Bugged Chanter RA



Anyone know when the bugged chanter RA gets fixed?

According to Mythic's description of Brilliant Aura of Deflection it should give 'Your character receives a 30 second boost to all magical resistances.' but currently seem to give the boost to all group members on the EU servers.


on all servers :>
and no 'fix' yet
but if it was as the way it's said to be, it'd be shit.. so :clap:

j000 d000d

The "fix" will be:

-Changed the Brilliant Aura of Deflection description to 'Your group receives a 30 second boost to all magical resistances.'

It's been like that with more things and probably will be the same with this when they feel like changing it.


btu currently it lasts 60secs, which is what will be fixed in 1.60 or sumt.

making it group-30secs. which still is uber, but i bet hibs will cry nerf


That is one grat ability that Ive seen in use probably once. LA/VGN probably only guilds that have people that can use it, really. And it was really obvious that it was a group ability (14 Skill points' cost...) from the start and not a bug, as suggested, although description was false.


The unique ability on my wizard is 14 points, doesn't make it a group ability, or useful in the slightest :p

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Meatballs
The unique ability on my wizard is 14 points, doesn't make it a group ability, or useful in the slightest :p

Infact for an RA it's bloody useless... even if it only cost 3 points.


thane one > all in uselessness.

Betv ya never even seen the thane one?
Lifter 3 + MoW 3 is more useful


You should check out the Armsman one :(

Mincer one is cool though :)


Originally posted by Pempulla
That is one grat ability that Ive seen in use probably once. LA/VGN probably only guilds that have people that can use it, really. And it was really obvious that it was a group ability (14 Skill points' cost...) from the start and not a bug, as suggested, although description was false.
That has to be the lamest justification I have ever heard. No RA should nullify entire speclines, even if for just 30s in every 30mins, which is exactly what BAoD does.


Originally posted by Meatballs
The unique ability on my wizard is 14 points, doesn't make it a group ability, or useful in the slightest :p

It is a 'group ability' in that it affects the entire 'enemy grp' in range.

Originally posted by shilak

That has to be the lamest justification I have ever heard. No RA should nullify entire speclines, even if for just 30s in every 30mins, which is exactly what BAoD does.

It is not a 'justification' as you put it, it is a fact. And no, it does not 'nullify' entire speclines, SoB (alb RA) has a similar effect on melee dmg (and is a pain in the butt for all hibs/mids ;))... Debuff? Anyone?


And no, it does not 'nullify' entire speclines, SoB (alb RA) has a similar effect on melee dmg (and is a pain in the butt for all hibs/mids )... Debuff? Anyone

"you can debuff" is the lamest justification for some way overpowered RA i've ever heard, it's like saying that casters should have a "kill all pc's" ae spell because they can be interrupted.

anyhow , yay for tundra

ps: im just asking myself, is there a bad thing in the enchanter class, and can't come up with an answer


Originally posted by shilak

That has to be the lamest justification I have ever heard. No RA should nullify entire speclines, even if for just 30s in every 30mins, which is exactly what BAoD does.

Not to mention BOF or See hidden.


Originally posted by klavrynd
ps: im just asking myself, is there a bad thing in the enchanter class, and can't come up with an answer

the enchantments line :)

but since noone specs it - no ;)


Yeh enchanters is owerpowered....allways been..where is the news:confused:



Originally posted by Gimly
You should check out the Armsman one :(

Mincer one is cool though :)

Ill fuckin rip the head of the next armsman that bitches about how their unique ra sucks.

Zerkers are by FAR the worst pure-tank-ra, and all the rest of the RA styles suck. Only one thats decent is the armsman one, so STFU and FOAD or sumt.


Zerkers are Mids light-Tank, not pure tank aren't they?

And surely it's akin to the mercs and bms 'unique' ability in that respect

Tesla Monkor

Hey, be happy. You actually HAVE a class-specific RA. Hunters don't. (Nor do Scouts or Rangers).

All three get LongShot and Volley. (At insane cost)..

That's it. Nothing neat, nothing class-special. :/


Originally posted by Pempulla
It is not a 'justification' as you put it, it is a fact. And no, it does not 'nullify' entire speclines, SoB (alb RA) has a similar effect on melee dmg (and is a pain in the butt for all hibs/mids ;))... Debuff? Anyone?
So 90%+ in all magic resists doesnt make spell speclines useless? Yay, you can nuke for 50 (-450), by the time you run out of power the enemy might be on 50% health, assuming noone heals. Mezzes/Roots that last for 5-7s with a base of 50-70s, stuns that wear off in under a second, router/server lag lasts longer and is more reliable. It completely eliminates 50% of the enemy groups offence for 1 minute (currently) which is more than enough time for the fight to be over and at the press of a button. Not to mention about 25% of the hibs active in RvR are Enchanters, and Im pretty sure its the first thing they go for after getting MoC, so in any decent group it will be up for most fights. And yes I think BoF is overpowering as well and should also be addressed.

The easiest and best solution IMHO would be to cap ALL resists at 50%.


Originally posted by shilak
Not to mention about 25% of the hibs active in RvR are Enchanters, and Im pretty sure its the first thing they go for after getting MoC, so in any decent group it will be up for most fights.
Hahahahahah, yeah right :ROFLMAO: baod is the bof of hibernia, mids dont need a decent RA since they got ae stun and zerkers :D


Originally posted by Arnor2

Ill fuckin rip the head of the next armsman that bitches about how their unique ra sucks.

Zerkers are by FAR the worst pure-tank-ra, and all the rest of the RA styles suck. Only one thats decent is the armsman one, so STFU and FOAD or sumt.

You tell them arnor! their bag of shite is much better than your handful of shite :)

(I'd class the merc unique RA as a couple of handfuls of shite since I can actually get full benefit of it whilst dual wielding)


...they got ae stun and zerkers

theyre gonna do alot when the 11s aestun (that is if someone can still be bothered speccing 48 pac)becomes umm 1second with boad? or no, maybe just 0s) and the chanters start pbaeing happily.

but then again, we got static tempest to make up for it

(ill refrain from whining about tundra, oops in a way i did)


Originally posted by Eleasias
Hahahahahah, yeah right :ROFLMAO: baod is the bof of hibernia, mids dont need a decent RA since they got ae stun and zerkers :D
Maybe a slight exageration, but I cant remember the last time I saw either LA or Vengeance without 2 chanters, let alone the last time I've had a fight with either and had AOE stun/mezz or root actually last more than a few seconds. As for AOE stun + zerkers, both are rendered completely useless by one or the other of the above abilities, hence the reason something should be done about them.

The whole point of the game is for all to have fun, which doesnt happen when you have ppl with stupidly high resists. You have 2 choices then 1) eventually die because so much of your damage output is nullified therefore making victory near impossible or 2) zerg in order to make sure that the RA has little noticable effect.

Sorry for actually wanting to see some sort of game balance.


Originally posted by shilak

So 90%+ in all magic resists doesnt make spell speclines useless? Yay, you can nuke for 50 (-450), by the time you run out of power the enemy might be on 50% health, assuming noone heals. Mezzes/Roots that last for 5-7s with a base of 50-70s, stuns that wear off in under a second, router/server lag lasts longer and is more reliable. It completely eliminates 50% of the enemy groups offence for 1 minute (currently) which is more than enough time for the fight to be over and at the press of a button. Not to mention about 25% of the hibs active in RvR are Enchanters, and Im pretty sure its the first thing they go for after getting MoC, so in any decent group it will be up for most fights. And yes I think BoF is overpowering as well and should also be addressed.

The easiest and best solution IMHO would be to cap ALL resists at 50%.

Heals should be nerfed.... I mean you can hit someone for 500 dmg then this healer comes along and heals that person for 500 hit points... I mean that totally gimps any dmg output. Nerf healing.


but heals are a spell for a spell, you nuke for 400 damage, i heal for 395 damage, well until you bring spread heals into the argument :)


Originally posted by Pempulla
Heals should be nerfed.... I mean you can hit someone for 500 dmg then this healer comes along and heals that person for 500 hit points... I mean that totally gimps any dmg output. Nerf healing.
At least you can attack the person healing and that pretty much stops them doing it. Attack or even kill the chanter/cleric and BAoD/BoF are still up for the duration.


Does thane ra actually do anything?
I mean if it had a nice unique animation or something...
Thane casts a spell.
Enemy group:"Whoa wait that guy did something uber there"
Thane sprints his ass off.


Originally posted by shilak

That has to be the lamest justification I have ever heard. No RA should nullify entire speclines, even if for just 30s in every 30mins, which is exactly what BAoD does.

Check the cleric one then, bunker of faith wtf all mellee = nullified ?

Imo all resistance buffs from healing classes should be taken out now that sc'ing is in. Now it is not needed. Also more varience for spells they have been too over powered, mellee peple have to put up with large variance even with 50 skill ? So should casters .

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by shilak

At least you can attack the person healing and that pretty much stops them doing it. Attack or even kill the chanter/cleric and BAoD/BoF are still up for the duration.

LOL, no, kill the chanter and baod wears off. how do i know this and how sure am i? happend to me last night

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