Buffbot 50/50



Im just wondering how many % of DAoC accounts are actually only working as buffbot's? i myself do not have that option coz i only have 1 Pc, and 2nd i dont respect any realmrank gained by use of buffbot.
i have gotten a Bonedancer to level 50 now, and even it is prolly a hated chr among Alb's and Hib's it is very good to kill even buffed players even i am not buffed myself. I would say 2 out of 3 kills i get 5-6 green msg on screen from buff's vanising from the dieing enemy and i find it really sad this massive use of buffbot's parked at pk's, DF-stair and frontiers. but i am wondering if some ballance could be restored to the game by setting range on buffs like the Shaman (midgard class) Enduranceregn, so when u get a sertain range away from the (shaman or whatever) the buff would stop working, althoug it would reactivate if you get within range again, just like the (shaman) enduranceregn buff.

The use of Potions, Totems and Charges imbued on items would also come more into game, Creating a more ( Mythic'al) :) and skill based game.

This massive use of Buffbot concerns all 3 known Realms, and i know the use of buffbot wont stop until Mythic take step, and make some changes to how buff works. and i hope they will ! :)


Gorrion lvl 50 Thane
Maligor lvl 50 Bonedancer
Silverhand lvl 50 Healer


1)Look on duskwave at statistics and note that clerics are a very very popular class

2) Go into emain and note the 6fg still waiting at apk for a single cleric to join the group :(

3) Realise just how bad the cleric is to play and how many buffed infs there are in the area :/

4) Get run over by 2fg infs.


Originally posted by Gorrion

This massive use of Buffbot concerns all 3 known Realms

I think you're onto something there
Fourth and strongest until now unknown realm we fight is the invisible GOA realm !!

They've got abilities and powers all dream of...
  • Instant zone killing (Zonecrashes)
  • Server wide stun with a duration they decide on (Server down for 1 day)
  • Ability to reach out of game and act as real rouges and Pickpocket you of any money they seem apropriate (They start to resubscribe closed accounts and put them on autorenewal

Tesla Monkor

I think the total amount of BBs isn't that large. However, I do think that a lot of the healing classes don't really bother with RvR. That's a bigger problem than those bots. ;P


I think so too Tesla , My shaman has not been in active RvR since they made end a conc buff..And when Guildies ask I say sorry but Damon is not RvR'ing until end is not a conc buff... sometime it pisses peopel off but I dont care..he is doing an excellent job as a bot/TG hunt shaman after I respec'd him to 47 aug 26 mend after the nerf, promis made promis kept......


Originally posted by Damon_D
I think so too Tesla , My shaman has not been in active RvR since they made end a conc buff..And when Guildies ask I say sorry but Damon is not RvR'ing until end is not a conc buff... sometime it pisses peopel off but I dont care..he is doing an excellent job as a bot/TG hunt shaman after I respec'd him to 47 aug 26 mend after the nerf, promis made promis kept......

I am sure most Bards would love End Conc buff (as well as the hibbie tanks...)


bards aren't the primary buffing class of hib though.


Originally posted by ovi-one
I am sure most Bards would love End Conc buff (as well as the hibbie tanks...)

I'm sure they would... so would my skald..and he would love some other nifty stuff too


Originally posted by Gorrion
blah blah blah n blah bla again

rlly if u can find a solution, good to me...

but since u CAN NOT

posting such old time overrspammed object is a waste ov time...

u dont respect... u dont ... dont... dont get that is just a game...

and u cant pretented respect by anyone since :) ur class have 3 add (pets) to kill anyone...

rlly has been posted tons ov times... at most u can rise up a bit ov soddish old flame...but nothing usefull

use serch n grab what ppl think bout that from the 1000000000 ov post against bb

again... if u can remove all the bb from the game is ok
n id be happy... but as u cant... avoid posting such "thing"

now forget bw and bb :)
log bk in game and get some fun


u can create ur own sing... without the need ov writing it time after time :)
is in the profile/options


Originally posted by kirennia

2) Go into emain and note the 6fg still waiting at apk for a single cleric to join the group :(

or even go in emain as clerik....
and wait 30 min to have a decent group (i meen atleast lvl 50 ppl)

cuz ppl wont invite u they need one more tank...

or they have the crappest crappest gimp inc but is friend ov the sister ov the photographer ov a well know sosia of somoene else

or u dont have the trend spec....

or u dont have the thrend ras

or they dont know how u play...

that my experince with my Smite clerik (yess yess now u moaning but)
and with my 45 spec rejuv clerik...

and what happen?

if u work every day n have just couple ov hours to play in the evening? after 30 min get bored...



/q -> load inf or minstre

or even log on prydwen wher is easyer (and even more funn)
to get a rvr group...

is not the lak ov clerik...


don`t go emain or make guild groups problem solved


Ohh dear, someone did not like my post . . . Silenzio, well i mean every word i say in it.

And yes i could make a Profile but i dont use this forum much, only if somthing truely affect me, or if i feel somthing of importance to the game comes to mind. and the massive use of buffbot's does.

i dont know if someone has posted somthing similar about buffbot a million times before, and if so then this is the million and 1 time. coz buffbot seriously unballance the game in many rvr situations, and i only suggested that the buff's should have a range like the Shaman (Midgard class) endurance Regeneration.

I still dont respect any realmrank gained by using buffbot!.

With Regards
Gorrion with no profile.


Old discussion.
All alredy said.

.... but still worth a try.

Gimping BB is extremely easy:
Just put a range in buff effect (same range as a bard song i.e.).

Could be fun to see a stealther hidden running with a big BB stuck :)

Reason why this will NEVER happen: BB means a person that pay Mythic/GOA twice......
if people is so stupid why a company that work (ant nothing wrong in it) to earn money, should nerf that?

People just have what they deserve, and that is the fun of a game played by real people....


Nerf buffbots, you nerf buff players.

Yes! There are people who actually PLAY shamans/buff-classes!

Kinda a double-edged sword.

Buuut i really don't care about this issue.


Ohhhh! I feel that the need of Cheese here is great! ;)
Ya'll know u want sum! :D


Originally posted by augusta

Could be fun to see a stealther hidden running with a big BB stuck :)

u think that never happen?

go look on pvp or even in odin sometimes...


Great so you go out and pwn buffed players with your unbuffed Bonedancer and then come here and complain about people using buffbots? Maybe they should just bend over every time they see you coming.

No point whining about buffbots when Mythic's policy as they have already stated many times is that they expect everybody to be buffed in rvr from group members. They couldn't care less about unbuffed solo's running around.

What you should really be asking for is a fix for FOTM set-ups so certain classes can actually get into rvr groups like they are meant to.

More buffbots does not equal less people playing healing classes. If they couldn't have been buffbots its not like they would have been leveled as healers instead but you may find that once we have TOA in Europe with items that add +25% to buffs so you can cap them out using only yellow spec buffs that perhaps some of the players will respec to more group friendly specs and also use them for rvr.


Re: Re: Buffbot 50/50

Originally posted by Silenzio
rlly if u can find a solution, good to me...

but since u CAN NOT

posting such old time overrspammed object is a waste ov time...

u dont respect... u dont ... dont... dont get that is just a game...

and u cant pretented respect by anyone since :) ur class have 3 add (pets) to kill anyone...

rlly has been posted tons ov times... at most u can rise up a bit ov soddish old flame...but nothing usefull

use serch n grab what ppl think bout that from the 1000000000 ov post against bb

again... if u can remove all the bb from the game is ok
n id be happy... but as u cant... avoid posting such "thing"

now forget bw and bb :)
log bk in game and get some fun


u can create ur own sing... without the need ov writing it time after time :)
is in the profile/options

Learn to type before trying to explain something, willya?


You don't like buffbots, I myself have difficulties accepting Mythic's decision to add Bonedancers (or, more specifically, the goodies in the Suppression line) to the game, so I guess we're even.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Nerf buffbots, you nerf buff players.

Yes! There are people who actually PLAY shamans/buff-classes!

Kinda a double-edged sword.

Buuut i really don't care about this issue.

Tohtori, except that there is one difference usually in Buffbots and actively played shamans. That is one is usually nearby the one he buffed and the other is usually way out of vision :p. So they could without much trouble put buffs on a reasonable large range. However mythic doesnt see BB's as a problem, so its better to either just get one yourself or determine wether Buffbots makes you stop playing.


Originally posted by Driwen
However mythic doesnt see BB's as a problem,
Ofc Mythic doesn't see BB's as a problem... they see it as gettin' more cash! :p


I play my merc unbuffed 95% of the time if solo/duo. That other 5% of the time i buffed by 50enhance mota4 bot so i know that it makes a huge difference to have them.
90% the solo/duo/stealthers i fight are fully buffed, can still beat them unbuffed thou. Buffs are not the win all factor, if you got the right RA's and you class abilities are up even unbuffed you can defeat them.
I hate bot's in the solo/duo part the game, however they been here for an age and they will remain here.
As much as i hate them i would hate it more if they screw up all buff classes by putting range on their buffs. Even in a group i can end up 50% of a zone lenght away from my group. This is due to sometimes breaking off after a key class that then runs when rest group dies. So should i get penalised for this?
Or how about the inf at the other mg providing info so you know when to move, or the info at the end of beno road that letting you know the moment enemy coming down while you retaking keep?
There situations both for and against ranging buffs but it will mess up that line for the class unfortunately.
If must change something about them the most i would do is put a timer on the buffs, make them have to move continuously back and forth to rebuff so it get annoying if you play game ffor a long time, even if it only once an hour it will begin to annoy them, and it may even give you a opening to hit them unbuffed if they not notice buffs about to drop :)

And damon_d, we get your point about shammy, but stop whining about it in every thread :p
Shammies have to buff it, but tanks still have it when shammie mezzed/stunned. onlylose it when shammie dies.
Pallies have it on chant, group lose it when dead/mezzed/stuned. can get it back up instantly after rezzed.
Bard, lose it if hit,mezzed,stunned,dead. Hell they got the bad end of the stick, they cant to anything else other then endurance running. Hell they got the worst draw on it.

Personally as a alb i would take shammie buff > pally endurance


Originally posted by Driwen
Tohtori, except that there is one difference usually in Buffbots and actively played shamans. That is one is usually nearby the one he buffed and the other is usually way out of vision

No but...but...

We have a group. I play a shammy. Ok?

I need to go take a poop or whatever, make dinner.

I don't want to stick because that'll get me killed for sure.

I want tokeep my group buffed though so i stay back in town while they run to the forest.

This would be killed with this nerf and...err...i mean...I STAY BY MY COMPUTER ALL THE TIME THAT MY CHARACTER IS ACTIVE.

Mythic doesn't come here right?


Re: Re: Buffbot 50/50

Originally posted by Krakatau

Fourth and strongest until now unknown realm we fight is the invisible GOA realm !!

They've got abilities and powers all dream of...
  • Server wide stun with a duration they decide on (Server down for 1 day)

hehe server wide 24hr duration stun rofl


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
No but...but...

We have a group. I play a shammy. Ok?

I need to go take a poop or whatever, make dinner.

I don't want to stick because that'll get me killed for sure.

I want tokeep my group buffed though so i stay back in town while they run to the forest.

This would be killed with this nerf and...err...i mean...I STAY BY MY COMPUTER ALL THE TIME THAT MY CHARACTER IS ACTIVE.

Mythic doesn't come here right?

ey if you stay by your comp all the time your character should have no trouble staying close to your group:p and usually sticking and saying your afk is ok for 3 mins and usually wont get you killed ;).


The discussions goes on in my post and that's nice!

From what i can make of it, i get this

(1) Buffbot's have been generally accepted as part of the game.

(2) Stealthers need buffbot's or they cant do ANY rvr.

(3) Buffbot's is a money machine for Mythic and therefore any changes to buffs ( Range ) will never happen.

(4) when you get DAoC buy 2 accounts or forget start playing.


wish it was possible to test the game with a Range limit on all buff's, im so sure the game would be so much more fun for all of us . . . even for the stealth classes

With Regards
Gorrion with no profile

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