j00 no 1t!!!
O old.mad12 Guest Sep 21, 2000 Thread starter #2 BR M4y R0x0r 8U7 TSK 4r3 |33t H4X0rz 4ND w1|| Ch41N Y0U d0wN
O old.Zenith Guest Sep 21, 2000 Thread starter #4 /me shakes his head in amazement! I didn't think anyone would seriously start a new thread after my ickle suggestion. Mongrol, I will have to give you copious amounts of LAN-style chaingun at i6! There is nothing else for it. _________________________ Zenith Tribes playing bloke
/me shakes his head in amazement! I didn't think anyone would seriously start a new thread after my ickle suggestion. Mongrol, I will have to give you copious amounts of LAN-style chaingun at i6! There is nothing else for it. _________________________ Zenith Tribes playing bloke