This is funny as fuck this is.
Moved into a new house 2 months ago. My chance to get broadband I thought. So before we moved I phoned up BT to see if they could have ADSL installed by the time we moved in (wishful thinking I know but bear with me). BT told me that we'd have to have a BT phoneline installed at the house before they could tell if ADSL was possible at that address. Very annoying but there ya go, so we ordered a BT landline which they duly installed and charged us for. 3 weeks after having the phoneline installed they finally got round to telling us that no, sorry, ADSL isn't possible 'cos we were too far away from the exchange. Why they couldn't tell us this before we had the phone line installed I don't know...
Anyway, ADSL being the only reason for wanting a BT line in the first place we promptly cancelled the BT line and signed up with NTL who installed a Cable Modem, telephone line & TV for less money than BT wanted for ADSL on it's own. Screw you BT I thought, hopefully I'll never have to deal with you again
No such luck. Since then I've now had 2 bills from BT for line rental on a line we cancelled. Great. I've shouted at them about that lots, had the bills cancelled.
Today... and this is the funny bit... I get home to discover that BT have billed me £8 for cancelling the line. Hahaha. Oh my sides are splitting.
I just phoned them up and told them that if they send me another bill I'm going to use it as toilet paper before returning it unpaid.
Moved into a new house 2 months ago. My chance to get broadband I thought. So before we moved I phoned up BT to see if they could have ADSL installed by the time we moved in (wishful thinking I know but bear with me). BT told me that we'd have to have a BT phoneline installed at the house before they could tell if ADSL was possible at that address. Very annoying but there ya go, so we ordered a BT landline which they duly installed and charged us for. 3 weeks after having the phoneline installed they finally got round to telling us that no, sorry, ADSL isn't possible 'cos we were too far away from the exchange. Why they couldn't tell us this before we had the phone line installed I don't know...
Anyway, ADSL being the only reason for wanting a BT line in the first place we promptly cancelled the BT line and signed up with NTL who installed a Cable Modem, telephone line & TV for less money than BT wanted for ADSL on it's own. Screw you BT I thought, hopefully I'll never have to deal with you again
No such luck. Since then I've now had 2 bills from BT for line rental on a line we cancelled. Great. I've shouted at them about that lots, had the bills cancelled.
Today... and this is the funny bit... I get home to discover that BT have billed me £8 for cancelling the line. Hahaha. Oh my sides are splitting.
I just phoned them up and told them that if they send me another bill I'm going to use it as toilet paper before returning it unpaid.