Roo Stercogburn
Anyone decided how they are going to spec their Boney yet?
Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Interesting. Does the level limit include your Commander?
From experience, blue con pets can struggle with red con mobs a bit unless you have good buffs on them but if you're going for lower con social mobs this is less of an issue. At lvl50 enemy realms can be considered lower con social mobs too
Junior is lvl44 and can take red con mobs, though I rely on the damage shield a bit since his miss rate can be large.
Boney pets will be very much dependant on their ability to hit mobs.
Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Ok, done a bit more checking, so here's an update and some useful info for peeps that haven't looked into this.
Looking at the suppression line, I'm not surprised peeps are speccing this all the way - its got some nice group friendly things in there like the ablative armour you can cast on people.
Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Each spell line that you spec has 2 types of pet that you can summon from that line. Darkness gives you a caster pet and a buffer pet, Suppression gives you a healer pet and a debuffer pet, Bone Army gives a tank pet and an archer pet to choose from.
Originally posted by svartalf
Enchanter casting pets are teh original nightmare, and he only gets one...
What about BD caster pets?