Brunja / Event drop



Originally posted by hjendug
Value 50 Energy Resistance echancement.
26, doesn't stack with energy buff. ( overwrites it ).


drops from event are getting deleted or nerfed anyway



Just so you all know, they are not getting deleted, and they have been nerfed.


Looks pretty nice, better then the random craftet stuff and more unique then Epic :)


btw why are u actually selling this? (or trying to)


Sorry to say Hjendug, but you will loose all my respect to you, and become a regular f*cktard if you go through with this.



Lambs - have you totaly lost your brain or something?
Do you mind Pm me in game or on irc ?

And ketorgerhall ^^ im selling it becuase i, my self cant use it i would be kinda gimp then :)

No one in guild has offred for it aswell and i thought i might aswell go puplic with it to se if any people would be interested.


Youd sell it to your own guild?
And your guilds fine with Deri selling a powerful wep that alot of your guild can use?

Oh how Cutting Edge have fallen


Dont really care, its a game. Peopel may do as they wish who am i to say what they should do.


How the heck can u say cutting edge have fallen over some simple toys in a game? its not the quipment but the fun, love and social friendships we have.


Originally posted by AbPoon
Youd sell it to your own guild?
And your guilds fine with Deri selling a powerful wep that alot of your guild can use?

Oh how Cutting Edge have fallen

Keep your cheap remarks to yourself,
and no, the guild is not fine with him selling it.
Stop reflecting the actions of 1 person on the whole guild

ps: if you want to settle the score with derianna then do so, but dont fucking include the whole guild each time you try.


Originally posted by hjendug
How the heck can u say cutting edge have fallen over some simple toys in a game? its not the quipment but the fun, love and social friendships we have.

stop the bs, if you have read our forums you would have known that we want to keep the event items inguild and prevent them from being used in rvr as they are overpowered


Some of my good friends are in CE and as a guild it has a lot of respect from me.

I also like Barbar remark, about the items in guild. Wise choice if all follow it.

What i find very lame is

1) hjendug selling on BW (yea its a game cant help it...)
2) an obscene price showing a greedy nature
3) ppl reflecting on a whole guild the moronic behaviour of a single guild member (member being the key word here :) )

I sure hope nobody will give him that amount but i m afraid someone will.

Moanapozzi & Healandbuff



Originally posted by barbar
Keep your cheap remarks to yourself,
and no, the guild is not fine with him selling it.
Stop reflecting the actions of 1 person on the whole guild

ps: if you want to settle the score with derianna then do so, but dont fucking include the whole guild each time you try.

The actions of your guild members reflect on your entire guild barbar as you know.

You guys got what? 3 items? and 2 are being sold?

Get a grip of your guild m8y or i can give you Killgordes phone number and you can see if he can come back and do it for you ^^


Originally posted by AbPoon
The actions of your guild members reflect on your entire guild barbar as you know.

You guys got what? 3 items? and 2 are being sold?

Get a grip of your guild m8y or i can give you Killgordes phone number and you can see if he can come back and do it for you ^^

4 items, and i only know about this attempt. I'll be damned if some1 has already sold one of the other 3.

and btw; its not because someone of cutting edge has the brain of a lepton that the rest of us have too ^^
what 1 member thinks or does, does not apply to everyone


Not that it is my table since I do not want any of the dropped items I think... Was there but havent seen any loot.

All items in the campaign was spread out a bit unfair imo, since one group ofcourse get the drops and that would be the group with most hard hitting tanks and abilities (healers) to stay alive long enough to generate most hits.

Fortunatly the whole realm and hibs/albs was there fighting those mobs so a few good men could get the hands of exactly all reward from the event, yes, no other reward than the fun factor and a few very good pieces of things if not the best items that exist in the game at the moment.

Its like doing Dragon Raid and the group who hits hardest and stay alive longest gets the loot.

Or was there a lotto that just a few knew about?


starting bet is 25p

maybe try n put abit more higher bid plz? or no maybe actually give it to someone who could need it instead of selling it for 25p

:great: dork


Re: Lambs.

Originally posted by hjendug
And ketorgerhall ^^ im selling it becuase i, my self cant use it i would be kinda gimp then :)

Sorry if im a lil out of clue but u would be a gimp if u used it urself?
If u would be a gimp if u used it doe it mean 25p = to be a gimp?

Also how did u get ur hands on this? u rolled for it?



Nevermind after talking to the guild and all these problems seems to come just to sell an armor, ive decided just to keep it in vault so no trading available anymore.


Originally posted by barbar
4 items, and i only know about this attempt. I'll be damned if some1 has already sold one of the other 3.

and btw; its not because someone of cutting edge has the brain of a lepton that the rest of us have too ^^
what 1 member thinks or does, does not apply to everyone

Actually i only know about 3 attempts, while i have been the only who have actually sold one ;]

Its a game and dont really care what people say, so often i have rolled for a respec stone and evrytime i have seen some1 selling em right after the lotto. If selling this item is the only way for me to get a respec stone, then let it be :)

Its a game, if something annoys you so much about a game you need help.


Originally posted by living
Actually i only know about 3 attempts, while i have been the only who have actually sold one ;]

Its a game and dont really care what people say, so often i have rolled for a respec stone and evrytime i have seen some1 selling em right after the lotto. If selling this item is the only way for me to get a respec stone, then let it be :)

Its a game, if something annoys you so much about a game you need help.

now you are just trying to cover your ass...
and if you would atleast have read our forums you should know that we want to keep the items inguild and prevent them from falling into dirty hands ( read being used in rvr )

And no its not the game that annoys me ... its ****s like you that destroy the integrity of our nice little friendly guild ....

and btw: the fact that some1 sells a respec stone before your eyes right after the lotto does not justify what you did


Originally posted by barbar
prevent them from falling into dirty hands ( read being used in rvr )

hmm...I'm just curious here. I can see that the weapons with debuffs are abit over the top, and it's honourable of CE to take this stand, but this hauberk? I mean, it's not that good really?
With 40+ imbue points it would help skalds,thanes max out their templates if they wants the quickness on it, and it looks cool and is rare, but the proc ain't all that.


I smell Greed and Jealousy...

just let's stop this childisch behaviour pls.... and AbPoon: stop flaming against my guild, ur not that leet urself. when is your 13th birthday ?



Guys, no need to flame more over each other.
ive withdrawen the offer.

And plz dont put it on guild put it on me, it was me in the first place that dident read our own forums abouth the drops.

And the thing they are getting sold, i wouldent say that it are destroying the guild ? how can u say that, if a savage td torso that life steal proccs go for 25p ? how can u say these items destroy the game ?

But plz keep guild out of this and flame me instead.


Originally posted by nott
hmm...I'm just curious here. I can see that the weapons with debuffs are abit over the top, and it's honourable of CE to take this stand, but this hauberk? I mean, it's not that good really?
With 40+ imbue points it would help skalds,thanes max out their templates if they wants the quickness on it, and it looks cool and is rare, but the proc ain't all that.

i aggree that the hauberk is crap ...
and yet he tries to get 25p for it .... what does that make hjendug and cutting edge look like ... ?

unfortunatly it is only a handfull of CE members that try to take that so called honourable stand... the gm is sailing the same ship as hjendug and barbaric so what can you do about it ^^

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