimes lose your group, lose chat, lost minibar, lose group list. And you cant be invited to a new group, because you are "member of another group".

This seems to happen for the entire group when they /release.

2. Wacky low RP's for level 50 chars, i tried where i did 80% of the damage to a level 50 alb, that came running from apk => amg, another sb did the last 20% damage. I got a wooping 39 RP, and we were the only people in emain that hadnt just ported in. In other words, we were sharing RP's for the kill with people that had left emain a long time ago. And damaged him and /released way before. At another time at mmg in emain i got 7 RP for soloing another level 50 player whom had full health.

It could be cooincidence, he might have been hit to 5% hp 50 times, and have survived all that time, and all those people could still be in emain, but it sounds VERY unlikely..

So GOA there are 2 bugs for you, I have enough RP so the second one doesnt concern me greatly, but the first one is very annoying.


the group disbanding bug occured alot directly after the patch, but mostly when porting back to emain.


I had that group bug this friday in emain, i died. /released no group/chat or cg, when i appered in svasud. But when i got back to emain, i was back in the group, and cg, and was asked by the group if i had been afk, and i said no, i dropped group and cg when i released. So it seems to be still there.

And i found another bug, i can stand next to the mob, he hits me but i cant hit back since i'm out of range, and this can go on either to half hits for me or 1 hit. Happen in rvr sometimes too, when a target is messed i run up, but dont hit cause the target is out of range. And all of the sudden i land a hit.


both of those bugs were present before the patch. atleast I experienced both of them beforehand anyway, altho only once had I the group loss bug, and I had the ridiculously low rps thing a fewtimes


Yup got 29 rps for walker in a group of 4, then directly after we killed a green con, that i never heard of and got around 150 for him.


Yup, had 42 RP for a solo yellow before with no one else around (was in sauvage :p)
Also the group thing I've seen quite a few times while zoning, it's damn annoying.


Originally posted by Fafnir

And i found another bug, i can stand next to the mob, he hits me but i cant hit back since i'm out of range, and this can go on either to half hits for me or 1 hit. Happen in rvr sometimes too, when a target is messed i run up, but dont hit cause the target is out of range. And all of the sudden i land a hit.

I had that in Hib lots with those rock things (cant remember the name now!).

Also found it in Alb occassionally

/edit: Sorry, meant to say I had that problem since 1.49


I thought it was just me - last night I hit an orange con alb caster for 696 and killed him - he was at maybe 70% hp when I shot him and I got no rps at all with no message saying he had been killed recently and was worth no rps.


Maybe due to healing/fa/IP?

If someone does say 200% of the persons hp with them getting healed IP, and then die, then a third person comes along and kills him for the last 100% (no ip/healing now), do they get 1/3rd of the total rp? or all of it? or what?


Originally posted by Meatballs
Maybe due to healing/fa/IP?

If someone does say 200% of the persons hp with them getting healed IP, and then die, then a third person comes along and kills him for the last 100% (no ip/healing now), do they get 1/3rd of the total rp? or all of it? or what?

not exactly sure, but what's being discussed is a definite bug as opposed to the game mechanics, my group of 8 killed blakkr from full life one time, we all got 7 rps each, he was at full life so no way that 99% of the damage done to him coulda been done by others first..

also melodic, the no rps at all thing is a different matter too, that's a bug related to the anti-rp farming cod which basically screws up soloers on a regular basis when not rp farming at all


Some other Bug, that Archer will prolly like, is you get shot by them, but don't get them as target.

Can happen with Assassins as well, atleast a post by Korebwyn indicates this.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Gabrial

I had that in Hib lots with those rock things (cant remember the name now!).

Also found it in Alb occassionally
I think this may be to do with gradients, in especially hilly or mountainous areas I tend to get such an occurence.


Originally posted by old.willowywicca

also melodic, the no rps at all thing is a different matter too, that's a bug related to the anti-rp farming cod which basically screws up soloers on a regular basis when not rp farming at all

I've found out that this most of the time is a display bug. The "xxx has recently been killed..." doesn't show to you when you are solo. I have killed many targets that I assumed were rez sick and did not get a message nor any RPs. This is why this problem has become greater after the patch, the bindstones in the portal keeps make more rez sock people run around in the frontiers.

Although I'm pretty sure that the bug sometimes depends on the buggy anti-farming code, since its happen when I've killed people that I'm pretty sure not was rez sick too (due to damage done by them). But this doesn't happen even near as often as when I kill people fresh out from a portal keep and that ar probably rez sick.


That group bug isn't only with release, I once left DF and wasn't in group anymore but could see groupchat etc. and when I got inside again I was in the group again...

There is something else also (dunno if it's a feature or a bug) that some mobs don't drop aggro... they keep on chasing you..


friend of mine /released in the exact same spot, in emain :)


Ive bought a horseticket to Ligen (pre 1.52), gave it to the stablemaster and was teleported to the same spot in emain where the 20 odd albs just killed me (and yes they were still there :( ).

As for the strange mob movement/out of reach thingy it happens quite alot in DF... also have happend that non baffing and non social mobs have dissapeard and poped back with 2 friends (greencon mobs but still very irritating).

I have heard lots of ppl haveing the no-rp-of-a-kill bugg... so far never happend to me (cross my fingers). This is really a silly bug, i can imagine how irritating it must be to solo a yellowcon and get 23 rp for him...


Originally posted by Khalen
There is something else also (dunno if it's a feature or a bug) that some mobs don't drop aggro... they keep on chasing you..

The Fachans around the graveyard close to apk has this "feature". Its extremely annoying running around with an aggro orangecon monster behind you so close to an enemy portal keep :p

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