BT HomeHighway Questions



Re: Re: Re comments on Bt surf time

Originally posted by Embattle
This is only off you own experience

And you failed at reading this :p


Oh but i did read it, you didnt, in the same breath so to speak, you quoted what happend to you. So how is what i said any different from what you said, not in content, but in reasoning?
if i had posted that id have been rather shame faced, think about it.

Every post here is about "each" persons experience/knowledge/opinion, you stated the bleedin obvious. This is a site that has plenty of peoples opinions etc.

What i really want to know is why your bothering to argue with me over nothing? After all you said it yourself its only my opinion, how does this affect you?

Angie (Xena) I do admire that your sticking to your guns defending Bt, they paying you ;-)


My point is that you used your opinion to then blanket BT.

Any how I find BT are fine and on the whole do a job even if they are having trouble getting 24/7 out the door.

[Edited by Embattle on 24-09-00 at 14:50]


So, for someone (me) who is on HH, and is also in a Cable area, is there any benefit to be had by switching to a cable modem?
I think HH is pretty good value but all the vibes I have read seem to point towards cable if you are in a cabled area.
Whats the cost difference??


ahh my first post in BW forums hehe, i think i recognize half of you from CTF/CA/TDM servers hehe.

As for HH, i'd go for it, i got HH, it took them about 10 days to install it, and it has improved my play no end, i rail your ass all over the map now hehe, and i move so much quicker for some reason lol, i dont panzy around now like i did as a HPB sneaking round corners lol... being LPB, i think gives your play a little more confidence :)

Cost wise,

£49.99 for the conversion
£40 a month for the privelage
£10 for BT Internet/Suftime ISP

Ok its a little more expensive, than ADSL/Cable, but with it, there will soon be if it isnt out already, a conversion package to ADSL, soon as they start installing in the North West, ill be one of the first to get it, as my exchange is already done, so i can convert then at a low cost, till then im happy with my ISDN :D


Speaking from experience there Emb?

I have cable, have had since May this year. It's £50 install and £33 per month. Fast downloads, low pings (30-70 normally, depending on server), no call charges, permanent connection, NO PROBLEMS. Nothing to fix as it works and always has. I'm on Telewest so can't speak for NTL. If telewest are in your area and offering the service then get it, you wont regret it.


Originally posted by MeddlE

Try and not be such a twat. Its been reported, a lot, that Telewest and NTL have both had problems with there cable services.

If you're on ISDN and don't dl much then there is no point what so ever to change to cable.


So I'm being a twat by stating that I HAVE the service, have been USING the service since MAY, and have NO PROBLEMS with the service? I'm sorry to say that you only respond these days to increase your post count, you actually have nothing of any use or interest left. To be quite honest, your opinion of cable is based on what you have read rather than what you have experienced, seen as how you don't actually have cable. Would you deny that? Small hint, that is a yes/no sorta question.


Originally posted by MeddlE
Speaking from experience there Emb?

This bit makes you a twat.

I'm sure you have had no problems but you're then suggesting that we use you as the standard instead of whats been reported in many places of news?


So you would believe journalists rather than users? Ok, your loss.
You don't see me slagging off ISDN, that's because I don't currently have, and haven't had in the past, the ISDN service. Anybody can read the news sites but that doesn't make them an expert, or even knowlegeable, on the service. While I understand that it is not feasible to try every service I also understand that it is incorrect to put something down without having actually used it.
I have heard, on this messageboard from people that are using it, that there are problems with the NTL cable modem service. I haven't heard the same stories from Telewest cable modem users, although I understand that they had problems with their standard modem service. It's very rare to hear someone complaining about ISDN, other than maybe the cost, and even that is rare.

At the end of the day, make up your own mind, decide what you are willing to pay, and what you want from a service.


Originally posted by MeddlE
So you would believe journalists rather than users

The journakists get the information from users and the companies involved.

I didn't slag it off, its a good service once every thing has been sorted and also once the system is put under some load. This is why people with ISDN shouldn't bother going for it atm.

My main point is that its worth waiting to see what happens and not rush into it.


Had Home Highway for over a year

I have had Home Highway for over a year, installed by BT (FAO Cable users ... BT installs the ISDN for you too ;p).

Not had many problems with it, however after a year of HARD use the ISDN switch gets a bit worn out.

Good pings, use it with a Router and TA to allow my family to use the ISDN through (RedHotAnt, IGClick, Ezesurf ... when it was available), monthly cost £45. Used near enough 24/7. Usually dual-channel if there are 3 or so users online at one time on the network. One channel sends 64K, One channel receives 64K.

Good pings, depends on Router and TA, the speed of your computer and graphics card. I have a 450Mhz AMD which is slow up against my Athlon.

My suggestion is get Home Highway for a year, let ADSL get over its teething problems (like ISDN did), and BT will allow you to upgrade later on.

All the best with whatever you choose to do.

With thanks



If you're going to get an HH install, book it through Solwise (, they'll give you cashback to buy an Asus TA.


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