Bonedancer bug with /nohelp


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Anyone else noticed this?

if a bonedancer use /nohelp (I used it to not get power from fop when in combat.. so shaman wouldn't get unwanted agro and steal my xp) ..

pets cant heal me. They sure do try.. and go in an endless loop as long as they think I need healing.. The "spell failed" animation appears above the BDs head.

I couldn't find any bugfix-info about it in 1.69 patchnotes, so I just submitted it to GOA using rightnow.

quite annoying :(

edit: I lost one fighterpet because of this.. at first I couldn't understand why he wasnt healed even with healerpet spamming heals..
Guessing no one have noticed yet because /nohelp not widely used


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Reading on vnboards I found this..

Pet Q&A
Posted By: Sanya Thomas 2001-12-14 17:52:33

Q: How much exp does a pet take from the owner? From the group?

A: The pet is outside the group, so it takes X% of the monster's xp, and whatever's leftover is split between the groupmates fighting. X is usually from 0-25% of the xp, scaled proportionally to the damage the pet does. If the pet does 0% damage, it takes no xp, if it does full damage it takes its full split (25%). Charmed creatures and druid pets take up to 50% xp, but the odds of a druid pet doing that much damage are pretty low.

<rest of questions cut out>

pets not in my group.. therefor cant heal me when I've done /nohelp .. silly!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Yes, I want to try bd + fop-shammy for farming in df.. need a break from that silly warrior too :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
took less than 4 hours to get reply from GOA :clap:

GOA said:
Thank you for the report. This is a known issue and one that we are working with Mythic to resolve. Latest information indicates that it is fixed in version 1.69. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Ralgedi Smurf

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
play a dark sm instead take the mobs down way faster and with fop + mcl1 you got all the power you need :)

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