Holiday Bruges?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Has anyone been to Bruges?

I'm off to Courchevel mountain biking in June - four of us driving down and stopping in a cheap chalet for the week (like £240pp, catered!) - so we can hit the mountains and cheat by taking the ski-lifts up to the top :)

Was going to do a Saturday-Saturday thing and get the ferry back on the Saturday night. Then I thought - that's a fuck of a long drive. Why not go somewhere interesting and break up the drive back?

I like pretty places. And I like beer. A lot. And I'm told this place is both pretty and chock full of the nice brown stuff.

So, I'm after recommendations of A) places to go see stuff in Bruges, B) places to drink in Bruges, C) somewhere to stay in Bruges that we can take a car and will keep our bikes safe and D) places to drink in Bruges.

If I'm being really picky and someone knows the place well then if you've got a starter on a place to stay then recommendations on walkable from that location then you'll make me a very happy man!



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You could always watch that movie woth colin farrel and the dwarf for inspiration


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
My mate lives in Bruges and we went to visit him for a few days last year. I can confirm that there is lots of nice beer, but I can't remember any names of places we went to get it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You could always watch that movie woth colin farrel and the dwarf for inspiration
It's on my to-watch list. Heard good things about it. But reality dictates that I ask for advice from the non-fantasy realm ;)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Bruges is nice but veeeeeery touristy. If you want a more chilled version, try Gent. That said, there's nothing wrong with Bruges: I biked through there once with @Will. We had a smashing Moroccan meal and too much beer :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Bruges is nice but veeeeeery touristy. If you want a more chilled version, try Gent. That said, there's nothing wrong with Bruges: I biked through there once with @Will. We had a smashing Moroccan meal and too much beer :)
Lots and lots of mozzies and midges if you go in the summer from the water ways. But very pretty lots of nice beer. Went there on a work jolly a few years ago


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Ooh. I'll keep it in mind. There's some interesting cycle routes around there which solves the what to do with the bikes in the day problem (although riding around smashed probably ain't the best move).

Bruges is one of those itches I need to scratch tho I think. Yep, touristy. But lots of similarly itchy people I bet. ;)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Went last spring (mate lives in Brussels and we went for the day), nice enough, don't think the food or booze is particularly different or better than anywhere else in Belgium, just more expensive. Having said that I'd probably go back to explore further, but I've had Ghent recommended to me as well. Course if you want some good mountain biking you should really be going further East into the Ardennes.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
hmm Ghent less touristy then Bruges... not really... Both city's have some great places and tourist traps... And yes if you eat in the center then its probably expensive.

anyway here is a map of the most touristy stuff you can see in Bruges..

Du phare is good for eating (its on the map at the top) and quite cheap. If you like biking, you should stop at Oudenaarde (its like 70km from bruges) its where Tour of flandres ends. There's a center/pub/museum tour de flandres with good food!
Also all the famous "hills" are nearby kwaremont, koppenberg, paterberg, ... For mountainbiking you should go to the ardennes indeed.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Ta all. (And Cheer's @Calo - you should post more than once a year! :D )

Biking probably won't be on the agenda that Saturday/Sunday - I'll probably be carrying plenty of bruises from all the mountains round the three valleys**. However, I have already started looking at cycle routes around there just in case ;)

Does anyone recommend anything as "unmissable" if we do end up there?

**though I won't be gaying it in a full-face helmet and armour. I'll be in my shorts on my hardtail. (Though prolly less jumpy than them guys)...


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Been to Bruges a couple of times, it really is a lovely place, very touristy but still lovely. Also very small, so you can see most of it in a day. I'd avoid most of the bars in the square as they are overpriced and the service is a bit meh, the one nearest the big fnac at the top of the square was quite pleasant though.

For food, try a place called Ribs and Beer, name says it all really. You'll need to book, worth it though.

Only negative impact remember about Bruges is it is ridiculously car unfriendly, narrow cobbled streets and One Way systems, and every hotel we have stayed at has meant parking in the public car parks. They are secure enough but there is a lot of carting luggage about.

Other cities in Belgium I've checked out are Brussels (rubbish) and Antwerp (very nice. Never been to Gent but am told it's a bit of a dive, and very industrial. Maastricht in the Netherlands is nice too.

But if you go to Bruges, watch the film first, it is obligatory...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
One of the most romantic cities in the world, great way to enhance your relationship/have a great time with your significant other.

His bike :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Other cities in Belgium I've checked out are Brussels (rubbish) and Antwerp (very nice. Never been to Gent but am told it's a bit of a dive, and very industrial. Maastricht in the Netherlands is nice too.

Best city in Belgium ofcourse... ;-)

Btw last time I was in Brugge, I stayed at Hotel Academie, Wijngaardstraat 7-9, 8000 Brugge.
There's a parking place nearby site “Oud St-Jan” Zonnekemeers, 8000 Brugge. It works with tickets but I think you can get one in the hotel. (not that expensive)!
Huisbrouwerij De Halve Maan is a famous Belgian beer brewer and very nearby. Brugse Zot beer is very good! Do taste it!


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
I whole heartedly agree with @TdC Bruges is great but there is something very magical about Gent... I had one of the best weekends of my life there *grins* ... Not to mention the awesome hangover curing brownies

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