BtO upload problem



I have BtO 512kb/s connection, and to be honest, it's pretty good. There is one small problem. I can't upload :)( ). Actually, thats not strictly true. I can upload using ftp's to webspace etc, but the problem arises when I use programs like KaZaa and AudioGalaxy.
When a user tries to get a song or something from me, it starts to upload. It stays fine for about 2 minutes, then the little modem symbol in the bottom right tray turns yellow and i become disconnected. This happens only on filesharing programs, but only kazaa (to my knowledge) has the option to turn off uploading of files.
When the modem has turned yellow, the only way that i know to re-connect is to reboot the computer. The thing which got me wondering was; i can upload using ftps and stuff, but not filesharing. Could this be a fault with filesharing on BtO, or is it just me. If you could help me in any way with this problem, it would be greatly appreciated. :(


If you have the acatel (green frog) , think this is a problem with your modem drivers. Go to their site and get the latest version.


i heard from someone that BTo themselves disabled Uploading to places like that. I try sending a file to someone usin MSN Messenger and it just fails badly......

altho someone like Jas may know better, he's also on it


I've never seen this before - try as NaveT says and update your drivers. I upload using MSN, and various P2P proggies just fine.

BTo did do some port specific bandwidth restricting a while ago - I don't think its in place any more


They used to throttle uploads and downloads, but the customer backlash was so fierce, 'cause they lied and said they didn't' that they stopped.

Scooba Da Bass

I used to have the same thing at home until I sorted out the Via drivers. Stuck on the latest 4.1s and I'm running the last but one set of drivers. Conn stays up for about a week before my mem gets clogged with shite

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