Broadband HELP!!



OK peeps, need some help here.

Moving house in 2 weeks time (finally bought a house) so I need some kind of internet connection thingy. Currently got ISDN which I actually quite like (gives me perfectly adequate pings for my poor level of gaming) but I wanna know what my alternative options are.

I need to be able to share whatever connection I end up with over a LAN (my wife needs to be connected too) so USB ADSL is out of the window. Also I'm not massively bothered about mega fast download speeds since I have a 2mbit line at work with a CDR/W so that's not a problem.

NTL's cable modems in the area are "at capacity" and they won't be offering them again until June at the earliest.

BgiveusyourmoneyT want another fu*king 50 quid installation to set up home highway for us again in the new place (scumsuckingcunt0rs BT are god I loathe them I want them all dead preferably in a slow painful and humiliating manner erm I digress, sorry) which seems a bit steep to me.

So, any suggestions anyone? The money ISP's seem to want for non-USB ADSL is ludicrous (100 quid a month? Get real), I don't really want to fork out another 50 quid to those wankers BT (a company we, the public, used to FUCKING OWN FFS) and I don't wanna wait until June to get a CM.

Anyone know of anyone other than NTL that does CM's? Or anyone know of someone that does reasonably-priced non-USB ADSL?

Thanks for any suggestions (please read what I've written before coming out with useless comments like "ISDN sucks! Get BT usb ADSL!!" etc, thanks :)



Um. I think yer only option is trying to find non-usb adsl from what u've said there. Don't know anyone who does it 4 a reasonable price tho :(


Can't he just make a gateway machine with a network card in it that goes to other machines and use something like winroute? Or am I just talking crap?



You can proxy Single Connection BT ADSL but you are not supposed to.


Yeah update here, I just got off the phone with someone at BTOpenworld (a helpful and useful person there... must be a spy for another company...) who told me it *is* possible to use ICS on the single-user ADSL across a LAN but he didn't know how it was done and it was "unsupported".

Anyone know anything more about this? How easy is it to do? Does the NAT f*ck with your LAN badly?




"not supposed to"...I hate that! Just another excuse to grab more money from people because they don't have the knowledge to do anything any way except "The Company Policy" way. That really gets on my tits! They expect you to fork out 120 quid a month instead of 40 just so you can have a couple more computers connected. When it's possible to do it for about a tenner (for the network card) and a "mate's" copy of winroute etc. Absolute rip off!


a) you can share BT USB ADSL.

b) If you area is NTL, they are the only people that can provide you with cable

c) this should be in the broadband forum


On the subject of your ISDN, are you at the end of your contract granny? And if not, did BT offer to move it for you? I'm half way through mine, but the fuckers have basically said that I'm screwed, I've got to pay my remaining 6 months and I can't move the line to another location.


Originally posted by granny
Yeah update here, I just got off the phone with someone at BTOpenworld (a helpful and useful person there... must be a spy for another company...) who told me it *is* possible to use ICS on the single-user ADSL across a LAN but he didn't know how it was done and it was "unsupported".

Anyone know anything more about this? How easy is it to do? Does the NAT f*ck with your LAN badly?



What games do you play ? UT ?

UT uses high port ranges 7000 plus so you need to find Firewall/ Proxy Software that will allow you to open these ports, some dont.

I cant remember the name of a recommended one but Ill find it. It is not all that straight forward to set up but if you can find someone who has done it before it will make it a lot easier.

Dont use ics for gaming with as it is shite


BT are shits about Home Highway and moving locations, they want the contract paid out in full before they will move it.

Same with ADSL and Home Highway, They said originally that there was no upgrade patch from a Digital Line to ADSL so people who want to change would have to have their HH line Downgraded for a charge (about 100 quid I think) plus pay out thier contract in full, then play £150 for an ADSL installation. The whole cost can be as high as £600.00


Three in a row ..kin ell :)

Sygate is the best proxy software to use and it is available for a free 30 day trial download which can be "Extended" easy enough

[Edited by [AXE]Raith on 26-03-01 at 15:23]


Perplex :

a) I know this now, but BT do their fking best to keep that info secret ;)
b) OK thanks, no cable modem then.
c) That forum's dead... this one actually gets read ;)


Counterstrike mostly... smattering of others... no, not UT. No worries though, I have ordered ADSL through Claranet now.

ICS is fine for gaming for me since my PC will be the one connected directly to the 'net, my wife's will use ICS to connect through mine, I game, she surfs, no problems there, ICS does everything I need it to do with the minimum amount of fking about and technical stuff (I'm a biologist ffs ;)

Stu- :

Yep, had HH for over a year now, no worries there either, but yes, BT are shits anyway :)

Cheers for your input people, ADSL shall be mine (barring the "survey" to see if BT are capable of installing it....




Clara and BT have huge probs with routing and if you get any trouble being unable to log on then chew them a new one, escalate everything and go nuts. After a little while insist that you don't pay a penny until the service is 100%. A good m8 of mine is doing just that.

GL on the install :rolleyes:


How long do ppl find it takes to get ADSL fitted atm ? I think I'm gonna attempt to treat myself to a phat-ish pipe if BT will bless me with their attention :)

Oh yeh. I'll need a 2nd line first since I'm not gonna remove my isdn for a while :D


I ordered mine in September 2000. 2 months later it was installed and another month till it worked.



Gah. I don't want to have to keep wasting my holidays waiting for those incompetant bastards :(

Although... the guy who did my isdn was very good. Maybe I'll get lucky :)


BT ADSL is okay if you have an intel system attached to the USB. You may have probs if you have an Athlon (as I did) . You can easily share the connection if you have a home network. For Win98 just goto help and type in
"internet sharing", alternatively install Win ME as it has that all sorted in the Networking wizards which worked fine for me. Dunno about Win2000 but thats academic since whistlers just round the corner. The USB modem is a bitch BTW but its a lot cheaper than ISDN. BT tech support is okay and some will help you re networking if you are nice to them.

I shared my ADSL using my sons P3 to connect and we could both play Q3 online with pings of about 40 each. I didnt like the situation and now have a CM which is better for me and cheaper (£30.00 per month.)

Hope this helps a bit



OK. Got my 2nd line being installed soon. I'll order the ADSL when that's done. Wish me luck...



Just a quick word about BT openworld, i did post questions about dsl in that forum (under cylone_warrior)

i finally got it installed after alot of fighting with them (got free instalation and 3 months line rental)

you are correct they know nothing their it was only because OFTEL did something that i got anywhere, go to them and complan about breeches in their charter, they have to by law provide a fair service. now if you were a company they would sort your proplems out but residential users get F*****, argue that point.

Complan to their manager
'Andrew Gibbons'

threatern to get a lawyer!!!

they then get their act together..:)

hope this helps


I think Nildram also offer ADSL in BT-serviced areas, but i have up on ADSL a long time ago.

NAT: This should not fuck your LAN, but no guarantees (i've only ever used Linux IPMasq, which i've found very reliable). If anything does screw up, overwealing odds are that it'll be dodgy Win95 installs.

Looking at NTL's T&C, i don't think i'd want to sign up with them. They go as far as banning X-servers.

TeleWest's BY probably don't service your area (your lucky if they do). they have the most liberal T&C (by far), but waiting lists for them are long IME (4-month region in Bristol)


Originally posted by Necro
Looking at NTL's T&C, i don't think i'd want to sign up with them. They go as far as banning X-servers.

They just retracted the AUP changes. You're now allowed to run servers, but if they decide you are causing severe network degradation they will nicely ask you to stop

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Perplex
You're now allowed to run servers, but if they decide you are causing severe network degradation they will nicely ask you to stop

by terminating your connex I expect :D


Re: adsl

Originally posted by [SF]Emporers_Hand
Just a quick word about BT openworld, i did post questions about dsl in that forum (under cylone_warrior)

i finally got it installed after alot of fighting with them (got free instalation and 3 months line rental)

you are correct they know nothing their it was only because OFTEL did something that i got anywhere, go to them and complan about breeches in their charter, they have to by law provide a fair service. now if you were a company they would sort your proplems out but residential users get F*****, argue that point.

Complan to their manager
'Andrew Gibbons'

threatern to get a lawyer!!!

they then get their act together..:)

hope this helps

hehe, good stuff. might do some of that :D


Originally posted by testin_da_cable
Originally posted by Perplex
You're now allowed to run servers, but if they decide you are causing severe network degradation they will nicely ask you to stop

by terminating your connex I expect :D
lol, probably ;)


I'd still have a CM if they'd put cable on my street. Mind u NTL don't seem as reliable as Telewest atm.

Testin da Cable

going for dsl myself. let's see how fast I can make it so hehe. so if I am suddenly AWOL, you know whats happened =P



Originally posted by testin_da_cable
going for dsl myself. let's see how fast I can make it so hehe. so if I am suddenly AWOL, you know whats happened =P


u gonna overclock yer DSL ??? :/

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