bonus & qualitity Vs Speed & Damage please look within



I am now lvl 25 and have the choice of the below staffs, which do I choose? what does the Bonus mean - bonus chance to hit or bonus to damage

btw. the legbone staff cons orange to me (if that makes a difference)

Zealots Staff of the Pious
Level: 25
Slot: Staff
Damage: 9 DPS
Speed: 2.8 SPD
Bonus: 20%
Quality: 100%
Location: Campacorentin Forest
Properties: +3 Staff, +2 Enhancement, +4 PIE
Other Data: Reward for Friar Epic Quest at level 25.

Legbone Quarterstaff
Level: 30
Slot: Staff
Damage: 10.1 DPS
Speed: 3 SPD
Bonus: 10%
Quality: 89%
Location: Llyn Barfog
Properties: +2 Staff, +3 PIE
Other Data: Dropped by Undead Monks.


i think the bonus just gives you the idea of how many mods the item has . so for example a ring with 20% bonus will have more mods than a ring with 5% bonus .


also i think you would get more benifit from the top staf you listed . due to the 100% quality and the +3 staff mod . i know dmge in dps seems lower but unless im wrong for example if the staff is 100% quality it will do the dmge it says in dps and for example a staff with 90% quality and has 100dps will only do 90dps . "hehe i know 100 dps not possible but easy to figure out" , i think thats how quality works


The effective DPS on the staffs is the same (DPSxQua), while the upper has 10% better bonus (it's better hit chance, not anything else) and better abilities. Easy choice :)


The first staff owns the second one totally. Same effective dps, but faster, better to hit bonus, better +staff (narrowing your damage variance). Epic rewards are generally excellent, dropped stuff mostly sucks.


Originally posted by Bowen

Zealots Staff of the Pious
Level: 25
Slot: Staff
Damage: 9 DPS
Speed: 2.8 SPD
Bonus: 20%
Quality: 100%
Location: Campacorentin Forest
Properties: +3 Staff, +2 Enhancement, +4 PIE
Other Data: Reward for Friar Epic Quest at level 25.

This item is at 100% quality, so therefore does 100% of the damage listed. 9dps. Also has staff, enhancement and piety bonuses, which are nice and helpful. The 20% bonus modifies your chance of hitting, so you are 20% more likely to hit.

Legbone Quarterstaff
Level: 30
Slot: Staff
Damage: 10.1 DPS
Speed: 3 SPD
Bonus: 10%
Quality: 89%
Location: Llyn Barfog
Properties: +2 Staff, +3 PIE
Other Data: Dropped by Undead Monks.

Quality 89%, so we multiply the dps by .89. This gives an actualy damage output of 8.989 dps. There is also a slight damage decrease modify because the staff is orange to you. This gives less DPS than the previous one. Also, the bonus is 10%, meaning you are more likely to hit than with a regular staff, but less likely than the previous one. The bonuses given on the second staff are also lesser than given on your Epic staff.

Conclusion: the first staff is the best to use in terms of damage output, chance to hit, and bonuses.

You will find, in general, that the items you get from epic quests are much better than dropped items of the same level.


Bonus also adds to the chance to critical hit. You always gotta remember quality is king, if you equip a weapon and look on your stats screen at your 'WeapDam' - that figure is your current damage. For some odd reason Mythic decided to change the usual decimal point you get in DPS to a '0'.

So say you have a 9.5 DPS staff and its below your level (i.e not above your damage cap) it would read 905, if the weapon is 100% then you would always hit for 9.5DPS.

Say the weapon was 9.5 DPS at 90% quality and your cap was 8.9 DPS, your 'WeapDam' would read 809. But you would be hitting for 8.0 because you would then have to subtract the quality. Quality always comes last in all the calculations.

Hope that makes sense, its early and my brain isnt functioning properly yet. :rolleyes:


How does the decreased damage midifier work for oramge/red/purple items?

I always thought taht orange or higher items never gave their full abilities because you were capped by you level, eg level 40 using a level 50 weapon thats 90% Quality (stated dps 16.2) is capped at 13.2dps * 0.9 = 11.88 - by his level.

Is there another modifier taht substracts even more damage because it happens to con orange or red or purple?, ie further taking you below you damage cap after the quality is factored?

What I mean is I always thought using a red con 100% weapon was better than using a Yellow/Orange con that was 89%???


ahh gef matee, my fellow DPS mathmatecian monkey, yup, gef is right 100%, quality is king, tho i eagerly await Vells answer on this con based modifier thingy


Yes, as I understand it there is a further modifier because the weapon is too difficult for you to wield (In addition to the quicker degrade). The way Sanya has explained it, a high-yellow or low-orange weapon will always give you better damage output than a purple or red one, unless the quality is all skew-wiffy.

It seems to work with my little spiritmaster - he does more damage with a yellow staff than a very purple staff with the same quality. If it was just the damage cap, he would be doing the same damage, but he does not.


The first staff is superior. Both staffs will cap your dps at that lvl so the one with greater bonus and quality is way better, since those modifiers are added after capping the dps.


Re: Re: bonus & qualitity Vs Speed & Damage please look within

Originally posted by Vell

The 20% bonus modifies your chance of hitting, so you are 20% more likely to hit.

Not quite. Although I might be wrong.

If you attack an enemy wearing armour with 0% bonus, and your weap has a 20% bonus, you get the 20% to-hit bonus. However if they have 35% bonus, your to-hit bonus is actually -15%.

This is why the craze on US servers atm (with the new crafting materials) is to use the best player crafted weapons, enchanted to 35% when doing RvR, as those kinds of to-hit bonuses are much higher than the quality on any dropped/quested armour.


wow, thanks guys didn't expect such a response - needless to say I now understand how the weapons stats work

thanks again, better nip to the bank and pick up my Pious staff :)


Re: Re: Re: bonus & qualitity Vs Speed & Damage please look within

Originally posted by chesnor

Not quite. Although I might be wrong.

If you attack an enemy wearing armour with 0% bonus, and your weap has a 20% bonus, you get the 20% to-hit bonus. However if they have 35% bonus, your to-hit bonus is actually -15%.

This is why the craze on US servers atm (with the new crafting materials) is to use the best player crafted weapons, enchanted to 35% when doing RvR, as those kinds of to-hit bonuses are much higher than the quality on any dropped/quested armour.

Yes, no that's right. We're both right. But I'd confuse everyone with my logic of why we're both right, so I'll just say 'yes'.

PS Player crafted items are much superior to drops. So contact your crafters and give them some business!


Yes, I think we can discount dragon drops for the purpose of this discussion. They're not exactly easy to obtain, are they.

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