


I know - same old complaint - but is one that needs to be addressed at some time for godsake.

Below was posted in the RVR forum also.

Is Mythic going to do anything about buffing? Tis fair wearing me out deliberating whether to use one in BG etc. I have used a full aug Shaman and still do as i have a few to help with levelling now. With buffs i can solo reds with my SB - and that is not having to take heals sometimes. Now i am finding loads are using them in BG1 and lets face it everyone knows the damage increase from them. Infact i have used one and been transformed in BG but at the cost of upsetting lots of new players.

I mean are Mythic going to make it so everyone can have a buffer or are they gonna stop the use of them totally - the later i think makes more sense to make the BG zones etc more new player friendly. I mean they could keep just stop the buffs in them zones and leave the rest of the game alone couldn't they?

It is getting to the point where peoples enjoyment of the game is being totally destroyed. Even i am thinking of what is the point of not using one when to be ganked by 2 or more buffed to the hilt infs that then debuff you too boot is hardly fair.

(supposedly a good SB but even so admits defeat against such overwhelming buffed odds)
(duelled warriors/berserkers - killed armsmen/pallies/friars (some buffed) - and have also killed buffed duos such as a wizzie and buffed pally at same time using tactics - not buffs - where buffs were just not needed!!!


So its ok for you to use a buff bot, but buffbots are trashing the game so you think that people shouldnt have them?



Well i use them for levelling purposes as i have 2 accounts. If you were to stop the use of such like as Shamans totally then you would have a major problem as so many people would get very upset - as you would expect. I would be happy though to stop using one totally so that we all exist on a level playing field so to speak. Tis not really the point though - tis in places like BG where you come into contact with other people - some of which are, i suppose traumatised, to but it bluntly. I mean my girlie took a lot of pursuading to go to BG0 in the first place cos getting killed by people upsets her - monsters np. But to get enough courage to make it and then to meet up with a buffed/sc'd whatever killer has totally stopped her going there again! Uptil the point where that occured she was enjoying herself!!!

Perhaps the above is overstating things but i remember when i first started going to BG - and even now at times - i was terrified - sweaty palms etc. But now i should think the experience is far worse as the buffers are now out in force.

Anyways - nothing will be done about it i suppose and could well cause me to pack the game in cos i really don't want to get to 50 or so and have to buff up all the time - makes a mockery of all the training and the effort of obtaining equipment.




u aint 50? u whineing about buffbots in thid or sum?


Same old story tho - those with more money and more time are easily able to create much better characters for RvR - be it BG0,1 or main RvR

Face facts, its not really fair on everyone else, those who cant afford two accounts, or cant spare any more time to level a buff bot, or even dont have 2 computers, or one powerfull enough to run two clients.

Personaly I firmly believe its about time Mythic put ranges on ALL conc based buffs. This would not affect PvE in anyway, and only limit the classes that scout ahead of a group in RvR, which is a small price to pay


Originally posted by -Nxs-

Personaly I firmly believe its about time Mythic put ranges on ALL conc based buffs. This would not affect PvE in anyway, and only limit the classes that scout ahead of a group in RvR, which is a small price to pay

Agreed. It would also up the trade on alchey only buff potions for solo'ers - at the present time the receipe for the potion buffs is just there to skill up on.
This same argument boils down to the same point though, mythic won't put a range on conc based buffs because of the amount of solo'ers they'll upset. Saying that most people that say they will leave are just blowing wind out of their arse and are still playing the next day.


buffbots suck because its an advantage you can buy, like being able to buy your right to be a minotaur/arachoi in shadowbane, its retarded just like jump-puzzles, ppl need to realize this.


I was doing some really deep philosophical research into buffbots and I realised that having one is the same as having a permanent power pill in pacman. Makes the game a whole lot easier but totally pointless and no challenge at the same time.

I'd rather use skill > credit card charges any day.


Mythic and money??

Have stopped my own 2 accounts and my girlie will be stopping hers as from today - total of 3 paying accounts down the drain. I hope lots of others follow suit cos this game is going down the toilet!!



Another BIG reason BBs suck is that they take out spots that could be filled by real players.
I know several healers that have given up in disgust through being told time after time "we don't need you, we have BB". Which is fucking crazy in a game based around TEAM play.
I just wish there was some way to ban BBs completely, IMO the game would be far better if it was a level playing field; it's gotten so out of hand that if you ask about stealther spec you'll get told "ofc you have to have 2 BBs"...what a crock of shit.
People got by without them when this game started, they used the weird and arcane option of "playing with other people" called "grouping", or they made do without buffs and got by on their character's own resources.


this is from teh cleric team lead report feed back tehy not gonna make conc buffs ranged 1st paragraph was team lead 2nd respons an 3rd hes response to that

althoe i think they should make them ranged

Buffboting - Buffboting concerns many classes in the game, not just the classes being abused by it. Not only does it make it harder for some to find a group, but it also shifts the balance in favor of those who employ buffbots. It especially hurts those who would like to play as buffers, when they are outdone by a soulless zombie swaying back and forth within the safety of the portal keep. With the introduction of the range limit on Shaman's conc based endurance buff, many feel that this kind of limitation would work great with all forms of concentration based buffs.

While we're certainly not in favor of solo zombies swaying anywhere, this change would at least partially penalize the very people you're trying to help. Any solutions in this area will likely come in the area of adding more benefit to buffers who are active and traveling with the group, rather then to reduce the effectiveness of all buffers overall.

While I am in favor of adding benefit to active buffers over an enhance "nerf". I don't think that it will solve the issue. However, I will let it rest at this for the immediate future.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
I was doing some really deep philosophical research into buffbots and I realised that having one is the same as having a permanent power pill in pacman. Makes the game a whole lot easier but totally pointless and no challenge at the same time.

I'd rather use skill > credit card charges any day.

Sure, having a buffbot makes the game no challenge. :rolleyes:
So, erm, would this be on the non-existent fairyland server where only one person has a buffbot and everyone else is just a carpet of free RPs for him?
R5 without buffbot, then I just HAD to get one because all my regular opponents have one. Used to be the case that just the higher-RR, more "powergamer" types had one, but now every isenvakten noob (and, no doubt, every warder and breh0n noob too - i'm not pointing the finger at any one realm here) has one too.

Me unbuffed vs everyone else buffed is no better than me buffed vs everyone else... if you've got to pay an extra sub fee for a buffbot, well, it's that or only ever win when your 30min RAs are up and when you're a bit lucky :p


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Me unbuffed vs everyone else buffed is no better than me buffed vs everyone else...

Couldn't agree more.

Everyone un-BB'd vs. everyone ELSE un-BB'd is the way forward.

Each realm has these classes called "casters", who are played by people called "players", and they cast things called"buffs", amongst other things. Someone please point this out to Mythic or whoever.

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