bookables - waaaaaaaaaa



First off I realise that BW are trying to get more ppl to sign up to them and by making the QW bookables only useable for tdm games via pre booking should get more ppl to sign up to book them but from experience most games i play in these days are spur of the moment games and so will not happen now as the default is 4 ppl on all 3.
could at least one of them be set to 12 ppl to allow for the spur of the moment pickup games as there are 5 duel servers already?

If the limit of 4 hours per week per clan was raised and the server became useable fairly quickly (eg. in 10-15mins) then it wouldnt be so much of a problem.

Does that make sense?

12 hour shifts and no sleep sucks :/

Comiserations on having to read my drivel




servers need to be up 24/7 and I would like to c the limit at 16. This is just stupid, they are going to totally kill the qw community .... ohh wait maybe that is what they want


I can't belive they did that.
no-one will book them , or, very few people, it's possibly the biggest mistake ever
/me points to wireplay and frags


Gah wireplay :(

everyone’s pings are really quite rank on wp unless using their dialup (aint used their service recently so if anything has changed beat me) and foreign cunts have no way of playing there :(




teamplay is the main reason why ppl still play qw, if they have to kill some servers, kill arena / a few duel ports / 1 ffa server.

am i correct in thinking that ure still only allowed a max bookings of 2 per week? in which case we're only allowed to play 2 decent games of quake a week???????? at the very least we need one public teamplay server,

if they fail to see sense, i suggest we have a system whereby we (the qw community) just book up a server 24/7 with a standard password so anyone can it as a tp server, at 168hrs/week that needs 42 ppl to book up 2 2hr slots. halve that number if we just book say 4pm->4am

i understand that moving to the new booking system might have made the old system of servers reverting to public status when not booked inoperable, but we should have been left at least one public tp server :( just when things were looking up for qw, with the ffa server changes, we get put back in a worse position than before.

in the meantime our best option is prolly wireplay:
are all public tp servers, and only about 3-5ms from BW.


The UKPL servers are not being used anymore, and probably won't be needed for a while yet, if at all. Feel free to get min.. soz, horus, or lecter to change these into a public TP server.

Someone could always pay for one of their clan servers and make it public. Wireplay don't seem so bad afterall, for some strange reason :)


I dont have that level of access.
Im a public admin, which means I have RCON.
I have no controll over Bookables and nor would i want to have control over bookables.
I agree about the changes though and ill bring it up on the admin mailing list etc and see what happens, though it was not my decision and not mine to turn around :|


The changes were made to bring them in line with our other bookable servers for other games. Whilst these games currently also have public "teamplay" servers that is because they have larger communities (hence they also have more of other types of servers). We may bring back 1 or 2 public QW teamplay servers, we may not.

To answer one of your points moof - Our new bookable system usually does support ad hoc bookings if the server is free, if this feature is not available to QW bookings yet then it probably will be shortly.

And as for BW's approach to QW, i think you are all living in a dream world really. We are not trying to kill off QW, but as the choice for gamers increases in what they can play online we have to be able to supply servers and services to feed that demand. BarrysWorld built itself up in the time when the QW community was fairly strong, but you also have to remember there was only limited choice in what people could play during that time due to no other really good online games being around besides Q2. The online gaming scene has over the past 14 months or so really fragmented, so the situation has changed for QW and things will never be like what they used to be. BarrysWorld has had to change with the scene as such, meaning the once lofty position QW had is no longer the case in the scheme of things.

Other than Ceno i was probably the most involved with BW re: QW from its early days on here till end of 1999, and along with the fact people have gone off to other games the only reason QW is not as active on BW is because you have fewer people who like myself or Ceno were willing to put in the time to make it successful. Look at the problems with the MCW revival, or how the UKCL struggled most of last year. In fact this was arguably true of QW from a lot longer ago than most of you will remember, witness the problems the UKCL had moving from person to person running it during most of 1998 and early 1999. In truth there is a lot of people who will say "QW is great, its an excellent game" but usually they don't have the committment or skills to turn that into running a tournament which will benefit the community. You had SF-Dave who was the kind of person of who could do it, but besides him i have seen very little from the community in trying to keep your game alive competitively.

At the end of the day its your community, if the people in it aren't willing to put the time in to keep it going (by doing things such as running leagues which is what mostly kept QW as popular as it was for as long as it was imo) then its going to fizzle out and die, if it has not allready. And if there is no real community around QW, then why should BW support it any more than the bare minimum?

[Edited by bigfoot on 12-01-01 at 01:03]


At the end of the day its your community, if the people in it aren't willing to put the time in to keep it going (by doing things such as running leagues which is what mostly kept QW as popular as it was for as long as it was
imo) then its going to fizzle out and die, if it has not allready.

Seems like BW is helping the process along.


No, It seems people expect BW to stop the process and any actions taken because of this process are construed as what you suggest.


bif, I am unsure how you can make that kind of sweeping judgement about a community you obviously now know very little about.

If you have a look at the clq games stats, you will see that QW is actually fairly high ranking, being played for far longer by more players than many of the q3 mods and every form of q2 that you provide servers for.

It has now become apparent that QW is growing again, and the level of dedication of many to keep the QW community ticking over is commendable.

It is not a particularly large thing to ask of you, it is not even anything more than you were doing before. All we are asking is not to make the servers unusable or give us some proper tp servers.


they are going to totally kill the qw community .... ohh wait maybe that is what they want

Was one of the views stated that i was answering. You do recall saying that Primus don't you.

If your into stats i can use GameSpy stats to show you that there are more "people" playing Quake2 or Quake3 or CS or UT or Tribes or even Team Arena than QuakeWorld, and perhaps server usage might be higher for QW due to the fact there are fewer places to play it nowadays, so whoever does play it tends to play on a fairly small number of servers. However according to GameSpy stats QuakeWorld has the worst players/servers ratio of the games it does stats for.

I don't doubt there are people playing QW who are committed to the game and play it heavily, but as i say for a community to be active and vibrant imo it needs people or organisations in it who are willing to run competitions to give the community focus. These people also have to have a passion for the game.

[Edited by bigfoot on 12-01-01 at 08:00]


The bottom line, as of today.

Bookable 1 will remain bookable, therefore only can be used by our booking service.
Bookables 2/3 will be turned into "Public Teamplay 1/2" and cannot be booked at any time.

I hope this resolves any queries you might have.



In Reply To Leagues...

I myself can see where everyone is coming from including bogfoot (no matter how much hes trying to defend BW's decision.) I ran the MCW with 2 others for a season and for the first part of the season it was going brilliantly, only 1 or 2 defaults in the first 2 weeks. It then, however started to descend into a bottomless pit. Only 4 clans played all their matches (or at least turned up) out of 2 leagues of 8 (16). The last week was such a disgrace the 4 clans turned up but they werent even sheduled to play together. Credit to Denial who ALWAYS had at least 7 people ready to play. The fact was that the proclaimed "Better" clans wasn't interested in it. 3 of the regulars were division 2 and if i still ran that league (had to leave due to lack of time) those 3 teams would be in division 1 regardless of skill.

But as usual i go off the track. If a small group of people, even 3 like we had would get together with Barrysworld and have a highly publisised league, it would surely draw attention and bring in the experienced and/or dedicated players.

My own opinion, Bad show BW. The pure amount of servers you have shows that 5 or 6 Quakeworld servers would not even be noticed. By taking away the public teamplay servers your wrecking the "spur of the moment pickup games" which is all many players get the chance to play in nowadays.

Your views?


Re: In Reply To Leagues...

Originally posted by Bl4sT
I myself can see where everyone is coming from including bogfoot

bogfoot? Thats a nice name :)


Thanks for the quick response lecter, we weren't demanding more servers, just that we be able to use those which DO exist to their fullest potential.

Bigfoot re: competition to give the community focus, in the last year we have had UKCL, MCW, UKPL, BladeTourney, and ECAL (not including euro/world leagues like DECL, smackdown etc) . I would estimate in running the UKCL (which finished last weekend) ive put in about 10hrs/week; say 6hrs adminning games and 4 updating website, responding to emails, setting up servers, answering queries from players on irc, and discussion with the admin team. In fact since its not a solid block of time it actually takes up more than 10hrs. This week took much longer since BW deleted the UKCL website without informing us, so we had to create a membership thingy, reupload and change a few things around (kudos to Tinky as he actually tries to help rather than trying to put us down, unlike a certain Q2(?) playing #bw 'helper'). Ok so 10hrs a week isnt a lot by your standards, but its time I could have spent in playing or (shock horror!) "real life". The MCW crew also had to put in a lot of time; often others would let them down so the same ppl would end up adminning all the games, or clans wouldnt show so their effort was wasted. I'm sure you are aware that there is a lot of work that goes on 'behind the scenes' in running a league (especially at preseason), and not just at gametime. Then there is always abuse from some quarters who don't like the rules, or way the league is run, which you will know as well as any that we could do without.

Ok, MCW comeback was a failure, but tbh i expected it to be with probably 50%+ of players being lpb compared to only 25% or so when i started qw (only guessing here), coupled with the much smaller overall community. I would say the UKCL this year has been worthwhile; a few defaults and it gets a bad rep but ask the clans involved and most will say they enjoyed the league. Bearing in mind about 6-8months ago you suggested to me that the continuation of the UKCL by Dave was a bad idea because it tarnished the reputation of the league, now that the legendary winners like qpd/dc/4k etc would be pushed further into the past by a less prestigous current league. i think you added something like you would prefer '4k were remembered as the last winners of UKCL rather than TDI or whoever'. well who knows, with their return to QW maybe they will be :). I know i was rather annoyed at the time because it didnt seem fair to deny the remaining qw clans the chance to play in their own competetive league. lets be honest, wouldnt we rather see one or too successful leagues (UKCL, ECAL) than a bunch of mickeymouse tournaments (renegade league thingy)? This year there will be UKCL, MCW, TCL (the clan league, i reserve my judgement on this one) and ECAL (clan arena league). of the 28 clans in ukcl this past season, 22 stayed the distance, and of those giving up defaults all but 2 were in the unstable div4. as for ctf/tf i dont know as im a pure DM player.

sorry if this sounds confrontational, sometimes my writing style seems that way, but i'm just trying to give you the picture from our side of the fence :)


P.S: i forgot to mention the two wireplay leagues, WPDML and WPFFAL. :)


Bah i hate night shifts :/

Thanks for your quick replies bif and lec and thanks for setting 2 of the servers to freely available servers again
After my bleeting about it i spose I'll have to try and use em a bit more now I'm a born again QW'er - it seems to have got a lot faster since playing q3 tho or maybe just my age catching up on me

neeeeeed more latenite biggames

/me drifts off into the joys of 12v12 on tits2 with modem

oh and HT if you need an extra admin/help I can help out when my contract is up here (about 4 weeks) while I'm 'resting' between jobs or now when I'm not on shift



/Me is also glad that 2 of the bookables have been returned to public tp status. A lot of grumbling has gone on in this thread :( but I'm sure every1 else who loves the game of QW also appreciates this ;)

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