Bring back teh Taverns !!!



Am i the only one to think that the roleplay forum should be returned to BW/DaoC/Prydwen ??
If anyone feels the same way as me, please make a petition :)

:( :eek: :(


Wow...spooky. This thread popped into my profile as a "subscribed thread" as soon as it was posted :help:


Aye, bring forth the daoc inn filled with barrels of mighty fine ale and lovely wenches :D


Ppl did ask when thestoryteller told his tales, but alas I dont think its popularity was supported by the mods :(

so i gave up posting them :p


We did have tavern forums for roleplay, and they were as underused as the WE LOVE GOA forum.

Ok, so the WE LOVE GOA forum never existed, but you catch my drift. People that roleplay generally have their own forums and their own community for it (such as PARP) and they used that, rather than the BW forums, and so after much discussion the forums were removed. Its not so much that the mods don't support these threads (dear lords, do you think we'd prefer to read some fiction or another GOA YOU SUXCKS¬!!"!/GREY GANKER OMFG!!/FAO BLAH YOU ************** thread?) it's just the fact that there wasn't enough support to warrant it.


Yeh, i must have missed the point when they got archived :( I know that ParP is quite popular, but i was thinking convinience vs usage if you see what i mean :)

Roo Stercogburn

I think I was one of the few people that ever created a thread on one of the server tavern forums. There really was very little activity there.

However, for all there was very little activity, they were consequently more or less free of l33t spam nonsense, which was nice :)

Kharok Svark

Aye, we had some nice threads in there.

Maybe just have one Inn for the Whole of DAoC and put it below Camlann.

After all Camlanns board isn't overly used, but it is still there :)


Oh no not another tavern for me to drink in



The evil ones stole it from us... Just like how they stole our precious Camlann forums...


split mind over this

I love rp threads, story threads etc etc , but i think having a separate forum would go exactly the same way as it did previously. ie, hardly anyone viewing it let alone posting.

Case in point being Loyalty..if I'd posted that in a rp section on the forum, theres no way in hell itd have gotten the ~4800 views it has <blimey, scared myself seeing that figure :p>

Personally I think the best way to do it, would be to have just general threads in the forums we already have, but perhaps have [IC] as part of the topic handle to let everyone know what sort of thing to reply. Perhaps, if they are willing, Damini and friends could keep an eye on such threads and remove any ewul posts from them, or better still, edit them into something daft for a laugh :p

That way, such threads get the 'audience' if they want them without having to move forums, without losing thebenefit of having their own moderated stuff.

After all, its the threads that are important, regardless of where they are.

Just my two cents.

<wanders off>

edit: as an analogy, this is the same sort of thing as opening a 3rd english server, and the pitfalls associated with that


*The dwarf looked at the people speaking of the old tavern and spat on the floor before shouting from his corner, in a very drunken state*

"Bah! Yhou pheople do not know what yhou shs..sph...spheak of!"

*He stumbles a few steps and falls flat on his face, his ale staying in the tankard. He gets up and drinks before continuing with his speach*

"I rhemember what it wash like! Pheople coming in and shouting ruuuuuude and obshcene things at those who whanted to have an ah...ahe...ale! I shay to hades and to the arms of Hel herself whith the thavern!"

"And another thing! ....who phayes the next rhound?" :D

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