Bloody Germans!



First up, sorry about the sweeping generalisation, We holiday with a family from germany a bit, and they are nice people for the most part, like any other country in the world, theres some nice people and some nasty people.

Some of you may/may not know I play CS amongst other things, recently we've been playing a few euro clans, as we know style varies from country to country, what we'd encountered so far from scandanavia, france, netherlands etc, was a little different, but not hugely different.

We we thinkinh yeaaaaaah, we've got you cracked baby, as far as competing clans on our level ( not that high, atm ), were concerned.

Then we played 2 German Clans.



Those of you who know CS, know that most clans try and have an awp or two each round on most maps.

We played 2 clans on de_train.

They eco'd ( didnt buy anything ) first two rounds, and then went 5 man AWP, and proceeded to do so to take the first half 10-2.


Anyway I know most of you dont give a fuck about CS, but really at the end of the night I just shouted BLOODY GERMANS on the voice comms a few times at the annoyance.

Erm I guess I have to have some point to posting this in general instead of CS so here it is.

Lame Tactics > Skill.

Oh yeah, feel free to flame me, I just had to post this somewhere apart from the HL forum ^_^


there is a german exchange student at college
she is nice

cs is shit cos its just a bunch of newbies who are GNVQ drop outs and want to GO PR0


Counter-Strike is Still the best game on the net. If you dont think so, well you must be wrong. Or maybe you have a different opinion to me. Whatever .
Anyway! I saw Scooba playing CS the other day ! Yes I did ! And I was having one of my rare "good days" , so I was Happy !
ECA, they musta caught you out with that tactic , I cant imagine that as a good tactic or everyone would do it ...


Originally posted by throdgrain

ECA, they musta caught you out with that tactic , I cant imagine that as a good tactic or everyone would do it ...

It was just their whole playing style mate.
I HLTV'd it so I'll watch it back once or twice and see exactly what they were doing.

PS: Anyone slagging CS, we dont slag your game/s give us the same respect.

PPS: If anyone wishes to continue slagging CS, I challenge you to a dual of Q3 or Tribes.


Man, who plays online games these days?

Apart from Battlefield 1942 just now, but that rocks!

And Day of Defeat is fun, too.


Originally posted by ECA
They eco'd ( didnt buy anything ) first two rounds, and then went 5 man AWP, and proceeded to do so to take the first half 10-2.
Reminds me of when i had a CS resurgance at the end of 2001... I got addicted to the para :D It was actually possible to afford a Para on the second round, would you believe it? If you played cs_747, on the CT team, and you personally rescued several hosies, and your team rescued all of them, and you survived the round... Well, i'm not sure exactly what bonuses you need to afford the Para, but you could buy one on the 2nd round if your team cleaned up in the first :)


Originally posted by Summo
And Day of Defeat is fun, too.

You must start playing it again, Scoobs and the other bunch liked it! ;)

We should hold another DoD game soon..


Originally posted by ECA
PPS: If anyone wishes to continue slagging CS, I challenge you to a dual of Q3 or Tribes.

CS is shit. IMO of course.

Now ECA come challenge me at Tribes.

(reminds ECA that I was BW Tribes Liasion and also oh look, Team England captain in Tribes World Championships ;)):p


Its those Isle Of White'ers that get me going not to mention Anglesy.


So this is the CS equivilent of practising penalty shootouts ?


Originally posted by ECA
They eco'd ( didnt buy anything ) first two rounds, and then went 5 man AWP, and proceeded to do so to take the first half 10-2.


Comedy fucking geniuses :D

I wish I had been there just to see you lot get annoyed.

I thought you would have known by now that tactics > skill no matter how lame they are :)

CS may be the most popular online game atm but when you take away the newbie arse holes you're left with a player base the size of Q2s :)


Originally posted by throdgrain
Counter-Strike is Still the best game on the net. If you dont think so, well you must be wrong. Or maybe you have a different opinion to me. Whatever .
Anyway! I saw Scooba playing CS the other day ! Yes I did ! And I was having one of my rare "good days" , so I was Happy !
ECA, they musta caught you out with that tactic , I cant imagine that as a good tactic or everyone would do it ...

you must be a right newbie then, cos just about everything pre cs is better :|


i loved CS until i had to give it up.

and DoD

and Starsiege:Tribes

and Jedi Knight

and Tribes 2

is it co-incidence that i was a sniper on nearly every single game listed? :p


Originally posted by .cage

you must be a right newbie then, cos just about everything pre cs is better :|

Throddy has played every pre CS MP game :)

Excluding the ones with elves, orcs and half humans


Lame Tactics > Skill

Ahhhh! The oft shouted lament of people who had their asses wh00ped by a well-organised team.... :)


Originally posted by Scouse

Ahhhh! The oft shouted lament of people who had their asses wh00ped by a well-organised team.... :)

I dont mind getting my arse kicked by a superior team, but their whole god damn playing style was annoying :-]


Originally posted by Xtro

CS is shit. IMO of course.

Now ECA come challenge me at Tribes.

(reminds ECA that I was BW Tribes Liasion and also oh look, Team England captain in Tribes World Championships ;)):p

Xtro, you have no idea who I am do you ^_^

Got to say though If we did have a game of tribes it would be fairly close.

Dual mod server tonight then :-]
I'm in #bwcsl so just announce your presence.

I have a BWCSL game at 7:30 though so, 9 ish+


Originally posted by ECA

I dont mind getting my arse kicked by a superior team, but their whole god damn playing style was annoying :-]

Unusual tactics, but they worked.
Your team getting irritated by their awping probably helped them win.


DoD rules, I'd be up for a game.

CS is also good. I've been playing a bit of Q2 recently, despite the servers being nearly empty all the time :]


I dont mind getting my arse kicked by a superior team, but their whole god damn playing style was annoying :-]

The argument holds no water unfortunately.

People always moan about certain tactics giving the other team an "unfair" advantage. That's the whole point isn't it.

I mean, when Liverpool were playing well and winning regularly people used to get pissed off because of their supposed "negative" tactics.

The only people who cared that they were "negative" were the people on the losing end. :p

The only invalid type of "tactic" IMHO is the sort of tactic that exploits bugs in the game - it's the same as cheating really.

I remember people hating Base Rape in T1 - but the only people who hated that were the type of people who couldn't organise anything but a piss poor defence....

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by throdgrain
Anyway! I saw Scooba playing CS the other day ! Yes I did ! And I was having one of my rare "good days" , so I was Happy !

I'd like to point out me playing CS was a) due to me wanting to play on BW servers, and b) due it being a comedy shit game


Originally posted by mank!
DoD rules, I'd be up for a game.

Anyone else who shares Manks views on DoD or is just curious, please come and play tonight on the BW DoD servers.

Looks like there'll be a few of us on at 8pm, sorry to cross post it in here, but i'm sure that there's a bunch of people in here who might like a go at this very un-CSish mod, and wouldn't know that there was to be a game without this post.

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