


Why is it that in this game, unlike every other FPS ever, everyone is really really good in the planes? And I'm not talking about dogfighting or strafing, but about bombing. I've only been playing a day or two but on every server everyone who gets in a plane is some kind of crackshot with the bombs. Personally I find it almost impossible - I've literally scored about 2 bomb kills since I got the game earlier this week...
Just seems odd that I do quite well in tanks and on foot, and then so abysmally whenever i try to bomb stuff, and also - without wanting to brag - i'm a good pilot in other games, many of which a lot more realistic than this one...

Scooba Da Bass

Drop early, about the biggest thing to remember when bombing.


No laser guide bombs here, just takes time...half the time I focus too much on hitting something, I often do but the problem is I used my plane to hit it ;)


You don't have to drop early if you're going slow/low/straight down. It's just getting used to the physics of the thing that makes the difference. And as for everyone being a crack shot with the bombs, people have had ages to practice, and flying is about the only fun thing to do in this game anyway so that's an incentive to get good at it. YOKLS. Play on a self-made local server and mess around bombing vehicles and stuff till it clicks. ALSO bind keys to various camera angles so you can switch and see where your bombs hit!!!!! I'm sure I've said all this same crap someplace already.


I bought BF1942 when it came out but never played it properly. Reinstalled it just last week. Oh boy was I in for a suprise. I'd seen some people on here complain about the planes > all but shrugged it off.

Soon found out everyone has finally learnt how to fly them well - played Iwo Jima I think (IIRC). Couldnt even get my landing craft to the island due to being strafed/bombed. Finally got there 2 mins before end of game and just got blown away by them all the time. Tried it a few more times and now I just will NOT play maps with them in :(. A real shame, I nearly sold the frigging game yesterday too.


Heh, its not that bad Xtro, just feels that way some games.


Most public servers have ppl bombing so well because VERY few publics have ppl that can truely dogfight.

Try bombing well when u have an angry pilot in a corsair up ur ass trying to rip ur wings off :cool:

Publics this dosent really happen as most just go for the planes for either transport or to bomb.


I'd much rather dogfight than bomb, so if there's a plane flying about and a juicy ground target below, I'd always go for the plane.

Like Dead said, the planes are strong in publics, because they go relatively unchallenged, with people concentrating on the ground war, and it's very rare you actually get to see a proper dogfight. If you're getting hounded by a plane, jump in the nearest flak gun (there's plenty on the Carrier on Iwo) or jump in a plane and shoot the fecker down.


also, on publics... theres no team co-ordination, and planes are often left to run riot :/

yeh.. humm... publics suck


Well... all this surely seems to be very informative but still i cant see any description of *how* to bomb.


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Drop early, about the biggest thing to remember when bombing.

Originally posted by Louster
You don't have to drop early if you're going slow/low/straight down. It's just getting used to the physics of the thing that makes the difference. And as for everyone being a crack shot with the bombs, people have had ages to practice, and flying is about the only fun thing to do in this game anyway so that's an incentive to get good at it. YOKLS. Play on a self-made local server and mess around bombing vehicles and stuff till it clicks. ALSO bind keys to various camera angles so you can switch and see where your bombs hit!!!!! I'm sure I've said all this same crap someplace already.

hmm? but if ur really asking 'how do you bomb' - get in a plane, fly in the air, right click. easily done. unless you've remapped ur keys. in which case ur a bit fucked.

Scooba Da Bass

Ok, how to bomb. You're in the air, pick your target, preferable a tank as APCs, jeeps, planes and men are better killed with your MG. If it's moving you need to work out where you are going to intersect it, obviously if it's moving in the same direction as you it's easier. Start your approach, initially it's easier to dive bomb, so start up medium height then come down on top of your target, releasing your bombs at about 45 degrees, a 45 release also means the tank turret won't be able to aim high enough to knock you down with a shell. The bombs will carry on at roughly the same trajectory. If you have a bomber as long as they hit on the tank it'll die. If you are in a fighter you need to place them onto the treads preferable round the back. Obviously this is a lot harder than the bomber so it'll take a bunch of practice. Remember not to pull up to late or you'll take damage from the explosion. To check your bomb placement as you pull up and away press f11 to switch to rear view. The alternative is traditional style bombing, stay up medium height and drop your bombs so they intercept the target, much harder, but much more satisfying and a lot less dangerous.

Going after boats takes a long time unless you have a torpedo bomber. Torps are designed to be dropped into the water low. Get on line with a ship and start your run. Get low, I mean REALLY low, and make sure there's no shallow water between you and the target. If you drop the torp too high it'll pass under the ship, this is bad. Try not to drop too late as you'll have to pull up and get over the ship and on stuff like the Battleships this can be hard. If you've done it right you'll hear an explosion a few seconds after you've crossed the ship. Repeat until it blows up. If you are in a normal bomber/fighter you'll have to do it the long way which is repeated runs. If there is no one on the AA you can fly small circles over the boat and hit it every time you pass. A good tactic when going after carriers is to make your run along the runway. If you go slow and start off high enough you can drop 6 pairs of bombs before you are too far.


Heeey! Thanks a lot man :D This should help me out a bit. I think i'll start with dive bombing practice right away :)


Nice posts scoobs cheers :)

Re-read my earlier post, lol@the despondency from me. I'd just got completely 0wned for a couple of hours and lost the will to live.

Going to try again this weekend. Publics are total shite tho, but waiting for card to arrive then I'm gonna sub to BW.



Pffft! :p This bombing business is easier said than done. After a couple of days of strenuous practice i'm still at the same point. how long did it take for you guys to learn to do it properly?

Scooba Da Bass

I think it took me a few weeks on the demo until I was ok at it. I'm still no where near as good as the dedicated pilots, and I have no idea how long it took them heh.


I know, it bothers me too - there are people who upon spawning will wait for a plane, no matter how long it takes.

I've never met a dedicated tanker, or foot-soldier, so why devote yourself to flying? Teams have a habit of evening themselves out, even on an EA server, so anyone who wastes time loitering around hangars is severely reducing the effectiveness of their team - they should get out to the front-line for a while, then try for a plane next time they spawn.

These 'dedicated pilots' may well be excellent pilots who have spent hours practicing their bombing, but an ace pilot on the front-line is more useful than an ace pilot running around the home airfield!


I am a pilot pure and simple i am FAR more effective in a plane then on the ground. But taking publics as an example is bad mmkay. If i dont get a plane i will run off and attempt to shoot ppl ..... NOW ships in the other hand i like ships ...


hehe there was a touch or sarcasm in my last post (only apparent to the G massive), as I am one of the clans pilots.

Like DMW, I'm much better in the air than on the ground, and I'm more happy feeling the wind in my hair at 50 feet.

I hardly play publics anymore (cos of the shear amount of clan games we've been having), but when I did I wouldnt set out to wait for planes, if one was there, I'd grab it, if not I'd grab a tank or jeep and go cap some flags.

What gets my goat is the people who 'think' they are good and then proceed to either crash their plane into a hanger or the tower of the carrier - gotta admire their ability. These people will then spawn back and wait for the next plane, and do exactly the same thing. Not contributing a lot to the war effort.

As for bombing? Wouldnt have a clue.


When i started practicing with bombing i found it much easier to use behind view, because then i could see where the bombs were going :) Also i used to only be able to hit boats but now i can hit tanks (Occasionally :rolleyes:). The problem i found with using external view is that your gun is useless so you cant shoot troops or jeeps on the ground, which is somtimes really handy.

As for spawning and waiting for planes, I get bored to easily to do that. on maps like battleaxe where you can sit at your airfield and are still in range to use the sniper rifle on people i do sometimes, but usually I just grab a tank or a jeep. (I try not to walk anywhere :p).

As for bombing itself, you need to learn to time it right, which can only be learnt by practice... I've been practicing for weeks and still cant get it right. Most of the time.


rudder rudder rudder, oi oi oi

I always found the planes pretty useless in BF1942 and only ever used them to transport me somewhere quick, they simply didn't have the va-va-voom to alter the outcome of any battle which were generally won by tanks/infantry. They were simply gimicks and a mere annoyance.

However, the R2R fighter/bombers change all that. L-plate pilots can now seriously reduce opponents tickets with little risk of personal injury - so all of a sudden it's worth flying. Biggest tip I could give is use of the strafe keys as rudder, took me ages to work that one out - duh.

The Axis BFnnn fighter/bomber has serious advantages over the Allies Mosquito (more manouverable, can carry a passenger!!!) which is a shame as it really unbalances things.


You say that, but you've never seen Elhana fly.;)

Planes are crucial for the balance of clan games. Without good pilots, life becomes very difficult.

Panda On Smack

Originally posted by Will.
You say that, but you've never seen Elhana fly. ;)

Isn't that the song that those Crows do in the film 'Dumbo'?


Dumbo scarred me for life. my nephews used to watch it over and over and over... i have a deep seated hatred of Dumbo, prone to mad fits whenever is satanic form comes into view..

and to make this relevant, Elly and Cdr rock.

as for bombing, just practice practice practice... i can hit most of my targets now and well, if i can manage that then anyone can :)



I was offered the clan green pilot place :( But thx to comp probs i suddenly couldnt play for months /me crys

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