bow bracer



Wow! what a couple of days. after spending more then an hour reading this thread. i have come to realised that my action may have/may not have(maybe its already there?) cost a big rift in the realm of albians. it may have damaged the relationship between guilds or may not have. i dont know but it was not hard to see there is a hidden problem there for all to see. this flame war didnt start by me(stt) but it's was started by an item which was traded to me as who has read and posted would all argeed.

its not hard to see there is only going to 1 solution to end this flame war, and that would be to giving up the bracer which i'll do without hesitation. this is a decision made by myself and myself only. no 1 have any idea b4 this post goes live, i was not forced or pressurred in anyway to give up the item (this is a very important point). i do this because this matter has gone too far and i'd really like to end it here now without damaging the realm further.

before u all bored and leave to read another more interesting thread, there are a few points which i would like to point out from the readings from below.

i started doac since day 1 of beta to still active now, from lvling stt to 50 then tts to 50, i have been in hundreds if not thusands of group. good or bad i would like to say i always come out with credit to myself and my charater(if u say so otherwise). and in that time i had never had such matter to deal with. i have no doubt that i had upset afew people in this matter but then again this is between 2 (is it not?) and the reponse and hatred i get simplely amazed me.

from named being called greedy bastrad to wanker...(yes a wanker, Mr now i have no idea why u called me that but from what i know wanker = some 1 who masturbate no? and if u tell me u never masturbated then im affride that u can never appriciate the joy of sex as u might be the 10% elite population that cant get it up), ehkhemm back to the main point, i will not condemn the personal attacks directed to me as i know full well that people has personal view, thats what makes human unique.

i hold my own view too with this matter as i have explained many time and will do it for the final time.

*i was in a keltoi xping group (not prior arranged and no prior agreedment on drops), it was a chaotic group with many casual players. anyway a certain bracer dropped and the player who picked it up shouted for a trade. i obliged and traded the item to what he wanted and we have 2 very happy parties except a certain scout who also wanted the bracer. from this, it bring up all these posts of flaming, accusations and defences.

note : the item traded with was from an eailer hunt, not an item drop from the party hunt as some1 has stated, please get ur fact right b4 accusing flaming etc)

yes, u may have said that i have broken the "gentlemen rule" of drops, the rule is handed down by hardcore players who has high level charaters. but u have to ask urself does these rules apply to casual players who may only have 1 or 2 hours to play per day. who r we to deprive them the joy of finding items and trade it? to make gold out of it etc. u may have a high lvl charater/s but u dont own the realm and the game.

trading is a very fun part of the game, the high lvls may not need to trade now but if u look back when ur just started the game at lvl 10- 15ish, did that not put a smile on ur face when an item dropped in ur bag and when u traded it for something u really wanted. what right do we have to take that away from others?

to all these concerned about this matter, i apologies for any hassle that have coursed specially greg, herbal and insurr. i appriciate their support and also the dragon knights for standing up for their guild m8(as most of the unpresant commons and personal attacks where from dks). i ll not comdemn any others who stuck their neck in for a piece of action, as i said we r all entitled to our opinions.

* to Mr ganster

i beleive u own Gol an public apology for what u have siad in 1 of ur post. quote

Actually it comes down to 1 thing
(if i may say this in a rude way)

'Does GoL stands above (as only guild) above the Groupsrule ?'

yes this upset me more then any other post, i can stand personal attacks but to accuse Gol in such manner very low and unresponsible. u r accusing more then 50 active players some of whom are well regarded in that matter.

* to Mr aussie

i dont know what and why u said things like that, why bring in the rps? does it really matter that much to u?

yes u r mr uber scout, ur the best *clap clap* thats what u implying? well congratulation.

* to Mr odysseus

i know u mean good when we had that conversation, but i find it very unpleasant and highly offensive to logged and make a private conversation between the 2 of us and made it public for all to read.

i maintained that i have not done anything deemed illigal and wrong. unless u can find that trading is illgal in the manual otherwise.

i did not post this to make a defence for myself or any sort. i simply just wanted this flame war to end once and for all.

well after all these, i hope this will be the end of this matter, mr gangster will get what he wanted and i ll (hopfully) get what i wanted and leave me alone please.
NO more flame and just drop this matter please.


You are correct in your criticism of me publishing the private conversation we had.
I have removed it.


to Mr ganster again
i play this game for fun, not for reputation. maybe thats ur intention to ruin my rep or whatever i dont know but honestly i dont really care....



Finally you registered on this forum, too bad it had to be about something childish as this :(

I've been trying to get a hold of you for quitte sometime, please read your PM.

/Verena or Tricky, whatever suits you. :)


could i have it? i wanna make a scout alt, and i think a bowmaster bracer would help


Originally posted by Verena
Anyone else just a little worried by this *ahem* familiarity between people from other realms? ;)


I would like to thank stt/tts for doing this all honours to you for working for a better realm.

This was about to look no better then what Hobbit did imo, but you proved top notch for standing up for yourself, solving the argument and sticking with it. Even if, imo again, you did make the wrong call at that moment. :)

Everyone learns the proper and honourable way of distributing drops about the time they start playing in keltoi I figure and if something like this happens with all noobs, so be it, what can you do, they dont know any better.. But when there are veteran players like you, we expect a bit more professional behaviour from the start. Because you play with noobs doesnt mean you have to abide by their rules.

Glad things ended up fine though, even if there have become cracks between our guilds, especially after Herbals useless 'revenge' post in the other thread. ;)



Wow, that post made me change my mind, Stt, I agree with everything you said in that post. I'm sorry about my flaming, though I feel you did something wrong by trading that bracer in the first place. The only thing I dislike is Herbal supporting such behaviour. /salute


Haven't really read this post, nor all of the last one ... but ...

FUCKING HELL, what a complete load of arse. So much fuss about a fucking bracer. I'm levelling my alt in Keltoi atm and if I manage to get 2 bracers (first one is needed for a guildy) then I'll give you one (ganstar) if you PLEASE just shut the fuck up whinging.

Aside from this rather incoherent post, feel free to carry on with the tittle-tattle.


Good work

I rarely post on these forums (and when I do, I spout poetry most of the time, as Pin likes to put it), but I will do so now.

Stt, I am impressed by your sense of right and wrong. Flaming is very easy to do and sometimes people say more than they should. It takes courage to respond to those flames without dropping to their level. Now let us all put this behind us and keep Albion a strong and harmonic realm!

/em prepares to spout some more poetry


/salute to tts/stt for the courage to respond with dignity and offering to give Gangstar what he should have been given in the first place.


Originally posted by tts_stt
* to Mr aussie

i dont know what and why u said things like that, why bring in the rps? does it really matter that much to u?

yes u r mr uber scout, ur the best *clap clap* thats what u implying? well congratulation.

aussie is a fucked up gitwit who thinks that making more rpts will also result in putting him as a rolemodel for everyone else in the entire world, and it ofcoures shows us all how skilled he is... pathetic, u say? yea I know. :rolleyes:


Wanker is an expression. So I take it, whenever you use the expression "ffs" you think about sex? :sleeping:



I'm happy u come to this

I Just want
that this grouprule stays intact, cuz otherwise it would be
a much chaotic Albion then there is now

I know i gave GoL a hard time, with some flaming to
but ej, what is a chaotic realm without flaming :p
So I apoligize for a part.. not for all if i see also Flaming on us by ***

/send gangstarbabe hello :clap:


Longbow+2 mainly... Being über-rare, only bracer with +lb and not farmable with a highlvl character, they tend to fetch quite high prices if sold.


Originally posted by old.Belthazor
Longbow+2 mainly... Being über-rare<snip>

Makes me think of the (only 2, gave the rest away) bracers I have in my hunters vault with, iirc +3 to bow and some other bonus. :D


Re: Re: bow bracer

Originally posted by Subbiz

aussie is a fucked up gitwit who thinks that making more rpts will also result in putting him as a rolemodel for everyone else in the entire world, and it ofcoures shows us all how skilled he is... pathetic, u say? yea I know. :rolleyes:

Aussie is just a little child - leave him be :p

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