Block rate



Ok im trying to gather as much info as possible on this, even peoples speculative talks :)

1) Formulae to calclate block chance. shield spec is involved, weapon spec of your opponent, Style particularities, Dexterity .... Now the real question is how much does your dexterity affect your blockrate ?

2) same but for parry, because it apparently uses the same formulae.

3) Bonuses from shields .. ie Large shield X bonus, Small shield Z bonus , medium shield Y bonus. I wanna know what the X-Y-Z figures are please ! :)

Call me newbie, but i just like to know as much as possible about the class i play, in this case its my Paladin blockbot.


your shield dosn't affect your ability to block. it affects how many enemies you can block at the same time
1 for small, 2 for medium and 3 for large (I believe)
the size of the shield also affects it's damage, speed and end cost when using shield styles


I know about the damage and endurnce costs going up with shield size but that wasnt really what im looking for :)


As far as I remember, its 15% base to block or parry, and each spec point in parry raises that by .5%. Nobody has yet managed to get figures, that I'm aware of, of how much dex exactly improves blocking.


thanks for feedback guys. some speculation i found on vn boards : "for every 10 points of dex in 50-200 range you get 3% chance to block extra, for every 20 points above 200 dex you get 3% chance to block". Same thing applies to parry.

Its hard to believe but at least some relative info.

PS: can someone confirm that the base chance to block/parry is 5% not 15% ?

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