I have a ? about the BW bookable servers for MoH. I'm trying to reserve a server for a match later tonight, and noticed a couple of things under the Advanced Settings that I need some assistance with.
First -- Do Warm Up (Yes/No) -- does this apply to MoH? And if so, what is it?
Second -- Round Limit -- what is it?
Third -- Warm up Time -- what is the warm up for? (see first question)
Fourth -- Is there any way to specify what maps load in what order, as opposed to the default order? Say I want to load Algiers, then Southern France, and finally Destroyed Village? Is there a way to do this other than switching maps from rcon?
First -- Do Warm Up (Yes/No) -- does this apply to MoH? And if so, what is it?
Second -- Round Limit -- what is it?
Third -- Warm up Time -- what is the warm up for? (see first question)
Fourth -- Is there any way to specify what maps load in what order, as opposed to the default order? Say I want to load Algiers, then Southern France, and finally Destroyed Village? Is there a way to do this other than switching maps from rcon?