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Bravo Freddyshouse's team!

You deleted my last message and I don't know why, even after having read your rules of conduct.
Quote: Racism and extreme political views are a no-no.

First of all, no-no. What's that? Just say "aren't allowed" or "are forbidden". I wouldn't even speak to a baby like this.
Secondly, there's nothing racist and extreme political about me missing Deathbloke in this forum, because he has been such a good MLraid organisator.
Thirdly, my views about the Mid-East aren't racist, because I'm not for the one side, nor the other. I maybe forgot to say that the guilt of this whole conflict lies on the shoulders of some of our Christian European ancestors. The ones who chased the European Jews, and I'm not only talking about Nazi Germans. If these people would have been nice with the Jews, not so many of them would have emigrated to Palestine, by far. They would have stayed here in Europe.
The British authorities are guilty too, they supplied the Palestinians with weapons. And the Americans, they supplied the Jews with weapons. And finally the Soviets, they supplied the Arab countries around Israel with weapons.
As you see, the guilty of this whole conflict were and are some of our fellow Christians. And this already from the crusades on. On the way to the "Holy Land", to kill these "unbelievers" of Saracens, the crusaders slaughtered many of these "unbelievers" of Jews living in Europe. Especially the English crusaders have been very fervent Jew chasers. So my British friends, stop pointing the finger on Germans, your ancestors haven't been better.

Now don't tell me I'm extreme political, I'm just sick of extremists of all borders. And my views aren't extreme political aswell, they are historic facts.

If you delete this message here or even ban me from the forum I'd be very disappointed about your ignorance and lack of personal opinion.
I remind you that the word forum comes from the ancient Roman Forum, which was a market place where people met to trade and to exchange opinions aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
Reading that it reminds me of those emails " Hi, my name is blah blah blah, I need your help with so and so, 'cos this dude whos was my father is mega rich but hes dead and I can't get to his money becuase of some random law and if you help me fill out these forms I can challenge that law and get all his money, thus making you and I very wealthy, please reply soon, thankyou kindly"


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 28, 2004
Why exactly is it u wanna disuss the mid-east conflict in a DaoC forum? Sure u are allowed to have an opinion, but why post it in here? What are u trying to accomplish?


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
FreddysHouse > Role Playing Games > Dark Age of Camelot > Excalibur > Albion

this is the forum you are in... you se the name of it? Role Playing Games .... DAoC (the game it's regarding) Excal (the server it's regarding) Alb (the realm it's regarding) now why do you think you need to post on this forum about what is happening in a forign contry? this is for posting game stuff not IRL stuff... go to an forum that is intended for this instead...

The least to do is to post in the OFF TOPIC section instead of a section to a certin server/realm!

so why do this discussion keep going on?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
your last post wasn't deleted - the thread was locked.

This is way off topic btw, so locking it as well.
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