Buggy Theu pets



Must say to anyone whose thinking of rolling a theu its a bit disapointing to find that the class defining attributes of a theu ie the pets are so bugged they are unplayable in some circumstances.
I refer to two incidents, first being during the level 15 epic i have to kill a goblin by the name of ulfwik who resides in the Black mountains goblin fort. I target him from the entrance of the fort and fire off two pets only for them to about turn and run completely the wrong way. I tried again but no they would not enter the fort even though he is in plain LOS. The second occasion having got my new theurgist to level 20 i thought i would try out the battlegrounds, and went to join a keep defense in Thidranki. I climb up on to the wall and target an enemy and fire off a pet only for it to disappear in the complete wrong direction even though the enemy is around 800 distance away, try again same effect, move position , same effect. Literally 30 seconds later an enchanter pet manages to negotiate through two closed doors , up two flights of steps into a closed room im in and starts hitting me. If an enchater pet can do that and mine cant go in a straight line with direct Line of sight they are a complete waste of time. If this is how RvR for a theurgist is i may as well stop now. Yes i have a good DD but can see this being nerfed to hell after spellcrafting & alchemy resists. Do any theus enjoy RvR? Guess i didnt research the character enough.


Keep ur thurg m8, they're very handy with pbt - just get in a good rvr group and watch the rp start rolling in :)


By and large theurg pets in rvr are quite sucky, but plse note that in keep defence the melee pets will go downstairs and thru the g8s and eventually onto the target on ground outside, BUT the route is a long a tortuous one for the wee thing, with aoe affects on the g8s 30 second timer (15 secs for air) and also maybe ur target has died in meantime (hehe with any luck ).


the higher you get the less you use pets anyway, especially in pve.

the amount of times the pets go buggy compared to the amount of times they save your ass is pretty slim anyway.

and if youre thinking of starting a theurg it is worth it cos there are not many classes get grps so easily at higher lvls because of pbt.


i remember i killed that named goblin by standing on the hill behind the fort sending them down. they climb over the wall and wacks him=)

fun thing with big earth pets against lurkis is that some of the lurkis only se one pet due to size so they start wacking it:p not that its actualy 10 there.

(i saw iziz(or what her name was) did that once. was quite funny to watch:))


Bugged Pets

tgist life with bugged Pet's is Childs play when u look Cabbys pet
so shhhhh your life is easy


you'll be glad to know SM/Caba pets are pretty unbuggy over on Andred atm Fin, i think 1.51 or 1.52 fixes them finally :D


In rvr generally only ice pets are usful against keep defenders and the rest are only good vs single opponents.
Not many can survive a pet bomb :)

Only use pets if ur both solo though, if there is a few albs with u, just nuke and the albs will finish him before he can kill u.

Theurg is one of the few casters that can (100% success ratio) kill a tank before it reaches u (if the tank was rooted before u start the pet bomb).


That includes fully buffed cows (mutated heros)?


Yet to try one, but trust me most classes die so fast they got no chance, also back in the day when raist was about level 47 I remember being the only person able to beat Slim (level 50) in a duel.

That was my first duelling session, where i met Uger and found out about the nastiness of nearsight :( I still beat him once or twice though, just gotta start the duel nice n close :)

Maybe m00se with IP could survive the initial beating, but they aint gonna catch me cus i got run speed buff, then i just turn and send a few more pets now and again, or wait and re-root :)

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