Bug or feature?



I've been rooted a few times now by Xuthos (Dwarf caster), it was a black type root...

Now, when I've been rooted and I get my X-Bow, start aiming, I get a 'Your being attacked by Xuthos' message and my shot gets interrupted... But I got interrupted before he does another spell...

It's just that if I do break free of the root and I (by some miracle) get to the caster, they'll still have BT on because I couldn't shoot my X-Bow...

My question, is that a bug or an intended feature?

(btw, for the record, I'm NOT blaming Xuthos here, and not trying to whine about getting killed, he's red to me, and red casters kill me easy... Just really wondering if this is a bug or not)

Goku TheWarrior

Originally posted by Icy
I've been rooted a few times now by Xuthos (Dwarf caster), it was a black type root...

hehe, he's a Kobold.:cool:


The poison-chain-rooting issue.. It's the same with hibs. They poison yah, then root, then root breaks because of poison or archer shoot me, then they root me again, then poison works again or being shot, etc. etc. etc. this goes on and on and on and on. A lot of people aren't going to RvR anymore. I can't wait till saturday when we gonna kill the dragon. At least that is more a challenge then go RvRing.


its a lag issue and is not rvr-related.

i think its fixed in some patch, not sure on that though.



Dwarf, Kobold, a small dude ;)

And (I dont think) he didn't posion me, since root didnt break... I just got interrupted after I was rooted and before a new spell was casted... It happens more often (not only with Xuthos, but often with him), but usually its hard to see because usually its a bigger battle...

Xuthos is one of the few casters I've seen that solo a lot... So that's probably why I notice it with him a bit more...


If someone attacks you while shooting bow or casting there's a chance you will be interrupted. Simple as that, if this had not been the case archers wouldn't need melee and casters quickcast.

The "con" of the attacker plays a big part in this too, if you're attacked by a gray con mob OR player you may very well be able to continue shooting/casting.

/Lythande - Lvl 5+ Runemaster of <Angeli Mortis>


Lol, he wasn't attacking dude, so I'll say it again, he rooted me, I ready x-bow but get interrupted (this was after the root but before the next cast!)...

So basicly, I got interrupted 'due to an attack' which never happend, unless root(that he uses) is supposed to work that way... And thats what I'm wondering...

As said, I can understand that a red caster can own me (even if I get out of the root, I won't make it any where near him)...


Ok, I'll clarify for you then, ANYTHING ANYONE other than your realm-members does towards you is considered ATTACKS? Get it? kthx


Yes and that should break root, which it didnt, thus no attack... Only debuffs keep root intact, but then a debuff shouldn't break your attack either...

An attack that interrupts my firing should (I think) also break the root...

The whole idea behind root (instead of a mezz) was that you could still cast spells & shoot arrows & attack, right?


eh, read my post again plz. The root IS the attack you're talking about.


Hehe, just timing I guess. Sure you can still shoot/cast while rooted, but that's not the point, the root itself is considered an attack on you so if you try to shoot directly after having been rooted you risk being interrupted. If you wait a couple of seconds then you won't be interrupted by it, but then it'll probably be too late :)

If it makes you feel any better I get interrupted all the time by your Alb casters casting AE-root. :)


Well if a root is cast on a mob and ur next to it or its casts/has a bow it can still hit you.

Not sure if/why this is any differant RvR.


Congo, no different in RvR of course, just didn't think to mention it as we were talking about caster vs tank. So, yes you can still hit if someone comes into range.


This is just an isue of lag or a bit weird game code, I get a similar thing soloing as Cleric all the time. Smite lalala and stun when mob gets close, if the stun goes through like 0.1sec after the mob takes a swing at me, obviously the stun aint interrupted but if I start casting another spell that will be interrupted retroactively so to speak. Means I have to wait 2 seconds after his attack to clear the "you are under attack" flag.


But how is it any differant for Wedge to use his crossbow or melee weapon ?

Pretty sure that I can cast when rooted, but I'm always mezd and rarely rooted.


Simple, melee can never be interrupted as such. If you get mezzed or stunned I guess you can say you get interrupted of course but you never get interrupted when someone attacks you, that'd be pretty stupid don't you think? :)


So basicly it's a bug ;)

The time between me actually aiming and the root would have been a few seconds (all who seen an armsman in action, loading an x-bow takes about 1 ~ 2 seconds, and after that it was interrupted)... I think I even got interrupted twice...

But the only difference would have been that he'd kill me without BT ;) I'd still be dead...

What probably happens is that after a root, the attack flag isn't reset fast enough... I'll try to see what happens if I wait a few seconds after I've been rooted, although I wont have enough time to arm my x-bow (unless the caster is running away to get distance for his nukes)...

I'll see if I can pinpoint what happens, I get rooted all the time :rolleyes:


When knocking an arrow before shooting you can get interrupted very easily, same goes with spellcasters I reckon?


Still don't think ur right.

Mezd u can do nothing but jump up and down and spin on the sport.

Rooted you can do everything except move. It doesn't have a pulsing effect and shouldn't interrupt attacks as far as I'm aware.


isnt it amazing how ppl can still discuss a technical question after the answer has been posted?



And the answer would be? If I have 0 ping to server I would never be interrupted then?


Originally posted by infozwerg
isnt it amazing how ppl can still discuss a technical question after the answer has been posted?

Ok if it's lag how does the armsman have enough time to ready his cbow and then get a bolt in and then start his attack before getting interrupted ?

And if it's lag how would a patch have any effect on it at all ?

Just cause u post an answer doesn't mean it's correct or the end of a discussion.


Well the conclusion I'm getting to is:

After you get rooted, you can't move but should be able to cast spells & shoot arrows...

The fact that I got interrupted by Xuthos when he was not casting a spell but after root stopped me in my tracks should then be a lag issue or bug...

Since we all agree'd (or at least congo says ;) and I think ) that you should be able to cast spells & shoot arrows while rooted... I can partially say that's true, since I've seen ritualists do it in Keltoi (cast heals when rooted on the mob we're attacking, or cast disease)...

If you are aiming and get rooted while you are aiming, it should get interrupted... The question is, should it interrupt actions after the root has been casted (e.g. your rooted)...


Originally posted by Tigerius
This is just an isue of lag or a bit weird game code, I get a similar thing soloing as Cleric all the time. Smite lalala and stun when mob gets close, if the stun goes through like 0.1sec after the mob takes a swing at me, obviously the stun aint interrupted but if I start casting another spell that will be interrupted retroactively so to speak. Means I have to wait 2 seconds after his attack to clear the "you are under attack" flag.

can congo read? is congo a cleric? is he at the pub right now?

dunno, but it sure is a weird thread.


Originally posted by Icy
Yes and that should break root, which it didnt, thus no attack... Only debuffs keep root intact, but then a debuff shouldn't break your attack either...

Erm, debuffs interupt my casting. Died so many times to parths at lower lvls cos they diseased me as i was castin a spell. Spell interupted, then can't cast again for a short while, then parth hittin me, i can't run cos of damn disease, i am dead.
Pretty much the same with any debuff a mob casts on me, always interupts my castin. Not sure about it in RvR tho, never been debuffed yet. Also not sure about bows, but they seem similar, once i start nukin an archer i have the upper hand ;)
(that's assumin he aint purp and resistin :p )


Tigerius = right, end of story... you continue to be considered "under attack" for a moment after that actual physical attack has ended.
God knows it's inconvenient when doing crowd control, you get interupted by a ghost attack, "you must wait 2 seconds before casting a spell", 5 very unmezzed goblins on your group.... :rolleyes:


Lol, well, for some reason I can attack after being rooted (with my xbow) just not in the first few seconds...

The attack has ended, because the root was successfull... Why would root have an 'after effect' ? (Your either rooted or not)

But hey, I think its not suppose to happen... Congo doesnt think so... And it doesn't happen all the time, so I think its lag...

Dont get mad ;) As I said, I couldnt care much since the casters that can successfully root me are usually also casters that can(and will) kill me...

(I really thought this thread was over btw)


Originally posted by Icy
I've been rooted a few times now by Xuthos (Dwarf caster), it was a black type root...

Now, when I've been rooted and I get my X-Bow, start aiming, I get a 'Your being attacked by Xuthos' message and my shot gets interrupted... But I got interrupted before he does another spell...

It's just that if I do break free of the root and I (by some miracle) get to the caster, they'll still have BT on because I couldn't shoot my X-Bow...

My question, is that a bug or an intended feature?

(btw, for the record, I'm NOT blaming Xuthos here, and not trying to whine about getting killed, he's red to me, and red casters kill me easy... Just really wondering if this is a bug or not)

wow, you just discovered what happens to a spellcaster EVERY day....

and yeah, the interuption code is as this that if you get attacked, and try to do anything that can be interupted within 3 seconds you will get interupted, or if you get attacked while doing something you get interupted either that attack or the next one(if you do another) depending on when you took damage during the sequence of the spell/shot.

I define taking damage as in: taking damage, getting attacked and MISSED, getting attacked and BLADETURNS the attack, RESIST a spell casted on you(any spell at all cept friendly spells), not resisting a non damage evil spell, having someone cast mez/stun on you EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE ON A ONE MINUTE IMMUNITY(i mean, i dont get mezed, but im still &%¤%&%¤& interupted).

See why mages complain?

oh, and another thing, Xuthos is a runemaster speced rather high in suppression, which means that if you got close to him in the first place he would have 8 sec pulsing bladeturn so your crossbow bolt wouldnt matter anyway.

Edit: lol, forgot to answer your question :) Well, mythic never even speaks about it, since i believe they dont even know what is causing it. But its a feature, just not a very well coded one and will hopefully be fixed.

Edit2: btw, even if i quickcast a stun and they try and cast a spell i will get interupted if someone attacked me during the quickcast, EVEN though my attacker is stunned :rolleyes:


OOh, its a 'special feature' ;)

Just like the fact that assasins can 1-shot gray casters... Who knows, may be it'll get fixed...

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