Bonedancers vs all on-comers



i read a post in the General Discussion area called Bonedancers, wtf ?? i've noticed that people seem to sujested that Bonedancers are pritty powerful seeing as they have multipule pets that don't just tank for the caster while they cast spells. I'm glad to see they have finaly added pet classes where the pet is important, and ignoring them to kill the caster won't always work. These new classes do seem to be able to kill orange and red con mobs as easy as a normal tank would kill a yellow say.

Mythic say that every cast can kill every other class at same level (by using the right methods). So how do we go about taking down the dreaded bonedancers, one on one.

I've never had the chance to figth one yet but i guess if i did see one that conned yellow to me i guess i'd try to catch the Bonedancers and all his pets in my AOEmezz, then stun smite, smite stun smite PBsmite the Bonedancers and hope hes low enough to be finished off with hammer n shield. But i'm guessing chances of doing this is pritty low and probably won't work cause Bondancer with have purge.

Anyone know how a smite cleric should do it, i can own Thanes at same level.


i'm not sure if purge works on the pets as well.

I think your best chance lies in pbaemezzing the pets, stunning the caster and work on the commander.

When he's dead all other pets die and you only have the bd to worry about. Problem is that bd's have insta lifetap so if you're not hitting harder then the amount of life (s)he can steal you're pretty fucked.

oh, and "Mythic say that every cast can kill every other class at same level (by using the right methods). So how do we go about taking down the dreaded bonedancers, one on one." is pretty much alot of bs imo


Mill is a hard bastrd, you hit commander the three healers instanmt heal, uyou hit a healer the other 2 heal, you hit the caster he gets healed, so 1 v 1 a BD pretty much owns


i'm thiking that they should change they way the summon there commander pets, only one pet type from each spell line so either a buffer or healer etc.


You ae dot the caster+pets then stun the caster and nuke him dead. :)
Or use sever the tether which insta slays the healer pets and makes the commander attack the BD.

Of course these rely on you being a mentalist. :p


mili=TOUGH i don't give a shit what anyone says you fight him solo and he takes a dam beating lol.


Originally posted by Balbor

Anyone know how a smite cleric should do it, i can own Thanes at same level.

Thats something to brag? :eek:
Want a medal or something? :p


Back to topic, if you have to rely on weapons, you are dead already. You must kill him before the stun wears off and with smite, or else he is gonna LT your ass off. Unless its a BA BD of course, they are pretty weak on 1:1.


Something is seriously wrong with that lifetap of theres, in bg it takes off around 100hp from the 500 i have, and its insta cast and got an incredibly short wait before u can cast another,

it would be fixed if it was either a castable spell or had a longer delay before casts. as it is, right now bd's are nigh on unbeatable for a melee class


What about disease to counter the heals and life taps?


Body cabbies get disease, but then a cabbie would just dot the healer mobs and the bd, so thats not a problem.
Remember that the bd pets have an effective lvl of 75 so you are looking at green con pets.


First time I charged one insanely with my cleric I got whooped. (Noone in Thid/Alb ever seems to charge so I though f*ck this and ran). Since my melee with smite dmg add does about the same as my ranged smite (low smite spec) was only thing I could do really.

Got pwned :eek:


purge doesn't effect pets and pets will not carry over your 26%body resist so if i cast an AOE mez your pets will be no help in this battle

my thoughts were if you can either KILL the bone commander or mez all the pets you should have no problem


As long as the healer pets are dead you might as well go for the bonedancer, the commander will be a blue con and you should easily be able to kill the player before the commander kills you. This method will also stop the bonedancer casting during the fight, apart from the 4 sec recast insta lifetap (.


The caby should be the answer then.... AE disease/AE DoT and send in Pet on the bonedanser to finish it off, no?

Not sure if I remember right but caby culd even double DoT the commander/BD with spec and base DoT.


i should remind you guys that if the commander dies the healers die :)
a blue con pet normaly takes about 4ish nukes to kill due to buffs but without pets the bonemaster has little chance against most class's


hmm a yellow con caster takes about 3 nukes though, quicker to just kill the BD then the pets are a non-issue. ;)


Originally posted by old.Bubble
i should remind you guys that if the commander dies the healers die :)

Yes but the healers will heal the commander unless mezzed.


hit each healer pet in turn then they are interutped till you hit them again and cant heal anything or anyone.


well it seams the lifetape need to be nerfed to say 20sec, even an instent heal or DD shout at that recast would be unfair and have them together is just unfair, especally when bonedance has healing pets to boot.

Anyone got sujestion for other classes.

Appart from Reaver i can see the other tanks being able to do it.

Stealthers- usally take down caster easy but... those healing pets!

Thurgy- pet on each pet, a few on Bonedancer could do it

Sorc - with mezz and own pet they should have no worries

Wizards - Nukes and AOE-dds i guess

Cabalists - AOEdots and pet

Friers - No CC or range attacks gonna make it hard, probaby try and out damage the bonedancer

Necromancers, never played one so no idea really


if remember correct, when testing these classes, changed LT cast times (longer recast), but that maded bd unplayable.
agree bd is one bitch when 1v1, maybe even 1v2.
problem is if you do against bd 100dmg, lt take part of it back (from dmg maker)
so if you hit 100dmg, LT hit you whit (example) 100dmg + steal 80%? htp:s from dmg, in this case 80htp -> 180dmg.
if crit? make 160 dmg, he steal back that 100htp:s.
need do dmg so fast bd never cannot lt, or heal back.
healerpet take long time before start 1st time cast heals.

killed necro last night whit my sb, was using disease, so dont get full heals.
maybe this is one way to make kill even little easier?
but sidenote, one inf tryed that to me, sadly he start run away after pa -> dead inf.

what read too, in higher lvl start bd dmg output go lower, when other start rise, better styles etc.
but this need try self, when/if reach 50.


Originally posted by old.tuppe
if remember correct, when testing these classes, changed LT cast times (longer recast), but that maded bd unplayable.
agree bd is one bitch when 1v1, maybe even 1v2.
problem is if you do against bd 100dmg, lt take part of it back (from dmg maker)
so if you hit 100dmg, LT hit you whit (example) 100dmg + steal 80%? htp:s from dmg, in this case 80htp -> 180dmg.
if crit? make 160 dmg, he steal back that 100htp:s.
need do dmg so fast bd never cannot lt, or heal back.
healerpet take long time before start 1st time cast heals.

killed necro last night whit my sb, was using disease, so dont get full heals.
maybe this is one way to make kill even little easier?
but sidenote, one inf tryed that to me, sadly he start run away after pa -> dead inf.

what read too, in higher lvl start bd dmg output go lower, when other start rise, better styles etc.
but this need try self, when/if reach 50.

Reading this gave me a headache :p.

Bonedancers, like most other SI classes seem to be a little over-powered, but the only one I ran in to with my Paladin in Thid was orange con and all I remember was charging the caster expecting an easy kill, then wondering why he was getting healed with no one else in sight... needless to say, a lifetap or two later I was dead :).

It seems BDs will be all but impossible for tanks, but classes like Sorcs/Theurgs/Cabbas/Mintrels... or any class with a pet or mess ability should stand a fighting chance.


Originally posted by Danyan
You ae dot the caster+pets then stun the caster and nuke him dead. :)
Or use sever the tether which insta slays the healer pets and makes the commander attack the BD.

Of course these rely on you being a mentalist. :p

the pets can cast in combat, so the DoT wont stop em from healing ;)


Green and gray con pets wont last long against a cabbie.
And disease will cut in half their heals.


speaking from a full supp BD, its a good class but with weakness.

crap healer pet AI and stupid power usage.

when u hit the healer pet, he starts running basically making it impossable to

a) get the dmg done cause he moves in a circle
b)gets aggro
and c) makes ur commander usless

of course my BD is only 22, so i can only have 1 pet.

also the insane power usage of a supp BD means that i nearly always have half power. So stack up on your cold/body reisit and pray that the BD doesn't have a PoC.

well, thats how i see BD's

(note, i am aware that i may not be classed as a expert on bone dancers, but still...hoipe this evens the tide a bit)


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