booted from game



im starting to get really pissed off here...i get booted from game continiously(sp?) sometimes i can play up to an hour before i get booted...

ive changed drivers..tried 3 diff detonator, 2 diff manufacturer ones, reinstalled dx9 2 somewhere here that you should up voltage 0.1 did that and no change still gets booted.

now i dont think its a heat prob since system is about 35-40degrees under load(playing that is) and 30 degrees idle

someone please help :(

i might even quit game over this and i really dont want to do that since i been playing since march 2002....

/edit i run SI client



known issues with DX9 and MMORPG's.. you need to use DX8.1 or maybe {and i mean maybe} DX9.0a which apparently resolves DX9 issues {though i wouldnt hold my breath}

better to use DX8.1 and wait for DX9.1



Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (5.0, Build 2195) Service Pack 3
Language: Swedish (Regional Setting: Swedish)
System Manufacturer: MSI
System Model: MS-6585
BIOS: Version 1.00
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz
Memory: 1536MB RAM
Page File: 143MB used, 3289MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINNT
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0a (4.09.0000.0901)
DX Setup Parameters: /PackageInstall
DxDiag Version: 5.03.0000.0901 32bit Unicode

looks like i am using 9.0a and it works like shite :(


not 100% sure if dx9.0a actually solves problem though so at the end of all discussions you may need to reinstall..

k before that though...

firstly as a suggestion your page file doesnt need to be double your ram, your ram is large enough that simply +12 {recommended} for your pagefile would be just fine.

what vid card are you using ? u mention detonator drivers so i would guess some sort of NVidia card ?

Try removing vid drivers then reinstalling the basic driver from the CD you got when buying card, or an early version of the driver from the manufacturer, see how that goes for a while then upgrade to each new driver at a time to see if each one resolves the issues. ensure you remove completely the old drivers first.

switch over to the detonator drivers during same procedure.

just out of good practice run a defrag/scandisk on your machine, from the sounds of it i would guess your harddisk will be large so set aside a da/ or night to run this.

try turning off your virus scanner while playing DAoC... leave your firewall running, but disable the virus scanner. This shouldnt cause you any issues providing your firewall is running and your only playing DAoC while the scanner is disabled. This may resolve issue.

If you think power issues for your card/heat problems are not an issue you could also try {if your feeling adventurous} upgrading your bios on motherboard.

also what type of connection do you have ? dialup or broadband ? if dialup you could try asking your phone supplier to increase the gain rate on your local box.. if you call them up they will understand what you mean. when you get chucked out try a tracert to the DAoC servers and ensure you can still see them/da internet. ensure latest modem drivers is dialup.

failing all above i would suggest reinstall, just basic Microsoft OS, with latest SP, vid driver, dx 8.1 etc...

hope some of this may help.. shout back here if not and we'll see if we can come up with something else :)


i think i solved it, looks like a bad memory module, after i removed it i played 7+hours and didnt get booted once so i think thats it :)

thanks all that tryed to help. (will come back if it turns out that i was just lucky yesterday)

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