Bonedancers - How will you spec yours?


Roo Stercogburn

Anyone decided how they are going to spec their Boney yet?


full supp til about 30, trust me on this...

in test, we were dropping reds, would have dropped the orange add too, but the healer pet got aggro...

after that, some into Bone Army, not sure yet on end spec, I'll worry about that after 40 :)


Aye full supp to start - the difficult bit is trying to second guess the nerf.


Well, if I was making a BD at first instead of a savage, I would go full supp.


I did experiment with Bone Army lower than 20, and realistically, its just not worth it, had probs with even taking blues... but that could have just been me sucking.

Roo Stercogburn

Had yet another look at the char builders. I know that full sup is meant to be the uber solo way of doing it, but I'm considering:

50 Bone Army
19 Suppression
7 Darkness

Gives nastiest tank pets, a healing pet and an improved snare. My main concerns are the feeble-looking DoT and not brilliant DD abilities though my pet heals will be very good indeed so you save power by being able to use lower level heals.

Alternate spec I was toying with is:

43 Bone Army
32 Suppression
6 Darkness

though I don't know enough about the class to say if not going all the way in one line means you have weak pets. Second spec gives the first damage absorb, though at the penalty of having lower spec pets. Again, this is something I'm not sure about yet: is the pet speccing like druids: if you don't spec the pet line, your pet level doesn't increase? If Bonies are like this, then not going 50 in a particular line may be gimped, since all your abilities are mainly pet based. I'm also not completely sure yet what the differences are between the 3 pet lines and what the advantages/disadvantages of each are.

I'm not interested in lots of healing pets. I'm looking for damage output fast. I'll be going for lower con social mobs solo, rather than high con mobs. I know this is unpopular but its a damned sight more fun :D

I reckon a Boney/Shammy combo will level like nobody's business rather than the usual caster/healer combo, since the caster is basically pet based. A little bit of time in Thid at 24 to get MCL and me and my undead army go to 50 like a rocket.

Actually, 2 Bonies grouped - one Suppression based, one Bone Army might be a rather nasty group for PvE and potentially lots of fun. Combo of tank pets and healing pets might be very effective for decimating large numbers of mobs quickly.

I sense some Tomte genocide coming on :D


oh, dont forget theres a maximum level your collective pets can be, and this is 75. currently theres a way around it according to the BD TL report, but due to complaining albs ( :) ) they'll be enforcing the level limit. so if you do indeed have a level 50 pet, your other pets will suffer in level.

Old Nicodemus

IF.. and it's a big if.. I decide to roll a bonedancer I'll go a different route.

45 Dark
10 Sup
28 Bone Army

Why? Well since every Tom, Dick and L33Tboy will be going Supp I'd like to see what it can do in the other lines ;)

Or maybe I'm a strange old man who just likes to do things the unconventional way... (yes I went Supp waaaaaaay before the PB nuke was even a glint in the mythic programmers eye)....


Spiritgimp :m00:

Roo Stercogburn

Interesting. Does the level limit include your Commander?

From experience, blue con pets can struggle with red con mobs a bit unless you have good buffs on them but if you're going for lower con social mobs this is less of an issue. At lvl50 enemy realms can be considered lower con social mobs too ;)

Junior is lvl44 and can take red con mobs, though I rely on the damage shield a bit since his miss rate can be large.

Boney pets will be very much dependant on their ability to hit mobs.


I think the answer to that one is yes Roo, although I could be wrong... it wouldn't make sense, damn, I'll need to go test that out now


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Interesting. Does the level limit include your Commander?

From experience, blue con pets can struggle with red con mobs a bit unless you have good buffs on them but if you're going for lower con social mobs this is less of an issue. At lvl50 enemy realms can be considered lower con social mobs too ;)

Junior is lvl44 and can take red con mobs, though I rely on the damage shield a bit since his miss rate can be large.

Boney pets will be very much dependant on their ability to hit mobs.

Ah - the bit your missing is that every person over one on a mob generates a to hit bonus on the mob for all the others - so once you have 3 or 4 pets on the mob it will be hard to miss - or with another bonedancer 6-8 pets :)

Level limit excludes your commander - I was looking to end spec with high bonearmy mid suppression so id have - A Commander pet, 2 max level Styling melee pets and 1 2nd tier healing pet - nice combo I thought (if you can get em close to anyone).

Oh and you can break the level limit at the moment if you cast the pets in the right order.


=) I just knew that Roo and MUHAHAHAHAHA [TM] would make a Bonedancer.

Urgat Rip-Eye

At 50

At 50, my bonedancer has

38/38 BA/Sup

Things i have noticed...

The level cap prevents me using my best summons for all three sub-pets. If i use lev38 summons, i can have a max of two subpets. Thus i normally run with three lower level summons.

Testing in DF vs orange mobs. Pull with a debuf, Root adds. pets defend. Walk away, apply stacked dots, wait untill it dies. Repeat for adds. This has no down time.

Testing vs red/orange mobs. Same initial sequence, reds can be taken faster by applying DOTS, then chain casting base DD nuke. (variance is bad - but still adds damage) Also - hit lifetap every 4 seconds. Even if you get agro, your healer and your lifetap ensure you cannot be killed. Multiple reds and oranges are easily doable - mana cost can be high though.

Mana - OMG - power consuption can be very intesnsive at times. It costs almost a full bar to summon all 4 pets and buff them up. Even with Serenity 5 and MCL 3, it found myself waiting for Power to regen often. (specialy if you chose not to avoid poulling agro - as constant life taps are neccicaery to survive)

Pets - My Prefered combos are.

Commander/Healer/Healer/Tank. - Practicaly impossible to die, even if a healer draws agro (which invariably means it will die in two hits - since i use the lower level sumons to ensure i get three subpets) the other healer is there to keep going. Normall giving oyu enough time to cast (or quickcast) anpother healer summon.


Commander/Healer/Tank/Buffer - Between your buffs, and the buffer buffs = Uber buffed pets, deal with mobs far easier, however your root spell is usles unless used while mob is not close, as the damage shield the buffer insists on casting screws it. Also - if healer dies, no backup - and must rely on lifetap.

All in all - its a complex class, and i am still gettng the hang of it. But... IMO a split spec is best - since you cant take advantage of the higher summon spellswithout sacrificing pet numbers anyway.


Nice post Urgat thanks for the info :)

Does anyone have a link to any Bonedancer specific sites?



I've been playing with the character builders and come up with the following specs, your opinions please.

1. 34 34 24
2. 17 36 36
3. 50 20 0
4. 48 24 6

Obviously these are possible in different ways depending on what you lead with ie.


Roo Stercogburn

Ok, done a bit more checking, so here's an update and some useful info for peeps that haven't looked into this.

Pet can only be a max of 75% of your total level, except your commander who can be 82% of level. Also, if you haven't specced a line to get a high level pet your max pet level can actually fall way below this. For example Summon Bone Minion lvl 42 spell Summon Boneburster has a max pet level of 36, regardless of if you are level 50 or not. (Don't mention bug abuse)

Each spell line that you spec has 2 types of pet that you can summon from that line. Darkness gives you a caster pet and a buffer pet, Suppression gives you a healer pet and a debuffer pet, Bone Army gives a tank pet and an archer pet to choose from.

Many peeps may not realise all this when first making their bonies.

Because of this, I am unlikely to go pure spec in a line, unless someone can prove its worth it but I've got a feeling anyone who doesn't spec a single line to 45 minimum for this class is going to have a lot of problems, as you are going to have many weak pets which won't even con green at 50.

Currently I'm thinking 48 Bone Army, 24 Suppression, 6 darkness.
This also gives zero leftover points, but that was pure luck :D

One thing I read and went ooooo... your Commander uses positional styles. That is something Junior would die for. Again.

Looking at the suppression line, I'm not surprised peeps are speccing this all the way - its got some nice group friendly things in there like the ablative armour you can cast on people.

Don't normally plan a character this carefully in advance, I've always gone for the fun-is-more-important approach and I've generally used char builders after I've played a few levels. Bonies though seem to have some specific advantages and limitations which could really catch you out badly.


Im going the same spec as you Roo - mainly for Keep defence - Dots and archer pets are gonna be real fun when in a keep.

Havent decided how far up to take Bone army yet though - probably 46 or 48.


Definitely speccing full suppression to lvl 40, tried a bd on the us servers and went full spec bone army, while this is a good spec the downtime with mana kinda sucks, whereas full spec supp u wont encounter any downtime taking on any yellow/orange maybe some downtime on a red.
The way i see it is that the BD makes no difference how you spec it as far as grouping is concerned, so why not make the best of your spec points until 40 to be able to solo the most effectively.


oh and if youre going to ask about after lvl 40 i dunno :p

although i have heard of a full supp taking out almost a whole group b4 they realised that the pets r healing him and all the mage was doing was tanking. I would hope that was a rumour though and that people arent that stupid :D


full bone army :)

supp is going to be the cookie cutter spec, so i'lll just be something different.
and i always loved DoT classes, but shammies just weren't appealing enough for me.


Haven't done too much research on this, although there is 2 ways imo:

48 supp 24 Darkness 6 BA

on supp i loose the best snare and best Ablative buff

at 22 dark i get teh 15% body resist debuff. me lifetap will drain ye dry ;o

left overs in BA :p

i just want to make a caster that won't have to stand still to cast spells. run around and do insta stuff, that is my thing (yes i'm a skald)

very tempting to make a pure darkness Troll though...
yes, it will be teh gimp of prydwen, but the satisfaction of nuking a tank would be all the sweeter :)
i think soloing will be very hard with this spec though, but i dunno if i'll lvl anymore chars, so a Troll with hard nukes and casting time longer than the downtime might be fun :)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Ok, done a bit more checking, so here's an update and some useful info for peeps that haven't looked into this.


Looking at the suppression line, I'm not surprised peeps are speccing this all the way - its got some nice group friendly things in there like the ablative armour you can cast on people.

According to Camelot Herlad, tha ablative armor buff is for PETS only...

But then again, getting another absorb buff in suppression ;)


darkness looks quite nice

Hammer of a Cold debuff (insta) and then nuke your debuffed target to bits.


Anyway. I'm prolly gonna go full supp with a bit in Bone army


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn

Each spell line that you spec has 2 types of pet that you can summon from that line. Darkness gives you a caster pet and a buffer pet, Suppression gives you a healer pet and a debuffer pet, Bone Army gives a tank pet and an archer pet to choose from.

Nearly right - Dark pets are a DD'er (which gets resisted a lot!) and a Debuffer.

Supp pets are the Healer and a Buffer pet.

Each spec has 1 good pet and 1 pet with issues currently.

Tank pets use styles - not sure if the commander does too?

Good class - enjoy it before the nerf ;)



Enchanter casting pets are teh original nightmare, and he only gets one...

What about BD caster pets?

Roo Stercogburn

Sorry Krak, I meant to say Absorb, not Ablative Armour.

Thats castable on friends, which is interesting according to herald. Nice, if it does work on your realm buddies and isn't a misprint.

old.Trine Aquavit

Bonedancer Guide v1.1 on VN Boards.

Pretty comprehensive guide, by the looks of it.

Not sure I'll make a BD just yet - it's a bit too solo oriented for me. Might give it a try one day, though.


Originally posted by svartalf

Enchanter casting pets are teh original nightmare, and he only gets one...

What about BD caster pets?

Yup - only problems with this are that the BD Dark spec caster pet is lower than a 50 enchanters pet so gets more total resists v level 50's than the chanter pet.

Other thing is that they fixed pet LOS in one of the very near future patches so both the BD and chanter pet will be slightly less usefull in RvR but on the upside no more getting nuked inside a keep by an enchanters pet outside :)

Roo Stercogburn

I've decided how I'm going to experiment with this char. Pure suppression to 20, respec, pure bone army to 40. At 40, I'll decide which playstyle I like best, or if I want to hybridise it.

Have to say after 1 day playing it at low level this character is a hoot to play. It can often out-tank low level tanks so far. I can see why people would want to keep this going all the way to 50, but I'm determined to experiment with the char. Sup based BD is the first caster char I've ever played that doesn't give a monkeys if it gets agro and in fact on yellow/orange mobs in small groups its a good char to keep the agro on.

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