Blocking Question...

Moaning Myrtle

Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
I read today on VN Boards that Dex doesn't actually do much to help you Block. The guy posted that +75 Dex gives something like a 3% extra chance to block.

Firstly, can anyone confirm if this is the case?

Secondly, if it is true, would I be better off dropping Aug Dex RA on my Paladin and sticking with MoB?



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2004
Dex will effect your chance to block - I'm not an expert I'll let someone else explain the specifics but MoB > Aug Dex for blockrate anyway.

Moaning Myrtle

Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
BlackrazoR said:
Dex will effect your chance to block - I'm not an expert I'll let someone else explain the specifics but MoB > Aug Dex for blockrate anyway.

So if I have 101 Dex in my template (which I do), am I going to get more defensive return spending my RA points purely in MoB, rather then equal lvls of MoB and Aug Dex?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Moaning Myrtle said:
So if I have 101 Dex in my template (which I do), am I going to get more defensive return spending my RA points purely in MoB, rather then equal lvls of MoB and Aug Dex?

yes mob is far better, it is listed in %

dex 101+full buffs only gives you like 10% or something, im not sure ill check after ive eaten

but blocking caps at around 90%... so bare that in mind


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Here is my testing (several messages in) :

If dex is additive, vs a level 47 opponent, 137 dex from buffs added 21% to the chance to block.

If multiplicative, 137 dex added 30% to the chance to block.

Must repeat the tests sometime when I'm INCREDIBLY bored.


Moaning Myrtle

Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
So, just to get it straight, I can drop Aug Dex and go purely for MoB and I'll block more often?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Moaning Myrtle said:
So, just to get it straight, I can drop Aug Dex and go purely for MoB and I'll block more often?

yeh but mob gets quite expensive after mob3, get toughness or aug str for a bit, IP ect:p

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
The VN Boards test seemed to be good. I see dex and +11 shield rather as better chance to land a slam as it has no to hit bonus and not really to enhance blocking chances vastly, my Arms template has currently +8 shield and +50 dex in 1H mode.

Moaning Myrtle

Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
psyco said:
yeh but mob gets quite expensive after mob3, get toughness or aug str for a bit, IP ect:p

I will mate, thanks.

At RR4L6, I have 50+14 Shield, MoB 2, MoP 2, Aug Str 2, Aug Dex 2, IP 2 and 5 points spare. Will drop Aug Dex 2 and grab MoB 3 which will give me another 5% chance to block according to The Herald.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Well since Blocking is % based it dosent matter if you have 50 dex +8 shield really. I remember to have seen the block formula somewere in VNboards and i remember the tests showing that 101dex did more then twice the blocking as 50dex. +8 shield helps you a bit on landing chance and damage bonus but dosent help you block that much.

I´ve seen a saracen 50shield pally with 10% pve blocking and i couldnt believe the amount of blocks. and he had only MoB 3 dex3


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I would take anything you read on the vn boards with a pinch of salt, if you think FH can be stupid you havent seen anything till you see the people over there.

The only true way to satisfy your question for yourself is to get a couple of respec stones and test it for a couple of weeks by yourself. However my own personal opinion is that you will be much better of buying MOB first as like already mentioned its a fixed % bonus of high value.

+shield will only add .5% per point which helps but its not near as much as you will get from +MoB spec, however Dex is cheaper to SC into a template then +shield is also.

And I don't believe capped dex is only 3% differance for a moment.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Kinetix said:
Well since Blocking is % based it dosent matter if you have 50 dex +8 shield really. I remember to have seen the block formula somewere in VNboards and i remember the tests showing that 101dex did more then twice the blocking as 50dex. +8 shield helps you a bit on landing chance and damage bonus but dosent help you block that much.

I´ve seen a saracen 50shield pally with 10% pve blocking and i couldnt believe the amount of blocks. and he had only MoB 3 dex3

I use it for a better chance to land slam. And I am not interested in ubah PvE suits. The difference between 0 dex and 101 is in RvR like 7.5% blocking and it's 5.5% for 11 of shield.

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